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Posts posted by Helfur

  1. 1) Server merges are not coming. Ever. People need to stop getting their hopes up and stop asking for it. Whether true or not, the perception when server merges occur is that subscriptions are down and that the game is dying. Bioware will NEVER intentionally implelement something that they know will cause them to take such a big public relations hit. You can bank on it.


    2) So, you think they are magically going to implement all this at the end of one month, without any testing at all? You have no concept of reality. And I'm sure Bioware really cares a whole lot whether they lose your subscription or not. Sounds like you're just looking for a reason to quit, anyway, so you might as well just go ahead and do it now.


    You can enjoy playing a game that loses its entire population for the very reasoin that I specified then... Enjoy yourself.

  2. Let's face it.... The game is dying quickly. The only server worth playing on right now is The Fatman because of its population. For those of us looking to hop on and complete our daily... this game does not provide us that opportunity right now. If server merges and/or cross-server queueing are not implemented by the end of the free month, I will be gone and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.


    Get your **** together Bioware.

  3. Firstly, I would like to state that I am a huge fan of this game and although I may express my dissatisfaction with some of the recent changes it doesn't change that fact that I want to see this game succeed.


    With that being said I believe that the expertise changes that were made in patch 1.2 have significantly altered the gameplay, but in a way that makes the game less tactical and strategic. The expertise scale is now out of hand because the damage being put out is much greater than our ability to mitigate it and heal through it. In my personal opinion, expertise was fine pre-1.2 and it was only minor class changes that needed to occur. It is apparent that many people are unsatisfied with the changes made in 1.2 and reverting back to the old expertise system may be a solution worth taking into consideration.

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