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Posts posted by Savitar

  1. Achievements by their definition are suppose to be a permanent record of what we've achieved in this game.


    Are you saying that I did not achieve all these achievements for DvL? That I redid all of this content that I've done dozens, if not hundreds, of times before?


    If you want to run the event multiple times, archive the existing achievements as DvL 2016. And then add new ones. Do not wipe my progress on one of the few systems that I actively try to complete. You're basically telling me that my progress in this system is worthless.


    Please restore my achievements for DvL.


    Don't destroy the last thing really holding my interest in the game.

  2. Some interesting statistical anomalies here.


    57 million characters.

    But only 6.8 million with ships.

    Thus it's not hard to see that Advanced Black-Yellow is popular, as 50 million characters are sitting below the level to get a ship (having not finished Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.)


    I'm not sure if it was a typo or there's some other anomaly, but 9.3 million Knights and 8.8 million Consular's is 18.1.


    I'd be curious to know what the top ten or top five most popular color crystals are at level 50+.


    (Also, to the note that Imperials outnumber Republic? 30.1 million Imperials. 29.7 million Republic. )

  3. Server: Ebon Hawk, Guild: Freedom Warriors


    Had the same issues as a few people here already...

    We unlocked three rooms on the Crew Deck. These Rooms. We unlocked them in the order marked (in case the image doesn't load, the two nearest to the elevator then the middle of the top three.) That last one in the top middle doesn't allow us to choose any hooks to add anything to the room.

  4. Honestly, Tait, wouldn't it be better to fix this during the one-day break between Conquest Events? At this point, the guilds that have done this have built up enormous leads. The only way for the other guilds on the list to keep up is to do the same thing. Fixing it mid-event only serves to reward the guilds that farmed the frak out of in the first few days (much like fixing the legacy tag on base defenders last week did) by cementing their lead as insurmountable.


    On a slightly unrelated note... is there any discussion about increasing the gap between conquest events? This is intensive and a day off between conquest events may not be enough to off-set burnout.

  5. Heyya Torque...


    My primary contacts:

    Futashi on Republic Side

    Jeziree on Imperial Side


    (Can also be found on Te'o, Tigh, and Dyneta (Pub) and Dralla & Dar'jetii (Imp))


    Might Hilt 34

    Reflex Barrel 34

    Skill Barrel 34


    Adept Enhancement 34

    Battle Enhancement 34

    Bulwark Enhancement 34

    Initiative Enhancement 34


    Deft Mod 34

    Agile Mod 34


    Commando Armoring 34

    Might Armoring 34

    Reflex Armoring 34

    Resolve Armoring 34



  6. Howdy again, Enalis.


    I can now craft the Adept Enhancement and the Skill Barrel as well.


    I know this might be a pain in the ***, but I've stopped playing Andossa entirely save to craft. Could I get you to swap my contact to my guardian, Futashi? I should have just went with her initially as my /played on her is pretty ridiculous. It'll be the last time I request a change, I promise.


    Thanks again for maintaining this list.

  7. I'm often on Andossa, Tigh, Futashi, or Te'o on Republic side.

    Dar'jetii, Dralla, or Jeziree on Imperial side.

    Contact me on those or the below crafting alts:


    Andossa has:

    Might Hilt 34


    Bulwark Enhancement 34

    Initiative Enhancement 34

    Battle Enhancement 34



    Futashi has:

    Might Armoring 34

    Commando Armoring 34

    Reflex Armoring 34

    Resolve Armoring 34


    Agile Mod 34

    Deflecting Mod 34B

    Deft Mod 34

    Reinforced Mod 34b



    Dar'jetii has:

    Reflex Barrel 34



    Free with mats.

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