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Posts posted by Jebei

  1. I have the 15 inch version of the same laptop. SWTOR pretty much destroyed my video card due to the heat though thankfully HP replaced the motherboard free of charge. Are HP laptops the issue or is it SWTOR? Probably a little of both. FWIW, I have played WoW, LOTRO, and Secret World in the last year and none of them seemed to generate the same level of heat. Then again HP isn't known for quality as much as price/support.


    One other thing you should get used to is being the last into an instance. I only have 4Gigs of memory but I'm pretty sure SWTOR is a 32 bit game so it can't take advantage of your 6Gigs. I think the game really relies on your video card and the integrated cards on the HPs can't compete with the separate cards on a desktop. You can play the game but I recommend an external cooling solution to prolong your laptop's life. You can find something for around $20 online and after my experience I highly recommend it.


    Edit - Since you asked, I usually run the game on the lowest settings due to lag issues. Not sure if it is SWTOR or the laptop but my 5 year old desktop with a Nvidia 8800 GTS runs the game smoother. I've never tried it but I don't think you'd get a good experience running the game at much higher than the lowest setting especially if you plan to PVP.

  2. Somewhere, everywhere, people failed this game. They failed for EA, EA's investors, the loyal Bioware customers, Star Wars fans, MMO fans and many more. It's nothing personal against any of them, but somewhere, someone needed to take charge. There's no chance every one of the people working there felt this was even close to a reasonably good investment/game. EVERY member of upper management should have been removed imo.


    They were allowed their freedom, they were allowed to mock their customers, they claimed they had 'everything you'd expect in a AAA MMO'. They lied. They mislead. They squandered. It's a poisoned team. The game simply doesn't reflect the investment...not even close.


    This x1000.


    I'm sure the Bioware higher ups provided cover due to their history of success but once the sub's started to drop in March you know there had to be a meeting with EA and the whole team was called out. Anyone that watched the guild summit show, saw a bunch of people that had no clue what they were doing. Some of the ideas given by guild leaders were MMO 101 and you could tell by the responses these were new ideas to the game designers.


    Once I saw that meeting it was obvious there was going to be a bloodbath. These people took $200 million with the best intellectual property in the genre and produced an MMO that would have had less than 15% retention (subscribers/game purchases) by the end of the year if not for F2P. Drastic action was needed to fix their mistakes and all the designers had to go.


    The sad thing is if they'd followed Blizzard's example and put highly respected players from other MMOs like WoW did with Everquest's Jeff Kaplan and Alex Afrasiabi and actually listened to their input, most of this was avoidable and they'd all have jobs.

  3. This is actually great news for subscribers once the system is in place. Now that the game is free from 1-49 they have no incentive to make it better. All their development will be to keep us subscribing which means more flashpoints, pvp, operations, and gear.


    They will have another team that will work on fluff items for the 1-49 crowd.


    This is actually good news assuming EA/Bioware is actually going to follow through with their stated plans. That is where I have an issue is I don't trust them anymore and may unsub until we see actual new content.

  4. The biggest failing of Bioware was not understanding the payback of the money they were investing. Class Stories are nice but ate up a large part of their development money.available cash. When you consider a majority of people never make it to max level and those that do only make it there with 1-2 toons, it is obvious that 8 class stories is a huge waste of money as most people won't see most of the content.


    What they should have done from the beginning is concentrate on things that everyone will enjoy at a low level like real space battles, a worthwhile crafting system, a usable GTN, and a better travel system.


    It's too late for that but under a free to play system you can bet that any any future development will have expected revenues attached. That most likely means that we will only see additional class stories during an expansion as they are too expensive to justify in a free to play system.

  5. Most tanks/healers (I was a healer on my main btw) laughed at the perks. Those did VERY little to increase the number of tanks/healers. And many of those tanks/healers quit queueing when they got their desired goal. Yet the queues still stayed low. Statistics may not lie, but they don't always have the whole answer and they can be manipulated and twisted, especially if you don't take all the variables into account (it was the instructor of a college level Statistics Calculus class that taught me that btw). Real life results don't always conform to the stats sheet.


