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Posts posted by Warcrawl

  1. I think having a limit would be pointless. Maybe a few tables that do, but there should also be no limit tables. I should be able to blow my fictional money how ever I want. I can spend it all in one shot right now in the GTN, so I should also be able to blow it all in one hand of poker.


    I'm against cartel coins being used, but I don't see a point of having everything limited as long as it's in game credits only.


    I would love to see this added in game.

  2. I love this idea. My initial thoughts:


    1. No real money involved, this means you can't gamble with cartel coins.

    2. No limits on how many credits you lose/win.

    3. I don't know how this would create more farmers seeing how you can lose just as easily as you win.


    Again, this sounds awesome.

  3. I have my assassin to 34 and I'm going to try some tanking in the next few nights in lowbie flash points. I understand stats to gear for are def, sheild, absorb. Looks like my rotation should look something like shock, wither, discharge, shock, force lighnting.


    I have never actually tanked, this is what I've picked up so far. Going to tank tonight after work. Help me not suck.

  4. You know, they should do free transfers from any server to any server you already have a level 50 on. This would settle the population "problems" that might be created with a go anywhere system, because you're either transferring alts or creating one (the one already there). It would also make a lot of us happy. Paid service for anything else would be ok.



  5. Ok so let me double check and make sure I can do this before I start... If I were to switch crew skills and lvl artifice for the rakata relics, and then level synth for all the rakata there. I could then go back and regrind biochem and still be able to use all the rakata gear from synth and artifice couldnt I?


    Even tho I feel like you should be able to just transfer them from your alts but whatever...


    You can do that though. I am still wearing the rakata relic from artifice, and I went biochem.

  6. Not a troll.


    Pointing out that every single profession has it's place in end game crafting currently.


    Here I will list what each one can do in an end game environment.



    Armstech - Augmented blasters, Augmented Rifles, Augmented vibroswords, Power and Crit Augments - all Best in Slot stuff for the classes that would use them.


    Artifice - All End game enhancements, End Game Hilts, Color Crystals, Augmented black hole shields, Generators and focuses, Augmented lightsabers and double bladed lightsabers, Augmented relics - Everything listed here is Best in slot for raiders and everyone else except the color crystals.


    Armormech - Augmented Heavy Armor, Augmented Medium Armor, Augmented Belts and Bracers, Aim and Cunning and some other Augments - all Best in slot items that any person trying to max out their character would want.


    Synthweaving - Augmented Synthweaving armor - Augmented Belts and Bracers, Main stat augments for Strength and Willpower and others - all Best in slot items that any person trying to max out their character would want.


    Cybertech - Augmented Black hole earrings, Rank 26 Armorings and Mods - all Best in slot items that any person trying to max out their character would want.


    Biochem - Augmented Implants.


    The Rakata Stims and Adrenals are worse than Exotech, they are the same as the normal blue stims and adrenals they can craft without any epic materials and that anyone can use. Anyone actually in a progression raiding environment doesn't use them, they use Exotech instead because it's better, by a LOT. If you aren't worried about using them then why use any at all?


    Your points are all wrong - the guy I quoted was mad because he couldn't make money by selling color crystals - boo hoo. There are a lot more things you can sell to make money.


    Each profession has a slew of stuff they can make that are all best in slot end game items that you will be able to buy even if you don't raid - eventually. Biochem has the least out of all of them.


    Everybody in this thread is wrong about almost everything they said. That's a huge problem when posting on the forums, you should probably make sure you are right about what you are saying before you post.




    And what crew skill makes those exotech packs?

  7. How were you missing out? All of that stuff was available to you without you needing to have Biochem to use it. The only value biochem has to a player is that it offers second-rate reusable stims and adrenals. Any player worth their salt would use the far superior Exotech items instead and those and they can be found on your local GTN kiosk.


    I'll never understand why people feel compelled to be Biochem. I am biochem and I find it quite lacking, I would like to switch to something else but am reluctant to change simply because I have too much invested in purple implant recipes which are admittedly now rather useless.


    I was missing out because Artifice straight up sucks in comparison. I'm a marauder with dw sabers, and I still would never use the crystals that I could craft. And I couldn't really make money off artifice because everyone else did the same. Why use artifice crystals when there were better ones everywhere else in game.


    With biochem, implants, stims, adrenals, med packs, plus you can sell all those over and over in GT.


    Biochem at least destroys artifice in comparison, what would you suggest over biochem?

  8. Forget the bleeds then. The marauder doesn't need them.


    Now can you answer the question instead of ignoring it and trying to avoid the subject?


    How does the sorc survive until his CC is ready? Or is this your way of saying, "there is no way to keep a marauder off of you with CC". Because I'm pretty sure they have their own CC to keep you close. The only way I can beat a marauder as a sorc is if they are underleveled AND undergeared. Otherwise, they take too little damage, do too much and there is nothing I can do to prevent it. Any CC I use is a temporary setback on a 30 to 60 sec cooldown. I'm lucky if I can survive long enough to use two knockbacks.


    My vanguard, scrapper and juggernaut have no problems. I typically play tanks, but I'll be doing shadow for consular so I'm doing sorc for inquisitor. I'm betting I'll faceroll marauders as a shadow. It almost seems as if marauders get a damage bonus vs sorcs.




    So much ignorance in this last post.

  9. With all the melee class having a gap closer, we should have a gap creator. Give us one ability that uses our jet packs that will allow us to jet jump as far away from melee as they can jump to us. So they close gap, we use our push back unload slow them down. They close gap again, we use our jetpack to get back into range. Just ONE flipping jetpack ability other than death from above. Would be nice.
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