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Posts posted by sgtpsych

  1. Are you the same Olivinias that used to play on Space Slug? If so, it is good to see you back in game. I know there are many good players and guilds on this server for pvp to include Ghost Infantry, Synthesis, Haze Blazers, Silly Squad, Wox, Goof Troop and others. Good luck.
  2. The hilt in regards to warriors and knights would be applicable to the only duel wielding advanced classes when referring to offhands. This of course are the popular marauders and sentinels. Juggernauts and guardians would use an armoring in their offhands vice the hilt.
  3. I wish I could give all my Gree rep points away. I hit legend way back. If you really need the reps, I believe using multiple alts and farming world bosses are better options. The pvp quests give little rewards for the time in invested. But if you choose to do them, group up. Going solo just makes your red letters a lot brighter. At least you won't be looked at as a free kill.
  4. Only partisan with conqueror relics on my sin tank. To answer the question, yes they work. All tank gear and with a good healer, you can last along time denying a node. Full expertise is a must. Plus as a thread here mentioned, bolster does not add as much expertise above pve 66 mods.i love the changes to shields in warzones.
  5. Open world pvp is a blast. It is always a nice accomplishment beating another characte of the same level or one above you. But fighting someone way below you is just boring. No challenge. However is is funny when a level 30 sent tries to jump you while on Alderan while data ton hunting. I stopped attacking as soon as I knew who it was. I didn't stop vette who fired two or three shots. It was too late. I felt bad. Maybe he thought I was an npc. But deception sin is the most fun in trying to stalk prey
  6. Id have to say by playing pvp for a long time . Im very surprized there is no timer on using invisibility on stealth characters. Ive seen other classes nerfed . and i believe its time to even out the playing field.


    I disagree with this comment as this the foundation of stealth classes. However please provide a reasoning why this is needed. Only thing I can read into your post is that you do not know how to deal with stealths. If this is not the case, elaborate.

  7. Here is an idea... Why not find ANOTHER guild to fight? Shocking I know!


    Do professional teams (NFL, NBA etc ) practice daily within their own organization, run plays etc, or do they bring in other teams to view their scrimmages. Please disregard the New England Patriots. It is a valid request and should be looked at.

  8. Honestly, I was upset at first....but I've come to love Bolster. I do not miss the days of coming into a WZ with EWH, only to be greeted by a whole team of recruits.....then to step out of the gate & be received by an entire team of Sith in EWH. I'm still kinda miffed that they took all the expertise off my Elite War Hero set, but that's a different debate.


    I agree with your perspective. Yes lack of carrot stinks but having more competitive teams and matches outweigh the negatives. Still needs work though. Unfortunately sometimes even with bolster some are still learning their class and bolster doesn't make a difference.

  9. Sideshow makes the best Star Wars figures out there now. Used to only collect Gentle Giant but their qt went down.


    http://www.sideshowtoy.com/?page_id=4489&sku=3000961 shaak ti


    http://www.sideshowtoy.com/?page_id=36173&sku=400109 Malgus



    Oh and with the expanded universe figures from Hasbro, it is more of a sales thing I believe. They sell more Lukes and Vaders than EU stuff. EU figures are always harder to come by a retail in my experience.

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