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Posts posted by Kaorimoch

  1. This is an older idea, and a bad idea. Content of this nature being restricted to a single class inhibits creativity and would create backlash in the community.


    I just wanted to point out that you missed the 3rd paragraph where this idea can be expanded to the other classes. It would be fun to live your character's role at level 50 rather than be tied into the whole gear grind routine with nothing else to do.


    Its also a little weird that my smuggler doesn't smuggle.

  2. Imagine your Smuggler gets to 50 and it opens up a possible smuggler route between Alderaan and Quesh. You hire a smuggler to do the run from a possible list and choose if you want to smuggle high risk goods or low risk goods. Or perhaps you want to go legit? You make a choice and get the route going. After a week (or three days), you earn resource points from the route that you can cash in for credits or gear. In addition, you get the chance to open a new smuggling route between Alderaan and perhaps Tatooine or Hoth for purchase? A weekly/daily event is flashing on the smuggling interface, do you want to click on it to see if it contains a reward, a quest or trouble? Do you need to start bribing officials? Is your noteriety rising too fast from being suspected of smuggling illicit goods? Do you want to expand routes with extra ships or crew?


    To me, that would be a lot of fun, and its class specific.


    But what about other classes? A similar mechanic for Consulars managing diplomatic corps for different factions, Commandos running military squads on different planets against imperials to shore up fronts and Jedi Knights running security operations to keep the peace. You could even link up these operations for alts or other players in game. Perhaps you could gain a bonus to your activities with a random weekly event such as visiting a planet?


    This would encourage people to log in on a more regular basis and to encourage people to get other classes to level 50 so they can open up their own class minigames. Perhaps they could even start these at a lower level and expand them at class storyline intervals?

  3. Uhm, I don't like to complain and I do enjoy Swtor, but late April is a pretty long time. There will be a severe problem with guilds trying to organise existing members to get set up on the Oceanic servers.


    Our guild is so big we had to have 3 guilds just to contain all the people we have. We organised to set up on the PVE server and were starting to set up times for ops but this very long transfer delay has a few just giving up for now and remaining on our US server until transfers are available merely because we will not be rerolling the exact same character and leveling again and gearing up again.


    Originally Swtor wasn't scheduled to launch in Oceania so some of us imported the game so we could play. Now we can't join in with our local players because we have developed our characters on another server. This is and will cause further problems in trying to create a cohesive social environment for players to meet, form guilds and start devouring group content because we are all over the place.


    Please, try to speed up character transfers.

  4. I was really angry when I saw it happen.


    I was facing a group of hostile mobs when all of a sudden, a level 7 character appeared in the middle of them, a chest spawned, they opened the chest, obtained the chest contents and then disappeared. There was no chance I could get the contents, and they did not aggro the mobs.


    I hate cheaters and exploiters.

  5. The game is fun while leveling but my problem was that when I hit "end game", things started to fall apart.


    There are 2 daily hubs to get daily commendations to gear my "orange" stuff, and worst of all to round out my gear, I have to get groups for the heroic quests. Then there are the hardmode flashpoints and a few ops. That's it. To me, thats a little too derivative of WoW. You get this great leveling epic experience different from other games, and then you hit a carbon copy of this other game I just left.


    I am enjoying leveling up alts at the moment and getting all the crafting skills but when I have 8 50s and all that is left is dailies, ops and hard modes, I'm going to feel empty on the inside.

  6. I would prefer to have major difficulty putting a group together than to have LFD implemented.


    LFD is an anti-social tool designed for people who lack the social skill to communicate with people and the responsibility to get things going. My worst experiences in MMOs comes from having to deal with LFD personalities.


    Many people are trying to ask for features that make it like the other big MMO out there. There's no need to play follow the leader here.

  7. I would prefer to have major difficulty putting a group together than to have LFD implemented.


    LFD is an anti-social tool. You expose yourself to people who do not know how to use their character, gear weirdly, look for opportunities to insult each other and call others names and have some people purposefully try to make you have an awful time for their own cynical sense of enjoyment. My worst experiences in MMOs comes from having to deal with LFD personalities.


    Many people are trying to ask for features that make it like the other big MMO out there. There's no need to play follow the leader here.

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