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Posts posted by dstossm

  1. To be honest I feel that you may have had an idiot GM, be he uninformed or simply pulling something out of his rear to sound better then 'sorry you dealt with a bug'.


    Reason being is that while yes, the bug does seem to occur more often by means of taking said side speeder, it is not absolute, nor even the majority of the time that I've seen-- so if that were the design intent then I'd say accruing defensive node points is actually far buggier the opposite manner (gaining when you shouldn't) then visa versa.



    There has been many a time where I've gone to reinforce one side, and when that area's clear the other defender takes off (or I stay with to give two on a side knowing that it is open to attack) and in taking the side speeder have gained defensive medals just fine.


    Likewise I've taken the middle speeder intending to hit mid and a side gets attacked before I've landed so I am running that direction from mid, and in defending that node I have failed to gain Defense points.


    It is true it seems to happen far more often coming in from a side speeder, but given that I wouldn't even call it 50% of the time I doubt the GM knew for sure.


    Entirely Possible that it was just a misinformed or dishonest GM. Was just throwing out what I had experienced and been told by Bioware for what that's worth :rolleyes:

  2. In general I think it's fine (most games I get 7-14), but there are a occasional games where it's nuts.


    Civil War in particular I see as an issue when the teams are imbalanced, and to make it worse the defender medals seem buggy every now and then.


    Or maybe it just doesn't like me. But I've had a few games where I've defended our node for 200 points or so and gotten no defender points at all for it while other players are accruing around me.


    There is some screwy things that happen with the Civil War and I think some of them are bugs caused by a conscious decision on Bioware's part.


    I tend to defend nodes a lot since nobody else will and yet kept getting few (to no medals) for it. One match I captured the west turret and called for help as two enemies were almost on me. I got killed in short order and grabbed the speeder back to west to continue defending it (got one defense medal just before I died). Well I stood at that turret for the remainder of the match (for about 560ish resource points typical 2 turret win) and did not receive a single additional defense medal outside of the first one before I died.


    So I figured it had to be a bug or something and opened a ticket explaining what had happened and how it was not the first time. A little while later a GM wanted to chat.


    He basically told me working as intended. You see if you take a speeder directly to a node (like I did to west) the system will no longer allow you to earn defense medals at that node unless you run to another node to clear the invisible debuff and then back to the node you were defending. Apparently in the above situation I was supposed to take the Speeder directly to west to help finish clearing it of enemies and then run to one of the other two nodes to clear this no medal debuff and pray to god I could get back to the node I was defending before some stealther capped it while it was undefended.


    It's a bit asinine if you ask me and just an example of a system to stop something that punishes more people for doing what they are supposed to than it punishes people doing what they're not supposed to be doing.


    EDIT: And I think its this weird invisible debuff that causes some of the other bugs related to medal objectives not being tracked appropriately in Civil War.

  3. I've always done this or something similar when I play games, especially during periods of grinding like levelling or doing dailies. Sometimes I'm listening to my iTunes library, sometimes I'm on Pandora. If whatever I'm doing in game requires very very little attention I'll catch up on my shows on Hulu or watch a movie using redbox on my other computer while I play.


    You're right that it's a great way to have some background noise and something that distracts a bit from the repetition.

  4. First, I would like to start off by saying that I am a WH gunslinger in pvp armor. I was a vet of SWG and spent all of my years on Radiant server until game end where there were 19 ppl on our server most rebel a few imps. Also, I am on a light server where it takes 20-30 minutes for "quick" wz this week and we have all felt D3 pain on it.


    Now, I would like to present the case that BIOWARE is doing JUST FINE and is doing FINE with their PVP for a 6 MONTH OLD game.


    1. The game is 6 months old, wow bombed in its first 2 years along with SWG, LOTRO, and ST online.

    2. This is a SW game and for content and story they have done an almost excellent job as it is what the game is meant to do, a balanced pvp project takes time to stick with consistancy in lore (I am talking to you "lets have more sparkly heals" and "lightsaber agents").

    3. Most pvp'ers like myself become extremely angry when a class is OP in year one as they fail to realize it takes time to run math and figures to keep them fair. (anyone check MW games and their wonderful abilities like shot gun runners and M16 accuracy that still isn't fixed, at least they try around here) If they slapped $&%* together you would be really pissed 4 years later after they "fixed" the problem like some games.



