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Posts posted by AriosVolXanath

  1. This is for the Cartel Pack Team and Eric Musco, since he specifically asked for feedback in today's stream.


    I think it is reasonable to expect to get everything in the new pack after buying 5 hypercrates. Well, I bought six and indeed got everything except what I wanted the most, the single lightsaber. It was my experience with the previous pack. I bought 5 hypercrates and got everything. So even though I spent a lot of money, more than most people would, I was satisfied because I got everything. This time around I am not happy, and I actually feel cheated because that was the one piece you used to entice me into buying the packs, showing that cool gif on Twitter.


    I do not want anything from you, this is not an I want compensation post. I am letting you know how I feel. I am a very, very unhappy customer. Thank you.

  2. I like the concept of Eternal Championship, thank you.

    But, like others, I am baffled by the rewards. If we can get 208 mods from Data Crystals just by doing our class storyline and weekly heroics, how is 204 static gear supposed to entice us to do this content on a weekly basis?

    Am I missing something here? This makes absolutely no sense. Someone please explain this to me. Thanks.

  3. Pale Rakling:


    Sold by Jeelvic, a jawa vendor for the new Rakghoul Pandemic Event on Tatooine. He's located at -891, -1919 on the Dune Sea area. He sells the pet for 60 Rakghoul DNA samples which you get doing dailies in the area and, some have said, by getting infected and dying to the plague (I have not tested this myself). He also sells various types of black-green crystals which, others have pointed out, do not look exactly like the Razer promotional ones (again, not confirmed by myself).


    edit: corrected coordinates for Jeelvic

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