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Posts posted by Tomeru

  1. It can't be anything BUT the game engine.


    1. If everyone will have problems with the game, then the game is codded poorly.

    2. If a certain amount of people have problems, it means that the engine is buggy.

    3. Look at ati's drivers - there are many complaints about it being buggy, but I only had witnessed it onec on my machine.



    Anyway, it can't be hardware. That means that if everything else works perfectly, and this game is causing problems, there must be a software problem. Windows or other programs installed, software reg stuff and the likes.


    However, if only this game is causing problems, then that means it's not codded properly, or is (as I said) with bugs.

  2. No.


    My reasoning is more from ideal.


    In my opinion, BW had a huge amount of material to research and improve on. Sure, we got a playable game. But there are barely any of the trademarks that make BW what they are. They brought single-player quality story to an mmo, but without making what mmo is, in my opinion, about. And that is a living, breathing, ever evolving virtual world.


    First, the visual quality of this game is sub-par. Say what you want, in 2012, this is less than acceptable. You can say that they chose an engine that would work well on all hardware systems. But you all know that other mmos out, not only look better, but run better as well. Visually, the game doesn't feel alive - most places are devoid of movement and flora, which gives the game an un-finished look, as if the areas were not done.


    Next - combat. You can say that it's fast (which it is) and that the animation are superb (I agree they are pretty good). But the way they are integrated into a fight, the way the defend animation just pops ups halfway through an attack - this takes away from the immersion. Skills are uninspired and boring to look at, I never feel like I'm doing battle with defense towers. I see no need to move from my spot, not even against melee enemies. I just stand and spam the same skills. And every battle is like this. In other mmos, at least I move for cover or to stay away from melee. Even the enemy ranged don't move for cover, unless they were right beside it. In pvp I get an experience which is a lot closer to pve in those games.


    Items - design is boring as hell. Guild Wars had a similar system, which was mods for functionality, and looks for vanity. Here we have a large amount of mods - most are useless, because of the sheer volume of them. Sounds weird, but compare it to GW to try and understand my point.


    Character design is something that I believe I don't need to talk about. Just reminding it as badly designed is enough.


    Travel - too much time is spent in pointless travel. It's function is more like loading screens (hanger-ship-map-planet).


    This is star wars on diet. But the biggest oversight is not including any form of meaningful light\dark side system. That is my biggest disappointment. I see no BW trait here at all. No intention to improve upon the basic western mmo. And we all thought Korean grinding mmo are lame. I see only western complacency.

  3. Pros:

    Star Wars based

    Story is pretty much player focused

    Companion feature (in this game)



    Low quality graphics

    Art design doesn't seem to fit the scale of those that inhabit the game world

    Which leads to too much travelling

    Light\Dark side option is useless

    Choices don't matter beyond the quest you are on, or don't matter to the big picture

    Combat animations are anything but fluid, feels very much like animation popups

    Combat mechanics are uninspiring

    Planets are barren

    NPCs are static

    Uninspired character skills

    PVP has no real meaning

    Copy-paste quests

    No UI customization

    End game content is scarce

  4. The ones crying are the vocal minority. And yes, lern2play


    Obviously, the ones to speak are the ones who have a tough time or problems with the game. The ones that don't speak are the ones that just lerning2play as they go. Which is OK, but you all should really pull yourselves together for the community and stop with condensending (sp?) remarks, even you don't mean to. That's why the threads multiply by the dozen each day instead of remain focused.



    There's a difference between constructive criticism and plain whining, and more people here are just whining.


    So your job as a member of the game's community is what, to make them understand they are wrong and need to l2p with 3 words?

  5. I think that the complaining is more about features than bugs. I never expected the game to be bug free. There were some features I think shouldv'e been in from launch, but they are not. It's fine, I won't lose any sleep over it, but read the last sentence of my last post - that is one bug that can't be fixed regarding community.
  6. That’s a nice play on words there my Future Politician and for now I'll ignore the discrepancies in your hilariously immature statement.


    Now let’s be serious, Bioware is known for their amazing single player story-telling games (Dragonage)....not hardcore MMORPG PVP. All they did was choose to focus more so on other things rather than PVP right off the bat. In retrospect…I find that SWTOR has one of the best leveling experiences for a MMORPG game that I’ve ever played. Give them time and the lesser aspects of this game WILL grow.


    For all we know, Bioware might be using the game's current status as a means to progress their future pvp plans.


