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Posts posted by DarthChavez

  1. Now you get enough tionesse to almost get the enitre set excpet for one item(which running some Tier 1 HMs can get that fast) then fill whats left with recruit until you replace with columi or rakata. Thats what Im doin and I healed a HM EV in All Tionesse w/ a few recruit and 1 columi piece and now I have 2 Rakata and another columi :)
  2. I've been a huge defender of this game. I gave the F2P model the benefit of the doubt and thought they implemented it in a fairly unobtrusive fashion (I ignore the cartel market completely).


    However, I've stated if I ever land on a planet and am asked for my credit card to complete a mission I'm out.


    I really don't like the sound of this. I hope this pack can be purchased with the cartel coins I'm not using...


    - Arcada

    So not a fan of DLCs then I take it.

    People need to realize that this is not a patch it is an expansion to the game and is not being forced upon you. Im happy that we are finally getting an expansion and cannot wait.

  3. Unreasonable?


    What do subs get? Bugs and lag for 15$ a month. It is really unreasonable to expect to get ONE planet for that amount of money, after sticking around for 6 months of no content (april - october). Really unreasonable...


    I am really starting to fail to see my money worth of gameplay...


    April to October huh? the grand acquisitions race? war hero tier? Do none of those count on your books?

  4. I like those people who are so fast to forget dev stated subscribers won't get charged for makeb. But i guess i'm in the minority of people for whom word still means something. Oh well i guess world is heading in direction where what comes out of persons mouth is worth as much as what comes out of their backside and majority people are actually fine with it.....

    Evidence please

  5. The problem with this thread is you have just resubbed, I for one have been here since BETA and Early Access and all we have had is bugs (new bugs introduced each patch, old bugs still not fixed), rubbish customer service and lack of information about anything. So when you do a full 1 year sub and experience these issues for yourself you will maybe agree with those of us who are now leaving the game due to these issues not being handled correctly and the direction this game is taking with the Cartel Market.


    Ive been here just as long and I still love the game. Why? because I dont expect devs to jump when I say jump I dont want everything for free or feel entitled to everything just because I am sub. Its people like you who bring down the community. Nothing is perfect and you should accept that every game out there has bugs. Just because you dont feel they do a good enough job doesn't mean they don't. If you think you could do better then go ahead make a game Ill play it and constantly hammer you for not doing everything that I want done. Just leave and stop complaining on the forums please.

  6. I was able to level from 1-50 on a fresh character with no rest exp in about 2.5 days playtime. I had all legacy unlocks activated but this was prior to the cartel market boosts so I figure if you were really dedicated you could go even faster.


    I did every sidequest I could find, including bonus objectives and did every bonus series, no warzones, flashpoints, or space missions. I also spacebarred all cutscenes except for the story.


    So thats the trick buy all legacy unlocks plus the cartel market boosts and it should be even faster....mmmmm Im gonna try that.

  7. Hi I am currently looking for a guild for my 46 merc healer I should be 50 by this weekend and want to be in a guild where content is pushed. I am very interested as well I have a friend who is 41 or so jugg tank who is interested as well. My char name is Comekissdeath and I will be pming you in game as well later today.
  8. Is this not expected? With FTP we got a huge influx of players and a lot of young kids and/or very inexperienced MMO players. Why? because when a game is free and has the name Star Wars attached everyone wants to give it a shot. This scenario is true for tanks, dps, and healers. I see it all the time everywhere but its ok because at least someone is there rather than the dead fleets of the old days. I always try to help these players out when possible but at the end of the day its just gonna be a fact that these new tanks are going to suck. Thats why I always tell new players to go dps and leave tanking to those who can do it . :)
  9. I think a Rakata class would be best because according to story there have been both light and dark side Rakata(TOR 1). The problems here though is that it would need a fresh implementation (sound files, starter planet, etc). However, the solution could be that it be implemented through a game add-on like WoWs Cata or MoP. Including new space missions, ops, fps, and daily area similar to Section X but offering an entire new class with it that can be associated with either faction. Personally I think this would be the best and only way to implement a new class, plus being Rakata would be ******.
  10. As of right now I am level 44 Merc Healer and was wondering about what skills to focus on. I am having a hard time deciding between focusing on crit/surge or power. I aim to do mostly PvE any help/opinions would be great.
  11. Me and my friend are looking for two others on the imperial side ot start a guild with us. Our interests spread across both PvP and PvE. If you are interested Send message to Comekissdeath and we will get it up and running. Once guild is created mumble will be provided with a 10 user server which will be adjusted as guild grows.
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