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Posts posted by Jivefenix

  1. On my server I'd say the empire outnumbers the republic 2:1 but that's close to the standard on a PvP server. I recently rerolled republic to test it out and it feels so much more like star wars on republic side, so much so that I'm sticking with the republic. I think with the legacy system more people will try out the republic side of things and come to the same conclusion me and a few of my friends have. That republic feels like star wars and empire feels like a normal sci-fi MMO with the darth title.
  2. How are we supposed to test 50 content when we can't get copy's or premade characters? Every MMO has a way for you to get Mac level characters for testing....oh other than ToR.


    Literally none of the stuff is testable unless you want to spend hours leveling a character on the test server. Except the CD change which we all said was fail and terrible, but they pushed it live.


    Pretty much this ^

  3. Hi everyone,


    We will be bringing down servers for four hours on February 9th, 2012 from 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET) until 6AM CST (4AM PST/7AM EST/12PM GMT/1PM CET) in order to deploy a patch. This patch will resolve the following:


    Killing players on Ilum will now grant Valor and mission credit as intended.



    All servers will be offline during this period. This deployment is expected to take no more than four hours.


    Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.



    Upcoming Patch



    Date: Thursday, February 9th, 2012





    All game servers will be offline during this period. This deployment is expected to take no more than four hours.


    Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars: The Old Republic.


    Doesn't look like anything will be changing tomorrow :mad:

  4. Hi everyone,


    I wanted to let you know that we will be deploying a patch tomorrow (details coming very soon) with the following resolutions:


    • Killing players on Ilum will now consistently grant Valor and mission credit as intended.


    Once again, thank you for your patience.


    Though this is about Ilum hopefully they will change the UI back as well. Maybe I'll be able to play without a headache soon, but I'm not getting my hopes up

  5. I think you've made a poll like this too early to provide a fair and measured responce from people. It's only been ....has it even been 24hrs? People don't like change. Make this poll a week from now then see where the votes go.


    Orrrr just do the easy thing and add the option to pick either.


    The problem with waiting is that some of us can't even play cause of the UI and it's current effects on our eyes and head.

  6. Change is fine, I welcome and openly accept change. I do not however welcome eye strain, headaches and dizziness which you guys keep ignoring as the main issue for most of us. Those of us who have been reporting the side effects don't even care about the change to abilities, we just want to be able to play without headaches. Surely, you cannot be so insensitive to call that mere change.


    I'm in total agreement here I get the same thing happening to me

  7. The point is that quest/vendor bought orange gear will be useless along with tier gear, because they'll not have augment slots.


    I was really looking forward to using a low-level quest orange jacket on my Juggernaut, but I'll have to settle for a crafted piece that I only kind of like the looks of just because it'll have an augment slot.


    They are useless now I don't see the problem with it

  8. crit oranges are going to be dirt cheap because they do not require biometric alloys to make. What other gear are you wearing right now that isn't tier gear thats right none, so everyone is wearing the exact same thing. This way your getting so many more options than just that one set of gear, how is this a bad thing. Yeah you'll lose the tier gear look. Minus one look for many different sets I'll take that any day of the week. Of course I might be biased since I hate my tier set look.
  9. Orange weapons can already be crit crafted (though they cost a lot of time spent in HMs to make) I really don't see the problem with allowing orange gear to crit even if it automatically becomes BiS. It still offers much more variety, as currently there is one set of pve gear in different colors for each class. With crit crafted oranges there is so many more styles you can achieve and it will give BW the option to add so many more armors than before. It's not like crit oranges are going to be rare so they will be affordable and you still have to raid to get the mods. Only if you really really love the raid gear looks do I see a problem for you and afterall it is only one set. Take away one look for many different looks I'm fine with that.
  10. While there isn't a guide stickied for Operatives just yet, there is a great guide on the main Imperial Agent forums with links to quite a bit of Operative information.


    Also, we are always looking for fantastic guides. If you come across a well thought-out, accurate guide that is updated frequently on the Operative forum, please feel free to flag it so we can review it!



    LoL did this guy even read the post

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