    I can agree with a lot of what you said in your post. However, from my perspective PVP pre- and post-1.2 are night and day. Pre-1.2 was not perfect, there were still certain classes that had an easier time than others defeating their enemies. However, it was fairly well balanced. Sure some classes needed tweaking up and down. I think that Bioware was doing a fine job of that by making small gradual corrections. It was fine by me that it would take some time to bring everyone completely in line but progress was being made while still leaving PVP enjoyable and strategic. 1.2 brought sweeping changes to all the classes and threw everything out of whack. Instead of fine-tuning the classes with a scalpel they started doing it with cruise missiles. So, at this point PVP is lacking the fun factor that it had before. Instead of thinking about fights and lining up your abilities at the right time its just run in and mash whatever buttons your fingers happen to hit. Damage and damage mitigation numbers seem to be way off creating this burst-fest FPS style gameplay that doesn't really belong in an MMO, in my opinion.

  5. And yeah i think most of us agree.Good blog by Taugrim as always.This man knows more

    about your own PvP BioWare then your PvP team.




    I would have to say he is spot on. Between the grindfest of gearing and the post-1.2 burst-fest pvp that is more reminiscent of a first-person shooter then a skillful, strategy based fight the pvp in SWTOR is becoming less and less appealing. Sadly, for me at least, this was the main reason I continued to play. I find myself scratching my head as the PVP here was one of the best I'd every played (not perfect, but pretty damn good). Then 1.2 comes around and all that good work gets replaced by garbage.

  6. An awesome idea. I don't mind doing PVE dailies like the Blackhole dailies but the Belsavis and Illum dailies just take way too long to me. My primary character right now is focused solely on PVP and I have no desire to do any PVE on her. So, my typical time in game goes something like: log on, pick up wz daily, go to Black Hole Area, complete BH dailies while working towards WZ daily, finish up any wzs still needed after doing BH dailies, log off.


    I would love to PVP more and earn more commendations and such but with TTK being as bad as it is right now along with the prevalence of premades I find myself not wanting to do WZs once I get the daily done. I think that having some extra dailies with different requirements could keep it interesting a little longer, especially if they had different requirements. In one warzone I may focus solely on doing the objectives daily, another it may be getting a certain number of kills, etc.


    I think the idea has merit and could add some additional incentive to keep PVP'ing after getting my six played in.

  7. It is good to have some pretty good "normal" type title that anyone and everyone can attain. Like kill 10 womp rats can earn you the title Rat Slayer. But as we know, most games have completely outrageous titles that take forever to get. Adding both types in this game would be great.


    I think the trick for the Devs would be finding the right mix. Some things that are relatively easy to get may simply earn you an achievement for completing them, for example lets say kill 100 enemy players, whereas killing 1000 may earn a title. But you're right that it would need some normal titles that are pretty easy to get. Every achievement doesn't need a title though, some can just be achievements because ultimately the system would need a wide range of achievements (i.e. ALOT) so that someone doesn't just finish all the achievements in a month. I also like the idea of meta-achievements where mutliple smaller achievements of a similar nature can contribute to a larger achievement.


    This sounds a lot like WoW's achievement system because that's exactly what I'm basing it off of. It is a good system that gives players something fun to do even if they don't necessarily get an in-game advantage. It simply provides an accomplishment. All people like getting rewarded and even something as simple as an achievement pop-up counts. Hopefully BW isn't afraid to look at a new feature just because it comes from a competitor. A good idea is a good idea, the trick is going to be taking that good idea and converting it to make it more star-warsy and fit in with the game.


    And if they implemented "Rat Slayer" it would be the only title I ever wore :D

  8. Your right.. They should definatly make this a priority since probably around 0.001% of players left because of this.


    I only have 1 lvl 50 but I have tried to lvl alts but it is soooo incredibly boooring when your alone on every planet you come to. So to counter your thesis;


    only 8 char slots < alone on the server


    when it comes to why people leave the game.


    I'm not gonna stomp on your opinion though. If you like playing alts I can imagine it's a real bummer when you can't lvl as many as you want but if bioware would implement that before taking care of the dying servers.. I would laugh.. only to keep me from crying.


    I am not an expert in game design by any means and I agree that server population is the bigger issue. However, I do think that increasing the number of character slots per server is a much easier fix. I can't imagine it would be that hard to remove the coding that caps the character count per server or to modify it to allow a higher number. I could be wrong though. I do understand that it may present a slight challenge in that server storage may need to be increased to handle the increased character data to be stored on the server.


    Truthfully, they would be a great pair to be handled at the same time. They've already said that character transfers are coming early summer if they can implement them and increase the server character cap (or more preferably remove it all together) they would be killing two birds with one stone and making a lot of people happy in the process.

  9. I'll sign this petition despite the original poster's explosion of punctuation.


    Even though the empire and republic AC's mirror each other (mostly) the feel very different to me. Alot of that has to do with the visual aspects. Then there is the whole morality issue and I find it very interesting to explore different paths (full light, full dark, neutral, slight light, slight dark) and how they fit into the class story. I also like to craft character back stories.


