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Posts posted by akcac

  1. I love my commando to death and I miss playing my commando, but proccing Full Auto every single time you use Grav round?! I will try to come up with some basic theorycrafting tonight, but at the first glance it seems too much to me. I dont want the class the get over-buffed and immediately get nerfed like the operatives.
    Yea full auto procing every grav-round that seems kind of op, unless they have nerfed full auto i am going to shred everything lol
  2. i have a lvl 55 gunnery commando mostly 72-69's all augmented. I am looking to join a guild that raids 2 or 3 nights a week, I am not a prima donna and do not mind a wipe or 5 as long as there is progression. I consider myself to be a team player and would like to join a group that is learning the lvl 55 hm opps. If any guild is interested please send me a mail in game, my toons name is canby-or :D
  3. Dear BW, the noobs like the OP need help playing this class. Please buff our damage and streamline our healing to be on par with face-rolling the keyboard for other classes. They are tired of playing an under powered class and do not have the patience to level up something more to their taste.


    What i was trying to point out in my post was that i thought that they should at least give commandos the potential to top the the parser charts i have no problem with my ability to play the class. my problem is that no matter what lengths i go to my commando will never be capable of out dpsing any other class that is equally geared and played.

  4. Bio-wear why did you make this class "commando" it is a constant disappointment. Every time you say you are going to fix it your fixes always fall short of been useful.. i have played this lemon you call a "commando" from launch, and from what i have seen it is crap. i feal like you have cheated me and every one else who has any desire to play in rated wz. or any top tier end game opps. we are like the fat kidds on the playground always the last ones picked and it sucks. so yea thank you for the time and effort you have taken on this class.. you have made the perfect loser.... aka. "commando"
  5. why do you still have the valor in the game. is it ever going to be relevant again? you should bring back valor restricted pvp gear or just get rid of valor. you bw devs never seem to finish anything, always with a great new idea or direction for the game and never fixing the problems that have plagued from launch....
  6. why are they always nerfing this class, why dont they screw with gunslingers and sentinals drop there dps in the crapper. i have played my commando from day one til now enduring nerf after nerf hoping that it will get better but these devs seem to want to kill the trooper class. we shouldn't be third in the dps ranks come on how the fack do they expect us to be able to run in a raid group.
  7. I am posting this thread because I actually enjoy this game. I wanna see it succeed. Right now my biggest issue is the plentiful variation of hacks in the game. About a half hour ago, on Alderaan, a player from the opposing faction sighted me a ways from my base. Luckily, I had some distance between myself and said player. Now, I barely made it to the area where the base is. He got to me (somehow, although I suppose it is possible to use terrain to your advantage, so the benefit of the doubt goes here) before I reached the friendly npcs. I managed to stay alive (he was the same class but 4 levels higher), and got to the npcs in time for him to be attacked. Now, I realize that Sentinel / Marauder classes have a cloak or vanish ability that lasts 4 seconds (at lvl 30). However, what I don't understand is how this player lived through the attacks from the lvl 50 elite droids (2 were aggrod), then vanished and did not reappear after 4 seconds. The vast expanse surrounding the base would have given him away in a heartbeat. At lvl 30, the droids should have been able to kill him in 2 or 3 shots.

    This instance is also just the tip of the iceberg. There are players all over my server that will use different abilities over and over again, with no regard to a cooldown. In-combat sprint that also allows them to not be slowed. This happens mostly in warzones, which you would think are heavily logged server-side.

    At the guild summit, Bioware acknowledged that they are aware of people hacking. My question is, when will they do something about it? They are letting people get away with it all the time, slap on the wrist after slap on the wrist. And when you do not discourage this kind of behavior, IMO, you are just encouraging it. It's shameful.

    they are noobs to the mmorpg world and they dont realize that allowing players to use cheats will kill there game... no one pays subbs to lose to cheaters for very long

  8. well the title says it all when is biowear going to stop this from going on ?and if they want the players to report these cheats then they should change the reporting method so you dont get kicked from your wz every time you try to ticket some cheat.
  9. is my commando really working as intended when i don't stand a chance vs melee classes and most ranged in pvp?

    It's hard to see that my gunnery commando is working as it should when i can't finish a damage rotation before i'm dead if someone comes for me. I'v been activily writing and responding on several threads on the commando section of your forum bioware and i havn't seen a single respond in any thread. Ooh wait i'v seen you respond when people are rage quiting the game and i'v seen one respond on the "grav/demo round proof that it's broken" so you say that it's working as intended.. Is that it? Are you saying that gunnery is working as intended when so meny have either quit the game, rerolled or come here to your forum asking for sort of tool to survive in pvp? I hope that you guys are working on something to bring us back into the game, it can't be a simple matter of relearning your class or relearning your role when so meny feel the same about the fact that commandos are broken.


    I don't know how it is on other servers but on my server "lord calypto" the commando population is dropping, the only ones still playing are either players that have played for a long time on their commandos or people like me that like the look of having a assult cannon. Major part is either playing assassin/shadow, scoundrel/operative (healer), marauder/sentinel or jaggernaut/guardian seen a few vanguards/powertechs being able to put up a fight vs all stealth/melee classes. If the pvp have been reduced to either playing a lightsaber melee dps or healer i'm going to stop pvp.


