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Posts posted by KarethRiker

  1. My wife and I have been running Uprisings for a few months now to get conquest socialite (since pvp became a shambles).


    We mostly run master mode uprisings or veteran together. This rebalance means we will no longer the able to do that.... And to be frank, it will be over tuned for two players to play master mode or veteran mode unless you are really, really good (which sadly my wife isn’t, she’s the typical average casual).


    I know they are designed as a 4 person activity and I’m not going to complain about that except to say NOBODY WANTS TO DO THEM. Which makes it difficult to get another two people to play uprisings. That means that once you roll out the rebalancing and difficulty for them, we won’t be able to play veteran or master mode uprisings anymore.


    You can put all the rewards you want behind the difficulty. The issue isn’t the gear (which is still really bad at story level and only gives you stuff well below your irating), it’s the bugs and desync that still plagues this content. That and people just don’t seem interested in doing them?? Probably because you need to rely too heavily on random players.


    All I would ask with the rebalance is to take into account that people like to run them in two player mode also. If you make veteran too hard for two player mode, you’ll have no one playing any uprisings at all, not even story.


    Maybe instead of re-tuning uprisings to lvl 75 (which I’ve seen nobody ask for on the forums), how about retuning the flash points and operations to lvl 75 THAT MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR.


    Leave the re-tuning of uprising alone, except for fixing the bugs and desync in them. By going ahead with these change, you will make it difficult for players who currently enjoy upraising as they are to keep playing them. I doubt you will get more players doing them with these changes, you will just end up with less players over all, especially as this was an avenue to do conquest socialite without having to forum pug groups or deal with the catastrophe that reg pvp has become,


    Please leave uprising alone and fix pvp first and then flash points and operations. At least leave us something to do (uprisings) while you fix those.


    Some feedback, although have also not tested on PTS. I really like Uprisings and would do them more if they popped. They don't for me on any mode. Maybe tune them to two DPS and give a healthbot or more health stations? Frankly MM FPS rarely pop for me anyway and my guild won't run them. I love the challenge so would love more bite size challenging content or even try to solo them with a high companion. That would be a good aim.


    Even if you don't change the loot maybe give more CXQ points for them which will drive more people into the queues.


    But I hate the idea of increasing the level requirements, I don't think that's going to make the content get used more.

  2. Was thinking it's been a long time since we have had a novel event and then I was thinking what would it be. With the recent Rak event happening and thinking about what other types of items/creatures are endemic in the game I got to thinking they should do a Collicoid event. We could get a super Collicoid world boss, some unique mechanics of massive waves of collicoid creatures to challenge our GPUs. Maybe time it with Earth Day. The events are fun and I imagine they might be easier to do than a whole new content patch. Let's make the Collicoid infestation a thing!
  3. This really has nothing to do with the bug ... they obviously set up the system to "randomly" award crystals as 2 weeks on earning 8 medals in warzones, 2 weeks in completing 4 MM flashpoints and 2 week earning 3 GSF victories. The easy solution would be to change this week "random" rotating weekly mission to a mission that isn't bugged.


    Honestly, having played this game since launch, I have never seen a more apathetic decision than this one.


    This exactly. Or when it's bugged, force the weekly to a different activity that actually provides the reward.

  4. OK, one week back and I've caved, am looking to be an alternate on a raid team. Anyone looking for an experienced player who is likely running a sentinel or marauder? Probably shouldn't be crazy serious MM raiding since I can only raid one day (maybe 2) a week at 9PM PT and I travel quite a bit for work.


    Let me know if anyone is looking for an mdps alternate and has a 9 PM PT raid. I haven't parsed recently but had NiM progression clears on EC, TFB, SV, DF, DP, Revan and Blood Hunt before KOTFE. Also happy to sub in if you get DCs or have to have someone quit a raid early.

  5. The servers don't show down because they aren't. It's just the login server that went on holiday. My wife stayed home today to play and hasn't logged off. She's still playing.... While I'm hitting refresh on this thread and trying to think up more IT Crowd quotes.


    Who’s a software engineer can we bypass the login server?

  6. Hey all recently came back for 5.10 and after a few days found I missed this game a ton!


    With my work and family schedule it will be hard for me to raid, but I'm looking to hop on mumble/discord and run some MM or any content. If I can pug some raids I will. I ran Last Centurions back on Harbinger for awhile and am looking for a home for my imps. Would love to get in a guild with some max perks and am happy to help out when I'm on esp with Ossus WBs.


    IGN is Karjeth on Imp side or Kareth on pub side. If you remember me please drop a line and let me know if you have a fun imp guild.

  7. My imp guild, The Last Praetorians, has had a lot of players recently return to the game and I'm looking to rebuild a healthy number of Ops teams from SM to HM.


    If you're a returning player or serious raider and want a new home, this is the guild for you.


    I'm an experienced GM and am excited about the chance to reboot this guild. Please send me an in game message on Karjeth if you want more info.


    We'll be starting up at least one serious raiding team on Fri/Sat at 8:00 PM PT but expect some more around those time slots.

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