    My ultimate goal is 8 Republic and 8 Empire characters. Initially I chose one server to be my Republic server and another for the Empire. I leveled my first Guardian to 50 and then got a number of others in their 30s on a dead server. I couldn't take it anymore and rerolled and now have several 50s on the new server. Then the legacy features were announced and I really want ALL of my characters on one legacy. I'm not going to grind legacy levels and credits for legacy features (like the upcoming xp boosts) on multiple servers and I'd like to get my stranded high levels on my original republic server to my main server but don't have any free character slots.


    I can only play one character at a time and they require the same amount of storage in either place. To me the simplest answer is to make an account character limit instead of a account and server limit. I'm on a high population server right now so I know I won't be getting any free transfers from my old servers to my main server but I'd gladly pay a reasonable fee to move them (what WoW charges is not reasonable in the least).

  10. This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. The problem is you have to make the punishment severe enough that it discourages the behavior you are trying to alter while still making allowances for legitimate problems.


    I think there should be a relatively long debuff that prevents players from queing for another another warzone if they choose to leave the warzone (i.e. they hit leave warzone). Personally i think it should be about an hour though I doubt that long would ever be implemented. My thought is if you agree to enter a warzone you are committing to helping your team win. When you hit the leave button, no matter whether it's because you're a jerk or someone is at the door, you do harm that teams chances of winning. Yes occasionally someone will complain because something happened in real life that caused them to leave but it only took 5 minutes to handle and now they have to wait 55 minutes to get back in a warzone. The opposite of this is if you make it really short to accommodate the real life problem people then you really aren't deterring the problem people (win fishers, etc), they'll just go to the bathroom, get a drink, etc. So, while I like an hour it's not realistic but I feel that 15 minutes is too short and that the compromise is 30 minutes.


    The debuff should be the same for people who are DC'ed or vote-kicked. If you make a DC/vote-kick trigger a shorter warzone que debuff then people will start gaming the system. If they want out they'll either AFK to be vote-kicked or unplug their router to get that shorter debuff time.


    With that being said there would need to be a mechanism to challenge unfair vote-kicks. We've all seen the situation where someone doesn't like another player or determines that said player isn't doing their part (and is wrong in their determination) and calls in chat to "vote-kick so & so." Heck, I had a guy a couple days ago say in chat to kick me that I was AFK. At the time I was defending a node that I had capped and there were no enemy in the area. But since I wasn't hopping around like a rabbit on crack I had to be AFK. A player should be able to challenge a vote-kick and it initiate an investigation and if a GM looks at activity and chat logs and determines that people were attempting to vote-kick someone that did not deserve it then their penalty should be severe. Something in the neighborhood of a 48-hour ban. Yea some guys will get extremely pissed at first but the behavior will be curbed really quick.


    Just my thoughts, any opinions?

  11. That's a great suggestion! I support adding more titles as it gives players a goal to work towards. The more variety in an MMO, the better. I think that part of the problem with people complaining that there's nothing to do is that they do not have many of these micro-goals to work towards. I don't know a lot of people that spend a lot of time looking online to find all the titles and other little things they can to. I've looked at the title list but don't really know what all of them require.


    To add to your suggestion adding a means to track what is earnable in game would help. Something similar to WoW's achievement pane. Stumbling on cool titles by earning them and not being really sure how can be fun and cool but when I'm bored and warzone ques are taking a while or nobody is on to do a flashpoint I typically log off. With a system like this in those instances we could open up an achievement screen of some type and browse through it and see if there's something that may be fun to work towards while I wait for a pop or for friends to login. It keeps people in the game longer and has them feeling less bored as they have something they can strive towards.


    You wouldn't think people would do it but if they added in an achievement/title for killing 10,000 womp rats I'm sure you'd find people like me hunting womp rats. It may not be super entertaining but it is something to do while I wait for something else to be ready.


    That and people just like earning titles/achievements.

  12. I can agree with making Social Points Legacy bound. The game places a heavy emphasis on alts, especially with the release of 1.2 and the additions to the legacy system.


    I have an idea for how to implement it that is not quite as all characters have your highest social level. One of the disappointing things about the legacy system was that so much of it was not legacy level or credits but instead the update was primarily just a gigantic credit sink. So, I think there is some need for additional rewards that are solely legacy based.


    My thought was that you could have 4 tiers of social point sharing.


    Tier 1 provides 25% shared social points and requires something like legacy level 5. Tier 2 would grant 50% sharing and require legacy level 10, 3 would be 75%/Legacy Level 15, and Tier 4 100% sharing and Legacy Level 20.