    Thank you for taking your time reading.


    biowear and the devs dont care commandos are not a large enuf population and more importantly aint sith.

  10. this thread has been a good read it is sort of reassuring too hear that other commandos are having issues with BW's management of this class. I am not a math guy so i have no clue how my grav round dots are suppose to be debuffing my opponents armor and allowing me to hit him harder. that is there intended use right or are they just for getting the most out of demmo round. ... and i cant seem to be able to get high impact bolt to hit a target for any serious amount of damage :confused:
  11. "Honor, Duty, Defense of the Republic


    Not all heroes carry Lightsabers. Some just have the will to fight.


    For decades, the armed forces of the Galactic Republic defended their civilization against the seemingly unstoppable Sith Empire. Despite countless setbacks, the men and women of the Republic military never backed down until the Senate ordered them to do so. These brave souls remain ready and willing to lay their lives on the line today.


    In the wake of the Treaty of Coruscant, the Republic military has begun recruiting from within its own ranks, creating cutting-edge Special Forces squads for the inevitable day when the war with the Sith Empire begins anew. These advanced strike teams are comprised of only the most talented and disciplined soldiers—a new breed of elite Republic Troopers."



    What is above is what i read when i decided to build a commando. Than i spent my money my time to discover before the 1.2, that BW just wanted another classes to make them impression of a game not made only by lightsaber users. Because commandos never was a fully finished class. It was, before 1.2, a class that Bioware not paid much attention and not used much time to finish it properly. Nice to play, fun to play, but an unfinished product.


    But that was tolerable until yesterday.


    Now, i discovered what i read before making my account, using my work to pay for it and most important, used my time to help OTHERS have more fun. AS commandos now are just bantha fodder for lightstick users. What we can read above is a simply lie from BW marketing dept. Nothing more nothing less.




    The link above? I bet we will start to see more of this. Because im feeling cheated. Cheated as consumer.


    Since i started to play the game (paying the same amount like everyone else), how i can suppose to be competitive with the specs of the product i bought now? I did yesterday 12 hours of pvp non-stop with almost 500 kills. Only to notice that my guild leader had almost the double of kills and damage in 6 hours!!!!! My conclusion is, i pay like everyone else, nothing more, nothing less. But my product have less quality and it's defective on purpose them the other ones. I'm a second class customer now????


    BW sold me an already unfinished product and now, came to my computer and took, lets say few more of its characteristics away. I don't see a car seller coming to my house and taking away my mp3 player and saying its a patch.


    I liked Dragon Age before the ruin of DA2. I liked Mass Effect until BW totaly ruined the end of ME3. And now i am starting to dislike SWTOR in the same way.


    I lost my quote of faith, money and my time in Devs/producers after SOE NGE in galaxies. And what i see here is the same. Its only a question of time to see a game made only by those who uses a light-stick. Exact the same thing that happened in galaxies.


    And before any troll thinks there is cookies here.

    My commando is valor 79 and the only one using BM full gear and i have already the WH one in my server.


    Ty BW so much for wasting my time and my money. Im waiting to my game cards ends. then i will see if i can sell my account anywhere trying to recover my money back, because my time i can never recover it. So as soon my game cards ends, bye bye BW and EA.


    But in future i will pay a lot more attetion to not allow your brand enter in my computer or my house again. And from my pockets, you will see no more money.


    PS: sry any mistype, english is not my 1st language.


    :D:D:D:D......:eek: maybe there is a theme to these posts ;)

  12. So, you weaken Commando healing, weaken Gunnery but you buff one of the most overpowered classes in the game (Marauder and I'm sure Sentinel) along with I'm sure other classes. You did nothing to improve our PvP survivability, you just made it worse. Standing ovation, thank you for not listening at all.


    preach on brother Kushtaka, I had just finished acquiring my battle master gear and had settled on a somewhat effective build only to have the dps taken from my glass cannon. witch by the way was a pretty weak *** low, dps cannon to begin with. Please fix this class, look back at your original concept ..... is the comando that you see today in game what you intended?? i am not asking for a un-nerfing but maybe a re-evaluation of the other attacks in the commandos arsennal, if you play the commando in pvp you know that the grav-shot was pretty much all you had to cause consistent dammage to the other players. we spammed it because we had too not because we wanted too. Now we dont even have that with the longer casting time we are that much more of a target. if any thing you should have shortened the casting time if you planned to take 10% of grav-shots damage, and the fact that you fixed demo round and it actually works the way it was intended is great but when your target has laid you out and your getting cloned it realy dos little to help the situation. meaning that without the stack of dots on your opponent you might as well spit on them for all the good it will do you.


    Try playing the commando live, against real players on a pvp server with less than perfect gear and see what mess you have made of this class.,

  13. I am certain that these devs never play live. and if they do it isnt with the thrown together suits that the average player is using. chances are the farm the testing out to the public test server and paid testors, so what ever they recomend and never actuly experience the ****t up combat that they have created like tanks that cant tank and dps\healers that dont compare remotly with there imp counterparts...:mad:
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