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Posts posted by HeadyBoy

  1. bump.


    Any chance on getting this ability 'fixed' by the devs? I would feel so much more happy playing as an immortal Juggernaut if the ability was like an absorb shield, I would stop feeling underpowered in duels.. I mean come on, why the hell are Juggernauts getting the health taken away.

    Powertechs & Assassin tanks can heal themselves, Assassin's can go into stealth; can't the Juggernauts have a 1-up ability for a change?

  2. Does anybody else (Most likely just those on RP servers) but does anybody else share the idea of a quest creator? Do you think this would be too hard to implement into the game? Does anybody think that this idea would consume more of the devs time when they could be using it to make something more important for the game?


    Disagree? Share thoughts please. I'd like there to be those who will encourage and agree with me or tell me that I'm wasting my time even suggesting this; I just want to see what everybody else thinks about this.

  3. I've found all of the MCR-99 droids on all four starting and the capital planets, the Imperial & Republic instances of Balmorra and Taris, capital cities on Tatooine & Corellia and the rest & shared locations with my main.


    Why do I still not have this droid? I've completed both heroics as well.

    The droid not being mailed to people doesn't seem to be mentioned as a bug anywhere, it's usually down to the player and something they've missed. Any ideas on what I've done wrong here?

  4. I feel that once SWG shut down there has been a lack of sandbox mode that there could be. Considering that a lot of players, not including myself, think that end game content is rather limited maybe one feature that SWG had could be implemented into the game such as...


    Our own towns and cities. This may seem a hard thing to do considering that the designers have carefully created own towns and cities that cannot really be messed with. But would it be possible to create a completely new area of each planet that we can only access from the galaxy map so that possibly, guilds with a certain amount of unique members can build their own town with their own houses, cantinas, NPC's, planet restricted enemies and so on if they have enough money to do so

  5. Each race as we know has certain social abilities e.g. Human- Rally, Sith- Punish, Miraluka- Alignment sense..


    When we take one of these species to level 50, do we then get their social abilities for our other characters? There is so much sharing of stuff in update 1.2 I am not too sure about this. If anybody knows anything on this please say ^_^

  6. Not to mention, if you are in the lower levels of Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa, how exactly would you even know if it became Day or Night Time?


    Plus, Tatooine & Belsavis both have Twin Suns and 3 Moons each. Now unlike Tatooine's 3 Moons, not much is known about Belsavis's Moons. I bring that up because, if even 1 of the Moons is Large enough, Belsavis could potentiall experience a Month-Long Eclipse. Similar to that of the Movie Pitch Black


    That isn't the point. If you adventuring through a bunch of planets you wouldn't know anyway until you got there and saw, it just adds to what little realism is needed. Also as somebody stated above, a galactic clock feature could be added.

  7. Would a possible new feature be a a day and night cycle on each planet. The beauty of each planet can be added to by changing the sky boxes and turning each planet from day time to night time.


    Imagine seeing the twin-suns of Tatooine in dusk form. Wouldn't that be amazing to see at a certain point in the daytime period. This would be good for PvP as the battles could be given a different feel and can be good for RP in it's own unique way too.


    Each orbital period won't be a 24 hour period like our days but instead would be it's own length. And if this could be a problem depending on where you are in the world the time could be halved.


    (Source: Wookieepedia)

    Alderaan: 12 Day/ 12 Night

    Balmorra: 23.5 Day/ 23.5 Night

    Belsavis: 12.5 Day/ 12.5 Night

    Corellia: 12.5 Day/ 12.5 Night

    Coruscant: 12 Day/ 12 Night

    Dromund Kaas: 12 Day/ 12 Night

    Hoth: 11.5 Day/ 11.5 Night

    Ilum: (I don't know if Ilum has day but if it does...) 33 Day/ 33 Night

    Korriban: 14 Day/ 14 Night

    Nal Hutta: 43.5 Day/ 45.5 Night

    Nar Shaddaa: Wouldn't have day or night but would cycle Hutta for 87 hours

    Ord Mantell: 13 Day/ 13 Night

    Quesh: (Introduced in SWTOR. No information regarding daytime)

    Taris: 12 Day/ 12 Night (I notice that Republic & Empire have different times of the day. This may have an effect on the day cycle and not be used)

    Tatooine: 11.5 Day/ 11.5 Night


    Does anybody else think this is a good idea or a bad idea? Please comment and criticize

  8. I noticed the other day that another Sith player was lightsided but because he didn't put a crystal in his lightsaber it stayed the default color which is red. He uses this one for RP..


    Is there any way for me, a dark side Sith warrior, to acquire a blue or green lightsaber if I don't put a crystal in it? If so, where?

  9. Please tell me if this is just be being a bad loser because normally I know when I am a bad loser or not but I am really confused by this..

    When you duel against a level 50.. and you're a level 50 tank.. and you literally can't make a move because your opponent is always stunning you and/or going invisible?


    Can somebody tell me what is up with this, please?

    I can't call them a good player.. because they aren't even giving me opponent a chance to play..


    It's like seeing who can earn the most amount of money but not letting the other guy get a job..


    Anybody wanna fill me in on how I can help myself to this.. or do I just have to stop PvP dueling because I can't make a single move?

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