    When I say sharing though I don't mean it just gives you whatever you've already accumulated. What I mean is that if you complete a flashpoint and receive 100 social points, then if you are at tier 1 all the characters on your legacy would receive 25 points, tier 2 they would get 50, etc etc. This way if you play all your alts and are social on all of them you are still earning your social ranks but at a higher rate due to the legacy sharing earned points.

  13. Im too old school to spend money on a fancy keyboard but i just wanted to know why you guys take a challanging advanced class and try to dumb it down with lazy keybinds?


    Im not trying to bash anyone and i could see it being useful if you have arthritius or something like that but other than that...Why?


    you cant say it makes you a better player because with my funky $15 keyboard i was virtually unbeatable in pvp in both UO and SWG once i learned my class and its abilities.


    Don't take this the wrong way but lolwut? How exactly does using a G13, or any other gamepad, dumb-down anything?


    It's just a keyboard designed a little more ergonomically and with a few less keys. For comparison:


    Top Row of G13= 1 through 7 on Keyboard

    Second Row of G13=Q through U on Keyboard

    Third Row of G13=A through G on Keyboard

    Bottom Row of G13= Z through C on Keyboard

    Also has a thumb joystick for movement if one so desires and couple buttons near that.


    I always had trouble with keyboards due to the way each row of keys is staggered. It's not like that with the G13 and so works better with my hand. What confuses me is how using a different type of keyboard makes one into a player utilizing lazy keybinds?


    I spend a great deal of time optimizing my keybinds which I did with a keyboard and continue to do using a G13. As a matter of fact I have a printed sheet for each of my characters sitting in front of me that I use to organize my ability layout and is constantly changing. This sheet is a visual representation of all the keybind slots I have between my G13 and my Naga and I revisit them from time to time to see if I can improve on my efficiency.


    So the next time you don't want to "bash" anyone for doing something how about not calling them lazy. I'm not calling you cheap or poor for not buying any of this stuff, so why do you feel the need to call me lazy and insinuate that I'm not extremely well versed on my advanced classes? My setup does make me a better player because it works better with my hands than a traditional keyboard. Using these doesn't neccesarily make me a better player than you and not using them doesn't necessarily make you a better player. Still comes down to individual knowledge of your class, your opponents class, your connection, and reaction time.


    And btw: Frost mage forums are that way -------------different site--------->

  14. I've always had trouble getting a keyboard to work well for me in MMOs, just doesn't work well with my hand. After years of frustration I decided to give a gamepad a try and haven't looked back. I've tried the Nostromo and it's a good product but didn't feel right compared to the G13 ( I was probably biased as by the time I tried the Nost. I'd been using a G13 for quite a while).


    It takes some getting used to, specifically controlling movement with the joystick, but once you have a feel for it your play experience gets much better. I control forward and strafe with just my thumb (back is bound but I don't use it), leaving the rest of my fingers to just activate abilities. The G13 has indentation in the middle four buttons that are designed to function like WASD, but since I use the joystick I changed the bindings around. The G11 key (where your middle finger typically rests) is my tab key for fast target switching and the button just above it (G4) is for jumping. All the rest are bound to abilities. Since I have an abundance of keys to bind abilities to and I also don't like using shift-ctrl-alt modifiers for combat abilities, I bound the buttons next to the joystick to modifiers and only use modifiers for non-combat actions. I've found that all it really takes is practice along with thoughtful layout of your keybinds and you can really improve your performance with a G13. I spend a lot of time optimizing my keybinds for each character to make sure that the most often used abilities are the easiest to reach and then spreading out from there with lesser used abilities (same as a keyboard). Having movement on the thumb really cuts down on akward hand positioning trying to reach keys, not mention the fact that, at least for my hand, the ergonomics of the G13 are great and I don't get hand cramps or fatigue like I did when just using a standard keyboard. So, I'm partial to the G13, some people may prefer the Nostromo. For me it came down to more keys and easier directional control with the G13.


    This served me pretty well prior to SWTOR, but getting towards the higher levels I was having trouble getting everything bound without having to use modifiers so I picked up a Razer Naga. I was already using mouse wheel up and down for abilities (a habit I picked up playing melee in WoW) along with all three additional mouse buttons. The Naga gives me an additional 12 buttons on top of that and is bloody amazing. Between the G13 and the Naga, everything I need is at my fingertips. One key=one ability. The only thing I have bound right now with any kind of a modifier is sprint, racial ability, and class buff.


