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Posts posted by Rubensblade

  1. Please make SWTOR an MMORPG. MMO does not stand for you need to be connected to the internet.... It stands for Massive Multiplier Online....which means that you should be playing with other people. Dont get me wrong, Who doesn't like to play with themselves, but thats alone time, not video game time. As of right now there is no point to do anything but quest solo to lvl your toon to 50.....THATS A PROBLEM......dont get me wrong i love the game besides the bugs and everyone complaining about content, i get that. Here is the fix.


    Increase exp gains in flashpoints. you should not have to waste an hr in a flashpoint and get 1 bubble of exp. you should get 40%, 50% 75% lvl gain. This is why no one runs them until 50.


    How did i come up with this number you may ask........quest for an hr.....you might get a full lvl damn near close. so they should be equal. questing by your self or grouping with friends (MMORPG) should be beneficial.


    Your story line is fun but there is no MMORPG feel. its like you want us to play a long single player game and once you hit max lvl you get to group with players to grind out gear. That is no fun.


    Please increase grouping make it useful. you do that by increasing exp. faster lvling. not playing with yourself on Hoth.

  2. im a lvl 50 jedi guardian tank. im almost full t2 and still cant seem to keep aggro. why is this happening? anyone else having this issue. its very hard to keep aggro on anything. my party members are constantly pull mobs off me. Ive been a tank in multiple mmo's, for many years. never having any issues with mobs lossing aggro, maybe one or 2 mobs get free usually because one of my dps go nuts on the target and i havent hit that mob yet. I feel like i'm the worst tank in the world.....but i know my rotation is correct and im doing everything i can to keep aggro.


    Please if you have any info for me let me know what i'm doing wrong.

    my rotation is:

    saber throw, force leap, aoe taunt, force sweep, hilt strike, stasis, sunder,guardian slash, guardian leap to healer, force leap to mobs, etc etc. so many skills.


    usually after my aoe taunt wares off. the mobs go everywhere its like force sweep all that other stuff does nothing to keep any aggro. and the taunts dont build threat at all it just makes them attack and that like a min cooldown.


    how can they make a tank class that doesnt keep aggro.....i feel like i wasted my time. and money. Any world if they know about this and are they going to fix it?

  3. 1. Your new cooldown system is horrible. Cant tell when my still is ready or still on cooldown.


    2. Need to add a 3rd toolbar to center bottom. make it an option like the 2nd toolbar. im lvl 47 jedi guardian and i have way to may situation skills that are spread acrossed my 32" monitor. i find myself looking at my ui more then the screen trying to see what is active and what is not. 3 center toolbars should fix that easy.


    3. Please figure out why on ,both sides, do abilities display the animation but do not work. example: force push: i click it.....the opponent (lvl 11) laughs and smacks me in face.....me crying

    example 2: throw light saber at opponent under 20% health.......opponent at 10% health....me full of focus because i just clicked my focus +6 skill......icon for lightsaber throw is not lite up.....me confused......(that is how it happens)


    (pls post to this if you are have the same ideas) hopefully they will do something about this.


    something for tanks:

    im a lvl 50 jedi guardian tank. im almost full t2 and still cant seem to keep aggro. why is this happening? anyone else having this issue. its very hard to keep aggro on anything. my party members are constantly pull mobs off me. Ive been a tank in multiple mmo's, for many years. never having any issues with mobs lossing aggro, maybe one or 2 mobs get free usually because one of my dps go nuts on the target and i havent hit that mob yet. I feel like i'm the worst tank in the world.....but i know my rotation is correct and im doing everything i can to keep aggro.


    Please if you have any info for me let me know what i'm doing wrong.

    my rotation is:

    saber throw, force leap, aoe taunt, force sweep, hilt strike, stasis, sunder,guardian slash, guardian leap to healer, force leap to mobs, etc etc. so many skills.


    usually after my aoe taunt wares off. the mobs go everywhere its like force sweep all that other stuff does nothing to keep any aggro. and the taunts dont build threat at all it just makes them attack and that like a min cooldown.


    how can they make a tank class that doesnt keep aggro.....i feel like i wasted my time. and money. Any world if they know about this and are they going to fix it?

  4. im a lvl 50 jedi guardian tank. im almost full t2 and still cant seem to keep aggro. why is this happening? anyone else having this issue. its very hard to keep aggro on anything. my party members are constantly pull mobs off me. Ive been a tank in multiple mmo's, for many years. never having any issues with mobs lossing aggro, maybe one or 2 mobs get free usually because one of my dps go nuts on the target and i havent hit that mob yet. I feel like i'm the worst tank in the world.....but i know my rotation is correct and im doing everything i can to keep aggro.