    So it's all fine because it's Bioware's first MMO? Thats a prrety dangerous line of thought from someone who is 'ok' with how things are (are you like this with respect to all things in life?). And please, there are plentry of MMO games around to learn from. No game being developed today is from scratch.


    It's not about the whiners really as it is about members of the community, such as yourself, who are all about 'accepting' and 'understanding' and telling everyone else to 'd d d deal with it' and 'l2p'.


    I didn't quite explain my point, or it didn't went through well, but either way - I don't think that if you had someone else tell you to just deal with it about something more important to you than, say, SWTOR (which is clearly not important to you) - then you wouldn't be behaving like this.


    Point is, instead of telling every whiner to stop whining, you start being helpful.

  7. SWTOR has PVP....it just isint it's main feature. d d d deal with it


    Oh and before anyone says "WOW WAS THE MOST BALANCED EVAR! <.>" please note that WSG and the idea of honor points was not released when WoW first came out.


    What was the point of your replay? Seriously, if you have nothing to say except d d d deal with it, then please don't. If we all rolled over and just d d d deal with it, it will be over before it even began.

  8. I don't think I've seen so many complaints on the pvp aspect of an mmo game before, so soon after launch.


    To all the ones who think it's only QQing and everyone needs to l2p - do you seriously think there is nothing wrong, and all complaints are from players who can't play? Heck, I'm not a hardcore 'hardcore' player, so I would never think some skills or class are overpowered, since so far I've been in the winning side with a republican team on 90% of my games. And I'm only a lvl24.


    Granted, when two lvl50 gang me up and 2-3 shoot me, I get the feeling of it being un-fair (because lets face it, it is un-fair. But only because they are lvl50 and not because they gang me).


    I too think that the game needs time along with tuning, but it doesn't mean that the problem that ARE here are invalid because they will be fixed sometime in the future. For now, all it does is make lower leveled players forget about pvping until they are 50, and when they do get there, they will find highly gears expertise players and what not.


    I think the pvp aspect just needs a leaner, more delicate learning curve with regards to character advancement.


    Feel free to flame or share.

  9. Except theres not much difference between level 20-49 gear.


    Level 20 PVP gear Bolstered is about as strong as level 40 PvP gear. (if they are the same level.)


    The only huge difference is level 50 gear.


    Which kinda makes the whole bolstering obsolete. Lvl 50s with lvl50 gear are too much for lower levels. If the ebemy team has 2 of these and your team has none, it's game over. They just go from player to player destroying them in seconds (at least it did in my game once - vs my lvl23 seer).

  10. It could be great, but this kind of thing could take enormous development time. Heck, even EVE Online is getting it's own ground combat action as a spin-off game (though both are supposed to be influencing each other).


    So far I've enjoyed the space missions. They are not too hard and offer a fun distraction. It kind off reminds me of a space-combat game from the PS1 era... I can't remember the name though...

  11. CHRISGG, correct me if I'm wrong, but you are pointing out that lvl 50s in WZ are too strong because of several reasons. Someone here also said that you were a beta tester, and as one you have a lot of experience with the game mechanics.


    While I agree that adding brackets to pvp will make everything more competitive, isn't it possible your reasoning stem more from the fact that you have much more experience then the ones you are fighting? And wouldn't it make this issue temporary?

  12. At this point in time I think it boils down to l2p-ing your character rather then one players being more powerful.


    I also seriously think that part of the problem is that all of these skills are all over the place in terms of visual effects. If I see 3 SS coming at me and everyone casts the same lightning spell, then this coupled with other players running around - it can get confusing. Most of the time I manage though...


    On a 1vs1 I think it boils down to being a better player (speaking as a healing seer). I can hold my ground against an even leveled SS, but I will lose more quickly if the other player is plain better.


    Besides, I don't think there is any place for balance talks in WZ at this point.

  13. Great information there. Thanks.


    One question though, since I didn't notice any mention of it in your post. Does the resolve bar stay at half forever when one CC is used, or does it deplete slowly?

  14. No. With the Bolster buff you can still win in warzones. OW PVP I agree, but WZ's just, no. Use tactics/environments/consumables. Not saying it's easy but because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't.


    Try not to fail and give up immediately in future. L2P.


    SO basically you're telling the OP to avoid the higher lvled players.


    There is a difference between learning the map layout and using it, to learn to play against players who are 20+ levels above you.


    I know it's possible to win in a match, but there is a difference. The matches can be much more intense if everyone is around the same level and have the same gear. That's when you learn to really play.

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