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Posts posted by Ken-Shi

  1. Non-immersive is subjective, and doesn't extrapolate to all other players.


    Just because you think so doesn't mean we all think so. This game is quite immersive for me without day/night cycles. And none of it seems like fake props. But good job trying to assume that everyone else thinks exactly like you do!


    I think this game isn't immersive enough for me.


    Also, why are posters on these forums so rude and disrespectful? It seems as though anyone who has an opinion that is something other than "this game is great" gets bashed by like half of the forum community. Why don't you people lay off and be a little more polite. If you don't agree with something, simply say you don't agree with it. You don't have to personally bash other posters and treat what they said like it was something ridiculous and stupid. The vast majority of people in the world have a lot more intelligence than people give them credit for and they deserve to be treated with respect. I don't believe stupid people exists in the world. I do however believe that inconsiderate people who honestly don't give certain things much thought exist though and it's those people who usually consider everyone around them to be idiots, simply because they don't in fact bother to consider things and their egos and insecurities won't allow them to believe themselves to be equal to everyone else in the world. They want to believe they're special and so delude themselves into thinking they are.


    Anyways, that was a bit of a rant but people really do need to be more respectful on these forums in my opinion. I know the majority of people online are usually A-Holes because there are never any consequences for being rude here, but still... Have some decency.

  2. I would also like to add:


    -A centralized social hub (on a planet, not the fleet) that is a little more entertaining and with strong visual aesthetics. Something that we can call home. I want an abundance of trees and some beautiful scenery. Something other than the bleak durasteel walls of the fleet. There isn't really an area of the game you can just sit around and chill in while admiring the scenery and ambient music. I used to just simply hang out all the time in the shire, bree & Imladris in LOTRO. There isn't a single place like that in this game.


    -Ambient music. LOTRO had some great ambient music that really created an emotion tone for the various areas of the game. All we get in this game are recycled scores from the movies, which are great for individual dramatic scenes, but don't really work towards the ambient/emotional feel of individual planets. That's one of the things that makes this game feel static. The worlds we play on don't have any sort of "feel" to them really. They all feel static, dead and artificial.

  3. OMG I hope this doesn't go into the suggestion box. No one ever browses the suggestion box. All bioware sees in there are a bunch of individual suggestions. Other players are never given the chance to throw their support behind most of these suggestions because (like I said earlier) other players don't bother looking in the suggestion box. Bioware really needs to allow polling on the forums. That way we can all just vote on things like this. I know forum posters don't represent the majority of players, but I think we can still provide Bioware a feel for what subscribers want most out of this game.


    Please leave this thread in the general discussion forum bioware. Thanks :)

  4. I agree with everything the OP said here. I would also like to add:


    -Hood-down option


    -Day/Night cycles. Just adjust the black/white tone of the background mats and do it, please!


    -More (set mood) facial expressions. All of them so far are a little ridiculous. Personally, I want my character to look menacing.


    -Better armor cosmetics. I'm sure this is coming though


    -A Freespace esque update to space combat, with pvp and a player rating chart showing who has the most kills, etc. on the server


    -Instanced speeder racing, also with a rating chart showing who has won the most races on the server and with a betting system in place. Something that allows other players to bet on the game and earn credits


    -Some kind of card game that always players to play for credits, not just for the hell of it. Also with a rating chart.


    -This list of new planets: Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, Ossus... Hopefully these will come in time.

  5. It was probably removed because he was telling everyone he knew a developer that was telling him inside information. And then posted links to a star wars theme mod of the game he insisted would be similar to the SSSP. All he was doing was posting wishful thinking, and claiming it was fact.


    To be honest I know a guy that "claims" to work for Bioware. I don't know if he's a developer or if he's even telling the truth. I just thought I'd pass along what he said. Take it or leave it

  6. interestingly the thread about the new space project being like freelancer started by shinchi just disapeered along with my posts in my post history [not closed disapeered] dont know if that is common but its the first time I have seen a whole thread disapeer without a warning or explanation




    lol It's Ken-Shi, not shinchi. Yeah, it totally disappeared. Go figure.... I put up a post on reddit as well and that too was taken down.

  7. Does Bioware have any plans to do cross-over class stories in the future, like where you're jedi guardian has an encounter with your sith marauder somewhere along the line? They could use all of the armor and appearance choices you made for your alt and in the case that you don't have an alt of that particular class, then they can just use a standard stock model.


    Anyone heard anything about this?

  8. why aren't these stale ideas back at the suggestion box where they belong?


    Because I wanted everyone to get together and say either yay or nay on these ideas. If the moderators throw this into the suggestion box, odds are none of us will see it again, thus negating any chance of the fan base tossing their weight behind it. One suggestion by one player is worthless in the company's eyes. One suggestion supported by many players is something for them to consider.

  9. The lore reason as I understand it is that each planet is taking place within a certain time frame within the chapter. So for example Coruscant is taking place during (and this is just random years and months chosen by me) July of 29 ATC. By the time you get to Hoth, you're in February of 31 ATC.