    You are right about needing a thick skin to be a healer and a tank, though, which is why they're not as numerous as dps. I also agree that dual spec would help.


    Dual spec would have a lot as most classes have options to take another role.


    One big different people forget between WoW and SWTOR is the 5 man vs 4 man group. I personally like the 4 man size better but for dps in SWTOR you will need 50% more tanks/healers queueing to handle the same number of DPS (3:1:1 ratio vs 2:1:1)


    I think the loot rules will make tanks/healers less available pretty soon too. I like the fact in SWTOR that it is more likely I can get usable loot but once I get my full set of Rakata, I'm only doing my daily on my healer. In Vanilla WoW I think I ran UBRS twenty times until I got my chestpiece to drop. I'm not sure players will put up with that anymore though.

  6. I'm loving the LFG. I probably ran 3 flashpoints before 1.3 and i've done at least 40 since then. If they had this at lanuch the game would have 50% more people but that's water under the bridge.


    The only change I'd like is an NPC in the fleet/Ilum that gives you the option to return where you were questing. Right now you need to choose between questing and running flashpoints and it is limiting people from running them (especially while leveling).

  7. People are getting a little ridiculous about their names. I've used my screenname as my main character going back to Pen and Paper / Ulitma / and Neverwinter nights. It isn't hard to create a new name. I've gone by Jebeï or Jebein to accomodate it when someone else has my name. If you are a big roleplayer, then tell the people you roleplay your nickname (Jebei in my case).


    I'm never happy with losing a name but quitting over it is silly. There are many other reasons in the game worth quitting but they are slowly addressing them (I'm loving LFG).


    I do like someone's suggestion of allowing the people who have stranded toons the option to transfer to any server once the merges are done. It only seems fair for the people who have no place to go (I toons that can't transfer because I've got 8 on the destination already).

  8. I think one of the reasons they are holding this announcement is for their quarterly financial conference call where it will get the most attention from stockholders. Announcing additional sources of revenue are good to hear at these things. In the meantime the servers settle and they will be able to estimate how many players they will have longterm.


    I'm most interested in the subscriber number as I think it may shock a few how low the number has gotten (unless they include the level 1-15 that are playing for free). It is still good to release any good news they can release at that time to keep their stock from sliding further.

  9. Other games allow you to datamine the items in the game so it populates databases like Torhead or Mr Robot. Right now these places have information but it can't be counted on to be accurate.


    These are the types of things that keep people involved in the game. For instance, I am trying to change the look of my operative and am looking for the different types of modifiable weapons. Right now we rely on rumors and screen shots on forums. Torhead has a 3d model viewer but it isn't always accurate. Even then the database if full of items that aren't available and if they are, we have no idea where to get them.


    This isn't something every customer would be interested in but these are the types of things that add depth to a game. Ideally a database would have every item in the game, where it can be found, a 3d model of the item, all faction/class limitations, if it can be crafted and a link to a schematic, and a model group so each item could be linked to other similar looking items with different skins.


    I really think you are underestimating the need for something like this and if you just provide accurate data, there are people that will do the rest for free.

  10. It's obvious they have caved to the mass of PVPers that are upset about operative'ss burst/stunlock ability in PVP. Since that doesn't work in most boss battles the nerfs to burst have made the class useless in PVE. The answer is pretty easy as they need to give ops a stacking debuff which once it is max'ed out increases dps so that boss fights are similar to other classes.


    A secondary issue is PVE survivability as other melee classes wear heavy armor and have self heals so their time on target is increased. The game designers don't seem to recognize the disadvantage op's have in this area. Again this could be helped by giving ops a self heal tied to debuffs that would be almost impossible to achieve in pvp.


    I really think the answer is obvious is they should make changes so that concealment is viable only in PVE and lethality only viable in PVE.


