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Posts posted by minalena

  1. it is not redesigning game i want that is fine is the more faction part im unsatisfied with after all if u watch sw movies and read the books many ppl swicth faction many times and also read to star wars lore there is many faction hoppers i would love that happens in swtor also because it will give more freedom to the players and also possibilities of sith in a republic guild if u know what i mean
  2. instead of having 2 or 3 factions we should have unlimited factions like bounty hunters , smugglers , rebellius/grey jedi , yuan vong, and so on like in star wars myth .


    it should be possible for guilds an non guildies to join any faction they want . fex a guild with some jedies and a few imp chars should be possible for them to join the grey jedi order and fex smugglers joining smuggler alliance or whatever they choose and bounty hunters actualy hunt bounty and gets credit for it not like it is now when all hands are tied to the story accordig to star wars lore bounty hunters us to be alligned with the hutt cartel and the mandalorians but are free spirits


    the multiple factions will give more freedom to the players and guilds to be what they wanna be and also give the possebilities to choose darkside powers also to jedi and lightside powers to sith will make a more perfect chars


    kindly regards Idefix the red eclipse eu servers

  3. 1: it should be possible to give gold keys to friends at private strongholds to help decorate it or let ppl making money decorate strongholds for others just like star wars galaxies did.


    2:would it be possible to have a guld rank under guild name that would be awesome if its not 22 mutch trouble doing it

    kindly regards idefx galactic republic red eclipse server europe

  4. im an old beta player in both pvp and pve .

    i gave up pvp because of the nerf done to consular shadow now imps can physicaly set me out by constantly spam lightning , pvp is no fun anymore due cheats , i have them on twich video and they are sent to bioware.


    in pve i can nothing exept beeing a tank because of pvp nerfing .

    i remember when sages an shadow dps could do 4k dmg until nerfed its nerfed so they only do 2.8k dmg now others can do up til 5k dmg se the difference here it is



    red eclipse 55 shadow

  5. reason i want pvp seperated is because all pvp whiners ruins it for pve ppl , there are plenty of evidece support that.


    on another matter 2.8 is the biggest sw history screwup we should be compensated for that somehow.


    im usualy the silent type but 2.8 maked me mad .


    get us back to Square 1 in pve and rp servers and let the fix only Work on pvp servers if it affects pvp shouldt be no problem and should make more jobs for ppl


    kindly regards Idefix red eclipse

  6. i agre to that

    but i would like to se pvp removed from pve servers because is annoying the pve content

    why not make pure pvp servers and if u like pvp play there and not mess up pve


    make more ops and fps .


    last we should be compensated for the 4 days of mess somehow either by a Mount pet cc or a free day play :cool:

    kindly regards Idefix red eclipse

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