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Posts posted by Dysan_Grey

  1. when Luke, Han and the gang are in the Death Star you will see a little black box like thing scooting up and down the hallways. At one point Chewie growls at it and makes it scurry off. What the hell is that thing supposed to be?


    In SWG (back when it was cool) Bounty Hunters used them as bombs. Funny as hell to see a jedi target it and watch his head follow it all the way to his feet before it went off.

  2. I would have to agree CU wasn't cool...but it didn't kill the population by 2/3 in one day like NGE did. I played a BH with the same name on Chillastra. As soon as NGE hit i felt really, really bad for the jedi who spent the whole year becomming one. Felt even worse seeing them leave as i just became force sensitive in order to hunt inside the village. The 400 mil i lost wasn't the worst part... the worst part was understandably seeing all the jedi go.
  3. NGE was the big killer (all you hardcore guys come out and let us know it was CU just to prove how long you played) which happened years ago... kinda funny seeing people mope about the game especially considering the state its in at its close. I know its your favorite horse but it stopped walking years ago so why fret over the bullet now? ( and where the heck are the forums located? theres a 10 hour gap in post time to where i live. According to forum time I shoulda had my pre-access 6 hours ago.)
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