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Posts posted by CommanderNarco

  1. Ok, I am currently playing a Sith Juggernaut, and I have reached the lvl where Revan's storyline comes into play with the flashpoints. I already know what happens to Revan and stuff, but I was wondering if there was a way for the player to Help/Side With/Join Revan though the course of the flashpoints? :hope_02:
  2. So why is a sub-class who specializes in swiftly, silently and manipulating targets efficiently as possible given a weapon that not only supposed to limit movement, through the enemy that shouldn't even be ready for you off balance but has also been known to be used by people who specialize in melee combat offensively and defensively?



    You are wrong about the double blade lightsaber. In fact it is more versitable and does fit them. Each blade can be turned on and off separatly. You see this in the Sith Return trailer where the Master uses two lightsaber one being double, but the blade in. Also in Phantom Menance, Darth Maul uses his staff when first encounter Qui Gonn Jinn with the one blade in.

    It's the fact the blade are independant that make them so usefull for Assassin and Shadow.


    .um........you cant use one blade at a time in-game......just sayin...

  3. What makes 0 sense is basing crystal colors in the game on the MOVIES.


    TOR takes place thousands of years earlier. EU, including Bioware's own KOTOR, has long established that before the Banite Sith began and after Luke starts a new order, Jedi and Sith alike used a wide variety of crystals in lots of colors. RGB were the most common, but purple, yellow, orange and the like were also very evident, even in the sabers of mediocre Jedi or Sith. The time of the Ruusan Reformations saw a revamped Republic and also the beginning of the end of the Jedi Order. That's when the Jedi, thinking the Sith were wiped out, started getting so dogmatic and decreed that only 'pure' crystals, from Ilum mostly (where they were blue & green) could be used. And the Ruusan Reformations happen 1000 years before the films, still 2000 years beyond TOR.


    Applying restrictions based on George's Saga-era whims is limiting things too much, and pretty annoying for a game squarely set in the EU, particularly given its connection to the KOTOR games and comics.


    Allowing Republic access to purple is a good first step, tho the lack of availability for purple while leveling is pretty sad (it's rare in the movies, but ONLY in the movies; ever play KOTOR? You have a very good chance at getting purple pretty soon after finishing your training on Dantooine). All the less exotic neutral colors (yellow, orange, purple) should be available throughout the game, from Artificers. keep the black-core blades, the whites, magenta, cyan, and any other shades for later, but give us 6 colors to fairly easily and inexpensively choose from as we level!

    I do agree, every other Jedi/Dark Jedi in KotOR had a purple lightsaber

  4. Them being rare fits perfectly but the Purple being restriced to Sith (nearly) is not after Samuel L. Jackson's request of a purple lightsaber the expended univrse have credited purple to be rare color crystal given to the leader og the JEDI council.

    (Yoda is the leader for the jedi not nessecarly the council)


    LITTLE KNOWN FACT! Mace Windu was accuall the Grand Master of the Jedi order (and hence the leader) and accually outranked Yoda untill he stepped down a year into the clone wars so he could fight on the front lines.

  5. Haha touche while I may see what you are saying in the long run I argue that your argument is counter-productive...to have/want the desire to reply alts you want to have variety...for those who love the story of, say, the smuggler, would they be more inclined to roll a scoundrel after a previous one and a gunslinger if they knew they would be on the great pistol hunt for lvls 1-50 all over again??


    Or would they arguably be more enticed by the idea that they can make their next smuggler a rifleman?


    What if it is the rifle itself that is all a subscriber wants for their character? After giving in to the darkside to play a playstyle they find enjoyable as an Operative...their options are play the same story, or go to the republic and play a vanguard (which funny enough plays similar minus stealth & heals, within the shared trees)...


    Do these changes fit their ideal character that they are paying 15$/ a month for? No? then how long will they continue to play someone else's idea of a smuggler?


    Realistically, how can weapon diversity be a bad thing (barring the arugment that everyone is a 12 year old darth Maul fanboy because assumptions make an...) ?? Given the fact that there are ways to clearly denote which class is which without restricting a player's choice.


    I agree Completely with that, I've found myself getting tired of being a pistoleer on my BH and Smuggler. You watch the movies and almost all of the Bounty Hunters use rifles. It would just be nice since it would allow you to roll the type of character you want, as well as make your character more unique.

  6. I Have a Gunslinger that I use for pvp. I based him of of Bendak Starkiller and the other dualists from KotOR. Now I need to pick a Legacy Surename, and need help. I would have done "Starkiller" as a kotor reference, but Force Unleashed ruined that. So anyone have ideas as to what a good surename would be for a dualist/gladiator? His first name is "Galak"
  7. clone trooper - Empire soldiers

    also - mandalorians in alliance with Empire


    So, reroll to Empire :D


    lol, I know. There accually was a split in the Mandalorians though, and some of us would rather be soldiers than bounty hunters

  8. I've been chatting with a lot of people in-game, as well as within my guild, and we were thinking that armor it would be nice for some of the troopers armor extend past the "Clone Trooper" style armor. One thing we Discussed is that we would love to see Mandalorian Armor at high levels for troopers. A large number of us would like to rp a Mandalorian, but all the Mandalorian armor is restricted to the Bounty Hunters. Thanks!
  9. I am aware that there are both PVP and PVE servers available, but I think it would be really cool if there were areas on certain planets where one could have a similar experience to the Taris arena in the original KotOR. That way players looking to duel could go and duel in the gladiatorial-arena sense. Also, titles awarded to players for dueling other players would be very cool.
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