    As currently designed, Ops are dead in PVE. I'm currently specced heals and have run at least 50 flashpoints since the LFG went live. In that time I've healed groups made up entirely of other classes not one dps operative. I will repeat that ... out of the 150 people I've healed (50 groups x 3 other members) not one of them was a dps op. It's ridiculous they haven't seen this and is really unfair to unknowing people that level as an operative only to find out when they get to endgame that no one wants them unless they heal. It's really a sad state and something that has to be addressed.

  11. I like this one. http://www.torhead.com/item/e9LB1P1/v-31-fusion-blaster-rifle#modelviewer


    It drops from HK-47 in the Foundry and is the gun he uses in that fight. It seems like something a secret operative would use instead of some of the larger models. The only thing I'd like to see is something similar with a folding stock. I really like the green the previous poster listed as that seems about perfect.

  12. I think people are ignoring the fact that Bioware is an amateur in the mmorpg business. They shouldn't be compared to game companies that have been developing mmorpgs for years.


    Then perhaps we should give our money to people that know what they are doing.

  13. I think TOR has a lot of fluff. The space mini-game is the most in-depth mini-game I've seen in an MMO. Sure a lot of people want it to be a more major part of the game but as a MINI-GAME it's pretty awesome. And all the story and voice-over is technically fluff too, meaning TOR has more fluff than any game out there. ;)


    Mini games shoud have some sort of point. Space combat is currently set up as pass/fail. It desparately needs a personal best score system and a server leaderboard which wouldn't be hard to implement at all. Right now all I feel after running a space missiion is 'yay ... more tokens!'


    It is things like that which make me wonder if the designers understand why we play games and what makes them fun.

  14. Too often I get only light side diplomacy missions, when I need dark side, too many companion missions, etc. How about a refresh button to generate a new set? Even put a cooldown on it if you like.


    You can do it easily on the fleet by going into your ship. It regenerates every time you move to at new planet and your ship resets it too. Repeat as many times as needed though there is a max for each quest type (3 I think).

  15. nah not really... there are tons of instances of non-force users killing jedi and sith in lore... not to mention every single character we play in game is a super dooper strongest there ever was hero (despite the fact there are over a million of us)... hell look at order 66... like 10,000 jedi killed by trash mob clones... lol


    Fair point but to a small minority they see force users as invincible as they mostly rely on the movies. I actually almost put in a qualifier similar to what you said. It just frustrates me that any time Bioware goes outside of a strict interpretation of the movie universe that some fans go crazy. If we want this game to succeed then there are times that Game>Lore. I don't get too caught up in the movie universe as SWTOR is a special 'sandbox' that Lucas has given Bioware/EA to allow all of us to carry a lightsaber.

  16. The Star Wars universe is the biggest advantage and biggest handicap to this game's success.


    If we went by lore, jedi knights and sith would be the strongest classes by far. Great for a book/movie but really boring for a game.


    The Dark/Light mechanism ffor Sith/Jedi is another issue as the gray area is a lot more fun. That's why I like the smuggler and bounty hunter classes. They live in the gray.

  17. I wish the people complaining in this thread that state LFG doesn't work would post their server, level, spec, time, and flashpoint they wanted. I'd bet it would be obvious for most why there was a slow LFG if we had that info for the complaints (it would be nice to know if they were on a lot of ignore lists but there's no way they'd know that). I have run into a few issues on some lower level stuff but usually only have to wait less than 10 minutes. 2 of the 3 toons I've been playing are spec'ed heals which I'm sure is is part of the reason I've been lucky but overall I've been happy and I was blasting Bioware on the PTS for thinking they released 1.3 too soon as they hadn't dealt with all the bugs.


    I do think many people are blaming the lack of cross server unfairly. A bigger fundamental issue is that groups are 1 tank, 1 heal, 2 dps vs the five person groups in WoW with 3 dps. That fact means dps get groups faster in WoW. That's never going to change and Bioware needs to do something to incent people to do other roles. Dual spec and giving every class a tank/healer tree would help. That's one thing Rift did very well.


