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Posts posted by Wheezal

  1. Only if R2D2 allowed it to. He is the closest thing the Star Wars universe has to God.



    so Kyle Katarn is Chuck Norris. R2-D2 is God.


    then what is EU Luke?


    it's MADNESS!!

  2. It's like the redhead misconception. Having red hair is a recessive trait, so people think they'll eventually die out, but it just means more people will carry the recessive trait, making it common for two non-redheaded parents to have a redheaded child.


    you mean it's impossible to stop gingers?!?



  3. Wedge


    he saved Luke in Ep IV over the Death Star with the best cinematic shot of that whole space battle.


    He brought down the first walker on Hoth in Ep V


    He co-led the attack on the 2nd Death Star and helped Lando destroy it.



    Never a scene where gets medals or someone says "wow Wedge, thanks for all you've done! and without the force helping you out!" He symbolized the workhorses of the Rebel Alliance military that worked behind the scenes.

  4. Houston, home to the AFC South Division Champions, checking in!



    Austin here. but i've had season tickets from day 1 (when they beat the Cowboys) and it's ssssooo nice to see this team gel finally.

  5. i felt a lot like Torikae did, although nowhere near as emotionally invested.


    the way i see it, the life of a smuggler (by definition a criminal) means that almost everyone will eventually try to turn the tables on you sooner or later. Darmas was too good to be true, so when he and Dadonna showed their true colors, it was a big deal, but one that there was some preperation for.


    in the end, despite the hugely elaborate traps, my smuggler and his crew were the last ones standing.


    and i'm not entirely trustful of everyone on my crew for that matter.

  6. you mean right outside the chancellor's office? i imagine that's probably a security thing, dont want to risk accidents or assassination attempts of people that could get too close.


    it kinda makes sense that certain buildings would have a "no-fly-zone" area around them if they were important enough.

  7. Actually the smuggler was the most blatantly obvious class that at the end of chapter II, the war had started again.



    On the treasure ship the voidwolf calls in and when the moffs ask for help he responds that since war has OFFICIALLY been declared with the Republic that under rule ,.... which operates in wartime, he can destroy their ship and them on it since it is at risk of being taken by the enemy - me.


    oh yeah, i completely forgot about that dialogue. i was more focused on the phat lewt i was stealing (i was a little teary-eyed at the skull with a hole in it).


    i was referring to a summation later on with Republic peeps. but you're right, it was confirmed earlier.

  8. I did not really notice the cold war ending on my smuggler.



    other than a dialogue tree on Corellia (or at least after Voss) that pretty much sums up that the war is back on, the smuggler story-line really doesn't involve him int he war. it's nice to be on the outside looking in. the smuggler's actions as a privateer and against the voidwolf are more personally oriented.

  9. Star Wars Tie Fighter.





    also, how does the SW:FU get even within 100 miles of the other games on the list? That's like asking what do you like more? bacon, pie, steak, or dog crap.


    no dark forces? no x-wing? XvT? Jedi Knight series?


    I think if KoTOR 2 had been done, and so much of it had not been stripped out, it would be a serious contender, but it was just too much of an unfinished puzzle.

  10. i have a couple, they're great for show and the hilts are extremely high quality. The blade's are a tad weak, while they can survive mild impacts, you dont want to go into full on stuntman mode with them.


    i've heard of conversion kits that use stronger binds on the LEDs and a thicker blade shell, but never tried them.


    Still, the prices drop quickly if you can find them locally (i got 2 at a Frye's for under $150) and they cool as heck.

  11. I'll see. It might of been on the beta boards when they said that, don't remember. It was right around launch time so I'm not sure if the post still exists or not.



    i cant find it now, but i do recall a forum post where a dev explained why there weren't going to finish it. maybe it was on the beta boards.

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