    Having day/night cycles means having day/nights with dates and months and years. Since every Trooper is playing the same story, it doesn't make sense that one Trooper hits Alderaan in August of 29 ATC and another hits it in December 87 ATC.


    The easiest way to not deal with so much moving time was to not have visible days and nights. Its a suspension of belief.


    Someone can totally correct me, because as I said, this is how I understand the reasoning. Its the same for weather.

    That's not a lore reason, that's just Bioware pulling something out of their butts to justify why there is no day/night cycles. The actual reason is they wanted to preserve the art style of the game by having painted horizons and it would of been too expensive to implement day/night cycles. It would of required a different painted horizon for every different phase of the light cycle. For an entire 24 hour period something like 100 different backdrops would of been needed. That's the actual reason.

  10. Let's get Bioware's attention and simply agree or disagree on this with your comments.


    I think this game has a lot of room for improvement. However, it just so happens that this game is currently the best mmo around in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with the current state of the game at all, but nothing else really grabs my attention like this game does and unfortunately Skyrim doesn't have any kind of multiplayer aspect to it. I just hope that some of my desired improvements are implemented before long, such as:


    -Hood down option

    -Day/Night cycles

    -Weather Effects

    -Better cosmetic options (armor, social gear)

    -Non-Static mobs

    -Off rails space combat (something like the single player game, Freelancer)

    -Mini-Games, such as swoop racing and pazak

    -More awesome planets to explore (Yavin IV, Dantoonie, Onderon, the Rakata homeworld, etc.)

    -Implement quest that take us back to previously explored planets to break up some of the linearity of the game

  11. I prefer my names to be Latin/Roman-ish and no more than seven characters long. Here are the names I lost:


    Regus: Derived from the latin Rego/Rex & the Irish Regan/Reagan , for King

    Herus: Latin for Hero

    Orcus: One of the Roman gods of the underworld

    Heron: Latin for honor


    Thanks btw!!

  12. The point of this thread originally was that from level 1 to 50, the game is for the most part a single player experience. The story, which Bioware heralded as a new fourth pillar of mmos and is usually considered to be the best part about RPGs, is lack luster. So as a single player experience, this game falls short. It pales in comparison to Dragon Age or Mass Effect. Games that had amazing stories and very strong RPG elements.


    As an MMO, this game once again falls short. There is no day/night cycle, mobs are static and the quest structure is extremely linear.


    I just think it would have been a better idea to segregate the two experiences, by creating a strong single player RPG experience prior to hitting level cap and completing the main storyline, and then afterwards unlocking the mmo side of the game, flashpoints, warzones, world PVP, operations etc. etc.


    Instead of being a weak mmo with moderate single player RPG elements, this game could of been a strong single player RPG with amazing bonus mmo elements. It's all about perspective and how players view the game.

  13. This game should of been made into something resembling Diablo 3. A single player experience with mmo highlights and future implementation of PVP, etc. They would of saved a ton of money and sold more units I'm fairly sure.


    The fact is this game falls short. Maybe it's because we all had such high expectations for it, who knows. As an mmo this game does alright. Not great, just alright. As a single player experience, this game is one of the worst. Bioware tried taking the best of both worlds and ended up botching it. As a result we have this half-baked product called SWTOR. :/


    P.S. I'm only writing this because I just finished the class story for the Knight and I was like, "That's it? Wow, that was horrible." I honestly expected so much more from Bioware.

  14. Hell yeah! I could care less voice over, expect for the main storyline (flashpoints & operations as well). Most of the voice over work is done for boring side quests and it just becomes tedious after a while listening to dialog you don't care about. Also, I think all of the voice over work for side quests detracts away from the main story line experience. Personally I think Bioware should go through the game and disable all voice over work for side quests (not sure about planetary plot lines) and from here on out reserve it for class story lines, flashpoints and operations only. It would save them a ton of money too I'm sure.
  15. I'm a completionist myself. The only thing's you're going to miss out on if you come back is the two recent live events Raghoul Plague and Chevan thingy. You earn titles, two pets per event and some cosmetic adaptive gear which looks dumb. Not really missing out on much, and there has been a little talk of some of these live events recurring in the future possibly, so maybe you'll have a chance to get the pets, etc. after all.


    Other than that though you have plenty of time to catch up! :D This MMO will be around for at least another 5 years as well, if not longer. No worries on that end.

  16. Is there any decent dark jedi armor for republic players? I'm aware of the Jedi Myridom (spelling) and the Force Champion/Maelstrom chest piece. I'm not really fond of those though.


    Any plans to implement something more along these lines in the future, Bioware? I'm big on alignment roleplaying. Not really in chat or anything, I just enjoy looking the part. More awesome armor pieces would be appreciated!!

  17. Just curious as to how Bioware plans to handle multiple people with the same name during the upcoming mega server transfers. Is it going to be the same as before where multiple server populations are transferred to a pre-existing server, or will a brand new server be created and then it's sort of a situation where who ever logs in first gets to keep their character name and everyone else has to re-roll?
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