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Posts posted by Superstienos

  1. I'm really tempted to download the security key app but I have a question. If I let us say, lose my phone or replace it in the future will I still have access to the key or will I be locked out of my account?


    If you ever lose your phone. Just try to login on the website nad leave the sk field blank. You will be redirected to a page with an option "Lost your security key?". Click that and you can send a one-time password to your email. With that you can log in and remove your sk.

  2. A few tips


    You should speak a bit faster as it was quite hard to keep focus on what you wanted to say due to many breaks.


    Secondly, and don't take this the wrong way, the gameplay was distracting from the story. Take for example the part where you were at the 1st hard trashpull in hammerstation. The only thing I remember is me thinking why a TK sage would use TK-throw and spam TK-burst while ignoring most other abilities. I don't remember a single thing about what you wanted to tell me there.


    If you are going to show gameplay please make sure it either relates to your story or let it be as normal as possible.


    Thank you for the tips!

  3. Hey everyone,

    I made a video about the information we got and what I think will come back in chapter 10.

    Specifically I take a look at the email, the chapters page and the previous chapters and what would

    be of significance in my opinion.


    Hope you guys like it!

  4. As far as I am understanding Yezzan he is trolling us with a bit of hope it might actually work :p


    Lord_Trenzalore you are correct in the fact that they haven't made exact copy. They did however made outfits inspired by those worn in the movies and in the clone wars series.


    Have fun in game!

  5. The amount of spam inside the game is beyond ridiculous. Whatever you are doing to curb it... IT IS NOT ENOUGH.


    Dude they are working in these issues, do you have any idea how much work it is to design algorithyms to filter spammers? To manually look over every report of a spammer etc.


    Because I sure as hell don't but I do have an idea about how much it is. Stop saying the don't do enough, be thankfull they are even working on it.


    in short: stop complaining start helping with idea's/reporting/etc

  6. or atleast put a cred bank in the legacy tab and put how much of your creds you wanted in and you can use them anywhere, repairs, gtn, buying stuff etc.


    so for pref/f2p make it like escrow -> 350k/200k with maybe limit on withdraws(1-2 per day?)



    This would be such a great addition to the game!

  7. I think bioware should implement a new option into the report function -> spammer/bot


    This way actual players can report suspicious behaviour and bioware can look into the logs of that particular person.

    If they implemented this, there be a lot more "fire-power" on the good side. Problem with this would be ofcourse people abusing this to get rid of actual players that annoy them.


    To prevent this abuse there should be no action on the amount of reporting but rather the person should go trough a filter (or looked at by an actual employee) in order to get a "sentence".

  8. The fact that you guys are pointing this new way out, probably puts it on the radar of the security team. (I hope)


    I am lucky that they don seem to be that active on the 2 servers I play on and for those that are spamming i just ignore them. Covers 99% of the irritational bullsh*t.

  9. In LOTRO it made sence.

    In swtor....not so much. Sith wouldn't "lower" them selves to the lvl of gun users and jedi don't have any use for them since their lightsaber and force powers render guns pretty much obsolete.

    Smugglers and Agents maybe.....

    Troopers: oke i see these using them, but it would need to be in designated areas and then I would see them using walkers sooner than speeders.

    Bounty Hunters: meh.


    So it's a no for me.

  10. The rebuilding efforts began circa 3500 BBY, meaning we're still about 40 years away (Invasion of Ziost was 3540 BBY).

    And it took three millennia, so about 1500 BBY it was completed. Meaning we might get to see the start of rebuilding but no way to make it logical to see it completed within SWTOR.

  11. Wookiepeedia:


    treaty of coruscant: 3653 BBY

    Invasion of ziost: 3640 BBY


    The invasion of Ziost is the moment the chancelor talks to shan telling him they are invading Ziost starting with new adasta.


    So 13 years

  12. I seriously like this idea. Especialy the group ability, but i'd make that one an passive always on ability.


    healer-> heals everyone within 10meters for 1% of their total health every 5 seconds

    tank-> redirects 1% damage from everyone within 10meters and something about shielding the group for x% from aggroing.

    dps-> increase dps dealt by everyone within 10 meters by 0.5%


    so an always on ability that gives a extremely little boost but helps overall.

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