    TLDR: I prefer the G13 over the Nostromo. G13+Razer Naga=WIN. They both take time and practice to get used to using but once your comfortable with them you should see a noticeable increase in your performance (or at least I did).

  15. i never judged you for wanting to spend your time on the game.. I simply said the patches are needed and everyone has to deal with the downtime.


    i dont think its to much.. you do..there is a disagreement there..it isnt over if you deserve to play it is over the extent of patches..which i think are needed you dont.



    dont get your underwear in a knot....


    The need to argue in this group is strong. I bolded the error in your post. Everyone does not have to deal with the down-time, at least not the majority of the time. There are those of us who for whatever reason typically play right in the middle of Bioware's time-frame for doing things like this. Personally, due to a variety of personal and professional reasons I live on a funky schedule and I usually play after midnight EST most nights of the week. I've been in-game probably every time they've done these server shut-downs and can agree that it's very annoying.


    My point and the point of several others isn't that maintenance doesn't need to happen, it's the frequency of it occurring outside of the "regularly scheduled" maintenance. Regular maintenance is a normal part of MMOs and happens basically the same day and time every week, no big deal. The problem is that SWTOR has a lot of bugs that need fixing and a team of people working to fix those bugs and when they deem it necessary to take down the servers outside of normal maintenance to fix an issue they insist on doing it in the exact same time window as normal maintenance. What this leads to is those of us who have no other choice but to play during these times being the ones getting locked out of the game that we, like you, are paying for. I read in this post that one side says it's not right to inconvenience them since they aren't really affected by this and what they are implying is that it is fair for us to be inconvenienced so that they don't have to be. A logical argument....


    Anyway the TL: DR. Scheduled maintenance is scheduled, not a problem. But there's no reason to insist on performing maintenance/fixes outside of regular maintenance during the exact same time period. When the fix is ready implement the thing, don't sit on it for 12 hours waiting for that magical 2A.M. to roll around. This spreads out the inconvenience of this down-time amongst the player-base and doesn't continuously screw one section of it.

  16. No!


    There is no need for cross-server WZ queue. I'm sorry but just because there are people who can not have a good PvP experience on smaller servers it means that we have to ruin the PvP system to accommodate them. Right now on other servers there are rivalries being formed, PvP is personal, and important. I do not want to face a bunch of meaningless players for x-server just because some people got gipped. This is the reason why I rolled on a RP-PvP server so other servers do not contaminate our experience.


    There are other solutions to this problem, and you people never gave any context to why you're having such long queues. It is probably because you are playing on the populated side and/or refuse to re-roll in order to alleviate the problem. In that case, I do not have sympathy for you because you can have PvP on your server if you make a character on the less populated side from level 10, or simply make a character on another server. Sadly, the population imbalance is third on the list of major problems in this game behind framerate and unresponsiveness. In other words, you more than likely already have all the tools in order to not only change your situation, but also make your server more enjoyable for everyone.


    To be fair, yes BioWare should install a method to allow overpopulated factions to switch to the other side to save people a massive amount of time, but x-server queues are only going to make this problem worse for everyone playing the game.


    No offense friend but essentially what you just said in your reply was I want to choose to play how I want to play (RP-PVP, sith, republic whatever) but others shouldn't have that same choice. What you just told this person was to basically stop complaining and roll a character on the opposing faction or a different server. Well what if he/she likes the faction they're on? Is it unreasonable for him/her to expect to be able to engage in the activities that are supposed to be available to a paying customer? I don't think so. There are surely other solutions.


    I happen to be on one of those "standard" populations servers that can seem kinda dead at certain times (my usual playing hours it seems) and Level 50 pvp can be a real drag when most of the matches end in two minutes due to not enough players or when it takes forever to get a que. As I write this I've been in the que for about three hours now without a match. So, I agree something does have to be done. But how about we brainstorm real solutions instead of selfish ones?


    Here's my idea: I enjoy the rivalry that we're building on my server but at the same time I feel extremely held back progressing valor wise, getting commendations and getting gear due to the lack of matches at Level 50. So, how about a dual-que system? Essentially you can click one button to go into the que for a server-only warzone, click a different button and you go into a battlegroup-type que amongst several servers or all servers(but can also pull you into WZs with people that chose server specific). Essentially one button is I only want to WZ against people on my server and the other is I just want to PVP put me in something naow!


    I see this as a win-win. Those that want to continue building rivalries can just que for server-specific warzones. Those that just want matches without waiting an eternity can go into a cross-realm system. Or heaven forbid you can go in-between the two. Personally, during peak times for my server I'd que my server only. At 2 A.M. when my server is pretty empty I'd be sitting in the cross-realm que.


    May the floor be with you! (Favorite line in the game so far :D )

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