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Posts posted by Talven

  1. you're joking right? lethlity hybrid can burst down a target at the same rate as if not faster than MM


    I would recommend you run a log parser, with sustained buffs, a consistant target, and find out for yourself. In short-burst MM does better, but has a faster fall-off. Sustained fights all 3 are fairly close and within 25 DPS of each other which can be accounted for by user error and missing "heartbeats".


    None of the specs are bad, it all depends on your playstyle, PvE vs PvP, and the goal you need to achieve.

  2. I believe the default keybind for cover in place is ctrl+F (shift+F...I switched it on my character), and F is for roll to cover.


    You should switch it in the keybindings preferences. The roll to cover IMO is just a pain and often sub-optimal. It's much easier to have cover in place the default option.


    I did the same thing. I bound F to take cover in place, and SHIFT-F for roll to cover.

  3. I kick the crap out of lethality in pvp. Marksman kicks the crap outta me. In the long run DOTs always do the most dps, but not short term. It's about what's more useful in what scenario. Sometimes a damage guardian is better than a sentinel - all depends what you're doing.


    ^ This


    Nothing drives me nuts more when someone says "my spec is better than your spec". It all depends on what you are doing as to how you should be spec'd. In PvP MM is going to do the best, in long fights like in PvE then it's leth. Eng is good too but more for hold-the-line scenarios.

  4. I still believe in marksman-single-target builds.


    Agreed. The other specs do have their use, but to burn down a single target MM is the best, especially when you reduce their armor by 20%.


    The other specs are more for holding a position; or DOTs which are heavy and do a lot of damge, but take time to kill your target which seems more like a PvE spec to me.

  5. The post above mentioning Alacrity is on the right path. The long cast times on certain abilities can be dropped drastically. Fully buffed and abilities trigged a 3s cast time is about 0.8s. This allows you to put more shots downrange in a quick succession. DPS log parsers are in agreement with that and unlike many classes the DPS parser shows over a short period a serious spike above all other classes. Over long-duration fights like in raids you will get a wave sign (~~~~) of slowly increasing DPS then slowly falling, then repeat.


    Also if you are 50 and not critting between 3600 (new 50) to 4600+ (seasoned) on a regular basis then you need to work on your stats. I recommend about 30% crit chance and 70% crit multiplier. If you are approximately these percentages then work on your Alacrity.


    Properly timed, and successful crits, take 4-5 shots to drop a person. If they are occupied with someone else it's even easier. If not, leg shot them, flash-bang them, or otherwise distract them. Also if you are getting beaten down easy, you may want to ensure easy access to all defensive abilities. I trigger all of mine at the same time and I am nearly invulnerable for a short period.

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