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Posts posted by LordMuffins

  1. tankassin's should not be having trouble with stuns. The most survivability of any class also force shroud protects you from most cc so if you need a few seconds of immunity. I really don't know how pvp is imbalanced for jedi? Are you saying the classes are not mirrors? or that the maps favor one side? Maybe your a professional troll and i have wasted my time.
  2. That does not solve the problem on all servers... servers like mine where one side wins 90 + % premades help yes but your still losing alot more then winning


    What can i say. I approve of the changes because i've noticed people have stopped turning games into team deathmatch now that loosing is worthless. Rewarding success is kind of a cultural norm, rewarding failure is not. I solo que most of the time btw.

  3. lvl 34 and ive yet to duel. im standing around the fleet most of the time anyways waiting an hour for a warzone to pop or to win the lottery and get a flashpoint group together. dueling is a much needed past time.



    Pretty sure the fleet is not a duel zone

  4. I had a old linksys router that did that would cause my xbox live to time out when my roommate would connect to the wireless. I smashed that router to bits a while ago. See if there are other people having issues with the same router.
  5. Yet, we still know nothing of interest about what you get from the system.


    They are masters of talking without saying anything.



    Well they said "you can actually buy some perks for your Smuggler character, so he might, for example, be able to buy a speeder bike at a much earlier level than your first character, allowing you to travel through the world faster". It's at least something

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