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Posts posted by Startesterme

  1. Light population and trying to get a war front is slow and disappointing. I see far too many Light population servers for a majority of the day. Please head off the problem and do some server merges sooner then later.


    Level 50 and finding it hard to want to log in knowing it could be hours + for a war front.

  2. There is always late access.....


    What a slap in the face not doing wave invites 24/7 until everyone is in. BW is this the message you really want to send us?


    Time to go home, yawn my day is done... and to think this is launch day effort, what message is this sending to us about after launch if you didn't staff to have this going 24/7 on the debatable idea of staggered launch.

  3. You guys do realize 70% and more of the ppl who'll play this game pre-ordered right?


    You guys realize that this is more like a release than there will ever be right?


    You realize that the people playing later than today actually have late access instead of early access right?



    Forget how Bioware calls it for a second and see it for what it is. October/November/December guys, you'll get late access the way this is slowly progressing.


    Another great point

  4. You summed up my exact thoughts...good post. Would love to know why they think that 4 waves are sufficient. If they continued waves through the night you would make a lot of your player base happy and down the road when some are waffling on staying or leaving its this kind of support that will keep people. Get off your behinds and stop giving us vague answers and give us something concrete to work with. I would be ok waiting until even the 15th if I knew that was when I could get it. Setting expectations for your consumer base should be an fing no brainer.


    Couldn't agree more. Good point about in a few months if we are deciding to stay or leave. This will be in the back of my mind.

  5. Let people in that want to play. Ques are a part of launch. Staggered launch then going home for the day is insanity.


    I would expect a staggered launch then going home for the day and shutting down invites from an independent developer, not a big company. Actually let me take that back, I wouldn't expect it from any company.

  6. Relax people I am sure they will be inviting wave after wave non stop until everyone is in. They are a big company, not a small joke company that would do a staggered launch and then stop inviting for the day, that would just be stupid.


    Just a bad joke or miscommunication, I am sure they prepared and will be inviting non stop till everyone is in.

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