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Posts posted by omninull

  1. People really need to play. I m just a decent player with no other MMO experience.

    When i play warzone with my lvl29 jugg i alway's be on the top op the bord.


    When i see a lvl49 jugg and i get 4 more medals then him. He is really f4cking something up.

    My average game is about 170k damage, 30k protection, 15k healing (frozen water).


    90% of the people that play pvp don't know how there class works!


    Jugg is feeling like a god.


    Pocket healers make anyone feel like a god...

  2. I like the Empire. Atleast when they're *******es they go up front about it.



    Unlike the Republic.









    You know, like BELSAVIS






    I'd rather have the *******es who admit they're *******es so I can be on guard, then to have that happen to me without warning.

    No you wouldn't. Both are striving for very different ideals. The Empire is also corrupt with people who want more tolerance and freedom, just like the Republic is corrupt with people who would fit in better with the Empire.

  3. scientific wisdom, that made me chuckle, don't be so myopic, your so called scientific wisdom keeps chaging depending on which theory or knowledge is found to be in line with the majority of core principles, perhaps a little research might enlighten one some in that regard.


    Scientific wisdom gave us many of the now considered malpracticed medicine of the past, scientific wisdom is bound my CURRENT knowledge constraints, as such, the whole physics debate on the ever expanding universe which is now widely accepted was not even a decade ago an impossibility.


    So i leave you with this, we may have mapped DNA, but we still do not know the function of every part of the brain down to its cell level, we have a general idea, hence why brain surgery is generally performed while the patient is conscious as to assertain which functions are being tampared with in said surgery, that's how far we still need to go in modern medicine.



    Mitochondria is a rather simple structure, using the brain as a comparison is a profoundly absurd comparison that only an individual tentatively versed in biology would suggest. Scientific wisdom advanced human society 1000 years in a matter of decades. To scoff at our best known process to understand natural laws only exposes you as an intellectual charlatan. An idea that our universe is expanding is not absurd, proving it is something else. The idea that mitochondria manipulates the force (all we need to do is "talk" to them), assumes there is already a force to manipulate as well as billions of years of mitochondria retaining these evolutionary traits just waiting for us to one day use them. If the force exists, mitochondria does not have the machinery or structural complexity to suggest it does anything else other than aerobic respiration through the Calvin Cycle. All it does it generate ATP, which releases more energy upon breaking down into ADP than it takes to create ATP from ADP.


    I will say that how efficiently mitochondria produces ATP does affect your ability to perform in many different aspects. As you age, your mitochondria ages, and performs with less efficiency.

  4. Take it from the opposite side then...


    Maybe we and mitochondria have the potential to evolve a method of communication that the OP is suggesting.


    The point is the same - midi-chlorians and mitochondria...maybe a correlation exists. Maybe Lucas did not just pull it out of thin air; almost all science fiction is at least loosely grounded in reality.


    I am not saying I like the concept of midi-chlorians, in fact I don't, but what the OP is suggesting gives it a little more validity.


    What is the opposite side? I'm not talking about opinions, I'm talking more on the grounds of scientific wisdom.

  5. Good to know! Thank you for the info.


    I got my warrior to 10 last night and sat couldn't decided Maurader or Juggernaut so I just left it. I don't really want to go Maurader because I already have a Jedi Sent.


    The playstyle is fun, but we are the weakest class in the game. If you are looking for pure dps destruction, Juggernaut will disappoint.

  6. no. advanced class is a class. If you allow switching between them then you might as well allow people to switch to an entirely new class because thats what you are asking for.


    Stop using ****** wow as an example. Rift essentially allows you to change your 'advanced' classes and it works fine. Snob.

  7. If you've played WoW, Sage is like a mix of priest and mage, Shadow is like a mix of death knight and rogue.


    I wouldn't really compare the trees that much at all, in fact I would say that Sage vs Shadow is the strongest advanced class difference in the game.


    Personally I find your question to be odd because of how different the classes are. You should know which you would prefer based on the whole melee / tank vs ranged / healer. They aren't similar at all.


    Or... wait for it...you really enjoy both playstyles.

  8. IMO In other words I'd rather other classes specifically sorc/consular be brought down to where they should be which is less dps than marauders not more.


    No. There's no need to gimp other classes. I don't want anyone else have to struggle through pve content because you're broken.

  9. People like you are a joke. You don't have any practical experience, you have no clue what Bounty Hunters do to tank, or what abilities they have, yet you pronounce like you are some great authority. It's why forums have degenerated into the whine-fest that they are on every single mmo.


    Educate yourself about Bounty Hunters and Juggernauts and their respective abilities and tanking prowess in the game right now before you open your yapper. After all, it's better to keep your mouth closed and have people suspect that you're a fool than open it (like you're doing) and remove all doubt.


    It's people like you that degenerate the forums from justified complaints to having to deal with whiny little elitists who can't say anything but l2p.


    The juggernaut isn't even that difficult of a class, you just need to be more aware of your cds, it's the performance of the juggernaut combined with his skill complexity that that people are pissed off about.

  10. Surely you must be trolling.


    You don't play Immortal with a healing companion, start thinking before posting, please. thanks.



    I'll post with any amount of snarkiness I wish to include. My apologies if you failed to grasp my tone over text. It happens to the best of us.

  11. No... I didn't miss his point. I chose to ignore it because it irked me that he picked apart my earlier post. But I should own up to it being a bad example of our dmg, which I did already admit was about 10-15% below peak.


    Let me stop defending Jugg DPS for a moment and toss out a consensus: We do indeed do less dmg than we should. Even with all of our utility and survivability. That being said... we are currently still viable and a valuable member of any group / raid. Although it does require a higher level of player skill and gear to be worthy of your slot.


    We certainly have a harder time doing our dmg compared to say a Mercenary, Sorcerer or Sniper. We definitely should get another look and an uptweak. It just irks me to see all of the negativity that everyone is throwing around the Jugg forum with regards to dps.


    Well it's rather silly to ignore a point because pointing out that you provided a completely irrelevant example makes you flustered.

    And you even recognize there's a lot of room for tweaking, so why would you get pissed off at people essentially agreeing with your stance on our current state?


    Doing endgame makes me have to be more creative in my rotations and targetingt just to remain almost as effective as other classes. If we have a complex class, there should be a greater satisfaction to your efforts than playing the other classes. I didn't enjoy having to blow all of my cooldowns on an elite and strong just to survive while I see a bounty hunter, or as an assassin taking on two elites and a strong without it becoming a desperate fight for survival.

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