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Posts posted by Blundern

  1. I agree with most of your statement, there's multiple of those things I want to see in the game aswell. Altough if they do all this asap we'll have another game that has the same features like World of Warcraft.


    I quit that game due to the fact that there was too much in the end, LFG systems, easy raids, addons that made it so that you barely had to do any work by yourself.


    Regardless tho, I also believe in this game having potential. They just shouldn't implent all of these stuff, just because you are used to having DoT HUDs doesn't mean you can change your playstyle. I've got a few DoTs aswell, and got absolutely no problem keeping track fo them in my rotation. At the moment DPS/Healing all comes down to priorities instead of actual straight up rotation (which is boring when you don't have to think for yourself).


    Nevertheless, I respect your need over these things, altough I do not fully agree with you on all statements.

  2. Yeah, same here, it's better to scream your fury out into nothing, than not scream at all :D


    It absolutely isn't. Screaming out makes you look stupid, if you want to be taken seriously then write a formal article about it, explain the problem and then your solution.


    Anyways, the queue's are being taken care of, I logged on at 12.00 CET at EU Bloodworthy, having a queue on 1200. When I was on 1100 it dropped down to 150 (Probably due to a Server Population Cap increase).


    I Solute BioWare for this! Keep up the Good Work and you'll be fine.


    PS: People that play MMO and expect no queue's at launch, please stop play now, and come back in a month. And to answer all questions that might come in Quotes:

    - Yes I played Vanilla WoW Launch, yes I had a queue on 5000-8000 on Bladefist EU

    - Yes I played Warhammer Online, yes that was a failure what they did with queues (May BioWare not do the same).


    Anyways, Great Game! Ciao.

  3. Really hoping they increase Server Cap at Launch or very closely after. I don't mind waiting for something this epic and good (done it in Multiple WoW Expansions for example.).


    Just hoping that they do it fairly soon, sucks when you work to about 20.00 CET like today, and I'm barely halfway through the queue now (over 2 hours).

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