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Posts posted by Marjk

  1. My question has to do with the unavailability of electrostaves for Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassins -- even though they learn how to equip these when they reach their advanced class these individuals are unable to use certain abilities that are specific to their advanced class. The reason why this is an issue for me is due to the fact that Jedi Guardian/Sentinels and Sith Juggernauts/Marauders can utilize vibroblades to their fullest extent and not be hindered by the aforementioned loss of abilities. Are there any plans to allow full ability usage via electrostaves for Jedi Shadows, and their counterparts, sometime in the future?
  2. I appreciate the clarifications for the upcoming patch!



    Is there any chance we can get a definitive underlying criteria a player must reach in order to send out X amount of companions? Being an altoholic, I'd like to know what level/stage/etc to reach in order to send a particular amount of companions out. This way I can become a finely greased machine to help provide things for other characters if I know that it is within reach. Is this restraint relieved via progression of story chapter, character level, planet, or something I'm not looking into?

  3. In regard to low population servers, when/what are the plans for those particular servers?


    Consolidation/Merging of multiple low pop servers? :D

    Weekly-Free-Transfers (Trion's Rift)? :rolleyes:

    Paid-Transfer-Fees (Blizzard's WoW)? :mad:


    I'm finding it difficult to stay on my current server since it seems to be dwindling down, and shelving my Legacy to start a new character on another server does not sound enticing to say the least.

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