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Posts posted by Darth-Reaver

  1. Hey Guys,


    After a long break im back playing SWTOR, im finding it a bit confusing as to what content to play in what order?.

    I have missions for Section X, Makeb and other missions. I am level 50 Sith Marauder with Battlemaster PVP gear.


    Also will my gear be ok for PVP or....not :)


    Thanks guys :)


    Edit: would i be better just putting on some PVE gear till i get to 55 thanks :)

  2. Hey Guys,


    Only re-subed a few days ago and im leveling my Sniper, thing is when ever i use the Ambush ability most of the time no projectile comes out and on the odd occasion when it does work it's like the shot comes from another angle like from the sky or some where way off.....


    Just wanted to know if anyone else has seen this issue?



  3. What other crew skill can you take? Only Bio. Best PVP gear comes from vendors anyway.


    Armortech/Synthweaving/Armstech - you buy BM/WH gear from vendors

    Cybertech/Artifice - you get those mods/crystals in the gear bought from vendors


    Level Bio to 400, then take 2 gathering skills for moneymaking (UWT/Slicing for example).


    Crafting your own crit orange gear with augument slot is nice, but you can just buy it on GTN, ask your friend/guildie craft it for you or level an alt to lvl 10.


    Thanks man, Biochem it is then



  4. Hey guys,


    Just looking for some advice, been playing since launch and i'm just getting round to making a new character. (Don't get much time to play)


    Anyway i'm thinking of making a character more for PVP as i did not play much on my other character.


    So my question is to all you PVP vets in SWTOR is.... Is Biochem the best crew skill for PVP?

    From what i understand you can make reusable stims that can buff you stats.


    The reason i ask is because it will take me months to level this character as i only play a few hours a week, i don't want to get 3-4 months in and wish i had picked something else.


    I am thinking of making a sith warrior the class i wanted to play at launch but ended up making a Bounty Hunter after trying one in the beta weekends.


    I like the idea of artifice for my warrior but i really want what is best for my character with regards to PVP.


    Edit: I understand that 1.2 will bring changes but just looking for advice.


    Thanks Guys :)

  5. Well imo Darth Maul would be more of a warrior than an Assassin



    Maul used the Juyo form (marauder)


    Double bladded saber (Assassin)



    I really don't like the way this game selects weapons for most classes.


    So imo the closest thing to Darth Maul in swtor would be a Marauder with a Double bladded saber....... yeah i know never going to happen.

  6. ./facepalm


    Because they don't have any other skills they can use apparently while tracer is on cooldown for 4 sec and interupt is on cooldown for 12 sec.


    Do we have to keep doing this dance constantly?


    What would you prefer a buff to interupt so that it now lasts 8 seconds? Didn't think so.


    Well i have no issues destroying Merc's in PVP with my Powertech, the use of Quell gives me enough time to take them down most of the time.

  7. Hey guys,


    Just after some advice please some so my main character is a BH and i have almost fully leveled Armormech.


    So i am leveling alt which is a Marauder and im a about to select my Crew skills.

    I am thinking of going


    Artifice or Biochem.


    Just wanted to know what you guys would recommend for my character and mabe make a little credits on the side.


    Thanks guys.

  8. I chose mercenary at first and only got it to lv 21 but i re rolled to a powertech because there performance in pvp just wasnt as good as powertechs due to low survivability and turret like and missile spam play style, however i did find it fun. If you want the option to heal go ahead but if i were you i would stick with the pt (i couldnt bare re rolling and going through the same class story and levelling it all the way to 44, but if you can go for it) Good luck in whatever decision you make :)


    Thanks for your reply, i don't really want to go through the whole story again, just think im getting bored with Powertech

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