    I am glad LFG is same server. It's a nice that the people I'm running with are on my server. I'm guildless but have gotten 5 guild invites since LFG started and my friends lists grow with every run. The only issue I see is I can't run leveling quests while queued and easily return to questing when I'm done with a flashpoiint. A portal back to where I was when the LFG popped would be nice as it is quite a pain to get back to some of these areas. I'm sure this lessens the desire for many to quest and queue.

  18. It would be totally stupid for any gaming company running a MMO to delete the chars of those who have unsubbed. Think about that. How would they ever get those back? No modern MMO deletes the chars of those who have unsubbed. In hopes of they may return someday , which happens often.


    They won't delete anyone. They will merge all the dead servers at some point and force anyone that comes back transfer and rename themselves when they first log in. Anyone can stay on dead servers for now but you are only delaying the inevitable.

  19. Ok....I was on my server at prime time and was the only one in the Fleet and it showed 19 other players on the server using the /who. I was in que for like a hour and half and finally quit and logged off. There is no way a LFG is going to work on the low pop server. Your logic is flawed. The larger the pool from which to make up a group from will and does decrease a player's wait times. You are assuming all the same players /classes on each pop server will be using the tool at the same % and this is wrong. It will vary a lot from server to server.


    If you play on a dead server you only have yourself to blame. Do you really expect to get a group on a server with 20 people playing? Your issue is with losing your name, not the LFG system. You have a choice - transfer so you can use the LFG or stay on your dead server and play a single player game. It's a pretty easy choice especially in a world with Ôƿŧīòńš.


    You remind me a lot of my nephew. Last week he was throwing a tantrum at the dinner table screaming that he was still hungry while at the same refusing to eat his vegetables. My brother explained he didn't get dessert if he didn't eat his carrots. He has a pretty good excuse to act like a child -- he is 6.

  20. I'd be ok with cross server if it meant you could guild/pvp/raid cross server. Until that is available the current system is fine. WoW became a much less friendly place when LFG was released. It made it harder to recruit for your guild because everyone you met in dungeons was a stranger.


    I applaud Bioware in their firm stance on this. It makes me hopeful that they have figured out a definitive plan where they want to go with the game and that wasn't true at launch.

  21. X server works same server doesn't. In wow can find groups all day and night in swtor what 5-12pm gee thanks. It doesn't ruin communities and people will rarely ninja. There are no negatives to cross server


    I think every word in your statement is incorrect.


    • If you've played wow you should know that dps are always complaining about groups.
    • I've gotten 5 groups from 10a - 4p today and waited less than 5 minutes every time (though only one was as dps).
    • There are many issues with cross server and the main is the loss of community. Anyone that ran a WoW guild before cross server will tell you that the best way to find new members was meeting someone in a random group. That ended with LFG because no one in your group is ever on your server.

  22. I've had a lot of success with the tool. It's not perfect but it's a huge improvement over what they had before. It makes me a little sad that this wasn't in the game at launch as the game would have at least 30% more people playing which would help pay for more content.


    I would almost guarantee that anyone complaining about the wait is spec'ed dps. That's the only reason you'd need cross server. I respec'ed all my toon < 50 to tank/heal spec and haven't had much wait. I've yet to get to back to my starter planet before another group pops. I wish every class had the choice to fill one of these roles so everyone had this option.


    My only complaint is the porting system. Can we get the same mechanism as PvP? That travel back to where I accepted the group is a pain. I understand some for quests finish outside of the flashpoint but give us the option to choose.

  23. WoW's cross server LFG started a trend of speed run / no consequence method of play. It's why they limit the loot options. I like that Bioware is trying to be different and sticking to the same server LFG. WoW's community changed when you couldn't find guild members in dungeons.


    The thing about same server LFG is it will take time to build community and punish the ninja's. For instance, if you put a ninja on your ignore list you won't be grouped with them in the future. Eventually they will learn there are consequence as their rep makes it more difficult for them to get into a group. As you find nice players and add them to your friends list, you will be able to make groups on your own and it will help good players join up. Give it time.


    Same server LFG is a tool that will help bring the community together and that has been a big thing missing from this game. Can it improve? Absolutely but I'm also sure the development team is going to tweak the system as issues/improvement become clear.

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