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Posts posted by Idanian

  1. what a shame, this game could have been so awesome, instead i just wasted 75 euro on this heap of garbage. Time to go back to WoW :)


    but hey at least the kind people at bioware were stupid enough to give me 2 registration keys in the box ! snyone want it ? :D


    And WoW is welcome to you.


    Last time I checked, WoW didn't offer arenas at launch either. And wait... there was 0 pvp at launch other than world PvP. Battlegrounds were added in a later patch.


    So if this is going to make you quit, please put your money where your mouth is and un-sub. No one playing SWTOR will miss you.

  2. The Empire has their own unique path to things.



    The end of Revan is very clear. Scourge sees that Revan can't take on the Emperor, but there is a Jedi who will come who can. That Jedi is of course someone's PC.



    Go back over the Timeline on this site. The Sith plot line is something far more interesting. Gnost Dural makes special note that the departed Sith Lords withheld their support for the Emperor. Going so far as to support former Jedi over an actual Sith. The Emperor also knows that there is hidden power in the ancient Sith Lords and has tried to seal away as many as possible. The Sith Inquisitor story has direct ties to that.



    So do you want a renegade Sith companion helping you or every pissed off ancient Sith ghost?



    I know my choice. ;)

  3. With the numerous Star Wars RPG's that have existed, I've RP'd many a Jedi. Its tough, but an interesting experience. The main trick is finding the balance between the "rigid inflexible meditative version" and the "applicable to actual life version" for that particular Jedi.


    No Emotion really come into play more as focusing lens for what needs to happen in a situation. As someone said earlier, no sentient creature can banish all emotion or even repress it for too long. Emotional responses are typically our gut instincts in a situation. Sometimes that gut reaction is right, but most of the time it is not.


    Jedi seek to push past that initial emotional reaction in a situation, bringing rational thought and guidance of the Force to seek solution.

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