    Please if you have any info for me let me know what i'm doing wrong.

    my rotation is:

    saber throw, force leap, aoe taunt, force sweep, hilt strike, stasis, sunder,guardian slash, guardian leap to healer, force leap to mobs, etc etc. so many skills.


    usually after my aoe taunt wares off. the mobs go everywhere its like force sweep all that other stuff does nothing to keep any aggro. and the taunts dont build threat at all it just makes them attack and that like a min cooldown.


    how can they make a tank class that doesnt keep aggro.....i feel like i wasted my time. and money. Any world if they know about this and are they going to fix it?

  5. im a lvl 50 jedi guardian tank. im almost full t2 and still cant seem to keep aggro. why is this happening? anyone else having this issue. its very hard to keep aggro on anything. my party members are constantly pull mobs off me. Ive been a tank in multiple mmo's, for many years. never having any issues with mobs lossing aggro, maybe one or 2 mobs get free usually because one of my dps go nuts on the target and i havent hit that mob yet. I feel like i'm the worst tank in the world.....but i know my rotation is correct and im doing everything i can to keep aggro.


    Please if you have any info for me let me know what i'm doing wrong.

    my rotation is:

    saber throw, force leap, aoe taunt, force sweep, hilt strike, stasis, sunder,guardian slash, guardian leap to healer, force leap to mobs, etc etc. so many skills.


    usually after my aoe taunt wares off. the mobs go everywhere its like force sweep all that other stuff does nothing to keep any aggro. and the taunts dont build threat at all it just makes them attack and that like a min cooldown.


    how can they make a tank class that doesnt keep aggro.....i feel like i wasted my time. and money. Any world if they know about this and are they going to fix it?

  6. 1. Your new cooldown system is horrible. Cant tell when my still is ready or still on cooldown.


    2. Need to add a 3rd toolbar to center bottom. make it an option like the 2nd toolbar. im lvl 47 jedi guardian and i have way to may situation skills that are spread acrossed my 32" monitor. i find myself looking at my ui more then the screen trying to see what is active and what is not. 3 center toolbars should fix that easy.


    3. Please figure out why on ,both sides, do abilities display the animation but do not work. example: force push: i click it.....the opponent (lvl 11) laughs and smacks me in face.....me crying

    example 2: throw light saber at opponent under 20% health.......opponent at 10% health....me full of focus because i just clicked my focus +6 skill......icon for lightsaber throw is not lite up.....me confused......(that is how it happens)


    (pls post to this if you are have the same ideas) hopefully they will do something about this.

  7. 1. Your new cooldown system is horrible. Cant tell when my still is ready or still on cooldown.


    2. Need to add a 3rd toolbar to center bottom. make it an option like the 2nd toolbar. im lvl 47 jedi guardian and i have way to may situation skills that are spread acrossed my 32" monitor. i find myself looking at my ui more then the screen trying to see what is active and what is not. 3 center toolbars should fix that easy.


    3. Please figure out why on ,both sides, do abilities display the animation but do not work. example: force push: i click it.....the opponent (lvl 11) laughs and smacks me in face.....me crying

    example 2: throw light saber at opponent under 20% health.......opponent at 10% health....me full of focus because i just clicked my focus +6 skill......icon for lightsaber throw is not lite up.....me confused......(that is how it happens)


    (pls post to this if you are have the same ideas) hopefully they will do something about this.

  8. 1. Your new cooldown system is horrible. Cant tell when my still is ready or still on cooldown.


    2. Need to add a 3rd toolbar to center bottom. make it an option like the 2nd toolbar. im lvl 47 jedi guardian and i have way to may situation skills that are spread acrossed my 32" monitor. i find myself looking at my ui more then the screen trying to see what is active and what is not. 3 center toolbars should fix that easy.


    3. Please figure out why on ,both sides, do abilities display the animation but do not work. example: force push: i click it.....the opponent (lvl 11) laughs and smacks me in face.....me crying:(

    example 2: throw light saber at opponent under 20% health.......opponent at 10% health....me full of focus because i just clicked my focus +6 skill......icon for lightsaber throw is not lite up.....me confused......(that is how it happens)


    (pls post to this if you are have the same ideas) hopefully they will do something about this.

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