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Posts posted by Amberres

  1. I have a pretty good pile of credits myself, and even I'm finding these levels of mats required absolutely ridiculous. For example: the new green Resistive Armoring 77 schematic for Armormech, the first schematic you can pick up, costs TWENTY Processed Isotope Stabilizers (the rare blue mats from end game content) and EIGHT Solid Resource Matrices (rare purple mat from conquest) to make. Just a green armoring, no set bonus, not even a full armor piece, that you have to make over and over to reverse engineer. I haven't even seen what the blue or purple version will cost to create, and I'm not going to likely, because this is BS and I don't want to participate in it.


    +1 on this one. We need some major crafting adjustments here!

  2. I'm confused; are we allowed to get up to 2 million in credits from crystal/commendation conversions? OR is a single character only allowed to have 2 million after update 5.0 hits??


    In other words, do I need to spread my riches amongst my toons so that for example 8 toons provide a maximum budget of 16 million credits?


    plz clarify

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