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Posts posted by Darth_Lahey

  1. It gets really tiring doing the PvE dailies over and over for credits. Why not just make more PvP dailies/weekly for us non PvE players to do, seems like it would pretty much solve everything.



    Also...bring back the pvp Ilum daily/weekly!

  2. There are currently no options yet to switch characters from one server to another, however there has been some talk on it happening soon. I think within the next couple patches we'll have it if I heard right.
  3. After you've completed the main quest line (or once you reach lv.50, I'm just throwing out ideas, could have other requirements that are needed.) I've always felt a player should be able to re-enter older story areas that they've previously completed.


    I remember there were plenty of times playing as a Sith, Jedi or BH and entering a story phase that would simply take me by surprise on how stunning or cool it was. I would usually catch myself drifting from the main quest line or outright ignoring it just from walking around, exploring, and getting lost in the scenes or planning out where I could maybe set up future RP quests or storylines for myself or Guild mates.


    By opening it up, you can let people go back and explore the places that maybe they rushed through the first time (Instead of re-doing the whole story line just to get the chance to see that certain spot again), not thinking that they would be locked out after and not able to re-enter. To me it just feels like your handicapping the RPers by not letting them do this.


    There could be a reason as to why they don't let people re-enter old story phases, to be honest I haven't looked it up or really searched. It just seems odd that they would do this knowing that it would tick off some RPers like me :p

  4. Bring back the Ilum Wars and daily/weekly!


    We pvpers had our own planet basically to do what we wished, there was nothing better then the wars or battles there. Now instead we have to go to Tatooine or Alderaan to find Open-World PvP, which doesn't really compare to what Ilum use to be.

  5. What's the RP community planning on doing with the upcoming server transfers?


    It seems the server atm hasn't become the most friendly server to RP on, does that mean people are going to be leaving to seek a more friendly RP community? or are the RPers planning on staying to maybe try and keep the community together?


    I'm just trying to get an idea on what people are doing since i've enjoyed my short time on this server RP'ing with the excitement of open world PvP, knowing that a BH could be coming for me at anytime to collect a bounty or that one of my Mando rivals has called me out to gain lost honour.


    To me, it just helped add to the whole RP experience and made it that much more enjoyable (Don't really want to go back to PvE with no open world action). But with the threat of the upcoming server transfer theres the potential the community could suffer again for a second time (Heard the transfer before hurt this server pretty badly) and if that does happen it would be good to know if I should maybe start looking for another server or ignore this whole thing continue playing here.

  6. one option would be aswell to add to the WZ-legacy-experience perk a 6% credit increasement(per perk-lvl), that way it would be usefull even for max lvl chars ...



  7. /Signed.


    It's hard getting in the mood to RP when most of the players are running around with ridiculous names, and it just generally kills the RP atmosphere on the servers when guilds and people are allowed to use them. (If you want to use those type of names, then head to a pvp or pve server where the people there probably don't care as much .)

  8. ** EDIT : Just realized there was a Guild Recruitment forum, my mistake**


    I was just curious as if there were any pure Agent RP/PvP guilds on the server currently? Would love to join one if someone has already created one. But if there aren't any, or ones that aren't very active, would anyone or a group of people be interested in creating a strictly Agent RP/PvP guild?



    If anyone wants to get ahold of me or ask a few questions I should be on tonight anywhere from 11pm EST - 3am EST (Ingame names are Vosis- Operative, Talgalarr- Powertech. I could be on earlier but not for long) or you can just simply post in here if your interested :p

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