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Posts posted by Jevnaker

  1. Three things to improve 7.0 from my perspective as a story and alt leveling and some fp player. 1. on pts the new 7.0 originally the new ui made me so nauseous i was literally unable to play the pts and test anything. so reverting all the ui changes to the 6.0 would be a great improvement the 6.0 was still a massive downgrade of the ui but it would at least not make people unwell and it would be more functional and useful. 2. remove the rotation for flashpoints etc it is a stupid change that prevents me from playing fp's i want to. Also i loved spamming hammer station over and over outside its easyness it was one of the few that didn't feel annyoing in many ways while traversing through it so being able to spam it was great cus it gave you the option to not have to repeat one of the dungeons u hated over and over. 3. whatever else feedback you will get on the working of sets. you must make an exception for the xp set in terms of set bonuses not working above 75. but then 7.0 launch showed you ignore feedback and pts testing feedback info as much as some people ignore the truth. which had been obvious for a long time already but 7.0 has proved it definitively. which was the last thing we expected to be proven with 7.0 in addition to horrible and or idiotic changes that player said we don't want or tried to warn wasnt gonna work on pts you still implemented load of changes nobody wanted or needed. and as such has massivly downgrade the quality of the game in all aspects for all players. if you want to know how badly messed up 7.0 is i rarely post stuff on the forums and this is probably my longest post ever.

    p.s. another idiotic change is the auto removal of the heroics and weekly quests etc upon reset times.

  2. The no set bonus past 75 should be removed for the xp set so that the set can once again work as intended. this is another in the long line of idiotic and simply baffling stupid ideas and or changes that has arrived with 7.0


    p.s. just because blizzard does massivly idiotic changes to their bonus xp armor doesn't mean you have to follow suit.

  3. Here are my thoughts that i originally posted somewhere else.


    The char creation visuals was a nice ui sidegrade at best. but at least it wasnt the first ui change that was an mega downgrade like the new inventory and character ui is 1. it is visually uglier and clunkier and 2. it literally is making me feel unvell from looking at it i have now played maybe 15-20 minutes with looking at inventory due to trying to pick up and place all the mail my char has been sent back into storage. but i noticed it making me unwell pretty quickly (this is something that happens to me with some visual things that they make me unwell) on top of that is the inability to hide the intentory part of the new char window which is an idiotic feature to begin with. The afffect the ui visual had on me was the reason i gave up even trying to do enough testing stuff to earnt he holo log.

  4. The char creation visuals was a nice colld ui sidegrade at best. but at least it wasnt the first ui change that was an mega downgrade like the new inventory and character ui is 1. it is visually uglier and clunkier and 2. it literally is making me feel unvell from looking at it i have now played maybe 15-20 minutes with looking at inventory due to trying to pick up and place all the mail my char has been sent back into storage. but i noticed it making me unwell pretty quickly (this is something that happens to me with some visual things that they make me unwell) on top of that is the inability to hide the intentory part of the new char window which is an idiotic feature to begin with.
  5. Secrets of the Enclave is also ridiculously easy. Maybe some middle ground would be nice.



    Ok in 306 gear even when it first came out it never took me longer than an hour and I never died on neither of my characters. I'm afraid that might be user error. You need to take a look at your abilities and figure out why you're dying so much.

    The secret of the enclave feels just right diffuculty and hp damage wise on the mobs and stuff.


    Not much to look at when one attack from a trash mob takes me almost to half health. And i know my class and spec and have had no such extreme dying issues in anything before as i have said before but maybe elsewhere that not even when the chiss one was new was it this bad for me.

  6. I have done this horror of a storymode flashpoint twice. on my merc and on my jedi knight. And both were wearing 306 gear and it in both cases took over 1 hours 30 minutes because of how op all the mobs are i died over 10 times. The trash mobs are still so super mega op that the bosses are easier at least in comparison. Not even the chiss one was so bad for me when it first came out. It is an absolute slogfest of a grind due to all the op mobs. this place needs to be nerfed even more especially on storymode. I decided to try all three sentinel speccs, to see if that helped matters it did not.
  7. Apparently the Spirit of Vengeance SOLO-STORY is meant to have the exact same mobs as the Veteran mode. Because reasons? Pretty damn stupid and a complete departure from ALL previous story content.


    Yes like the trash mobs still seem tuned to people with item ratin 399999 while the bosses seems pretty ok and easy esq on story mode in comparison at least. Like i have to use several healing cooldowns every single trash pack just to barely survive while on boss i barely had to use any. And the companion is still pretty useless despite his number actually being 25 now.

  8. At first I thought you were in Anchorage, Alaska ... but it's warmer there than it is here today !! (has been for a few days too !)




    Alaskan Polar Bear club ?? Coney Island Polar Bear club ? (the oldest established on record since 1903)


    In any case ... more power to ya !!


    (That's just nuts) ;)


    I went to an adventist high school here in Norway there was several baptisms during winter and did them in the fjord after the ice had covered the fjord.

  9. Hello for several months now the timers that appears when you hover your mouse over an buff or debuff has been frozen and not updating while you are hovering your mouse above em. it only updates if you move your mouse away and then back over the buff/debuff. Please fix this soon cus it is an pain in the death star exhaust port.
  10. 1. Humans and Cyborg chars have lost the light in their eyes/face so they look completly dead inside. This leads to things like the double black cybernetic with red pupils looking like two black holes in the face basically. This doesn't seem to affect any other races.

    2. The timers on buffs and or debuffs are frozen and doesn't count down anymore when you hover your mouse over them.

    3. Enchancements no longer being returnable to vendor if not used.

  11. Sorry, I get that I need to make the TLDR a little clearer: It's something like this

    Shae = 10k dps

    Veroa Dens = 9.4k dps

    Master Ranos or Ashara = 9.2k dps

    2 Blasters = 8.9k dps

    Blaster/sniper riffle/pistol user = 8k dps

    Melee single weapon users = 7.8k dps (darth hexid)


    Thanks a lot it was pretty clear overall it was just something about the way those two were mentioned i think that got me confused on which was higher dps.

  12. Great point, I'm working on a list of companions to consider at 75.. Something like this:


    Shae Vizla - Imperial Memorabilia, Military Gear

    Veeroa Denz - Imperial Memorabilia, Underworld Good

    Z0-0M - Republic Memorabilia > Maintenance

    Any 2 Blaster user (QO-77, Theron Shan, Vette, Nico Okarr, Hemdil Tre, Andronikos Revel)

    Scorpio - Maintenance

    2V-R8 - Maintenance

    C2-N2 - Maintenance

    Koth Vortena - Delicacies

    Major Pierce - Weapon, Military Gear > PVP > Delicacies (imp)

    M1-4X - Republic Memorabilia > PVP > Maintenance (pub)

    Darth Hexid - Cultuural Artifact > Delicacies

    HK-55 - Military Gear > Maintenance

    T7-01 - Technology > Maintenance

    Looks good =) can you please clarify for me of darth hexid and ranos which is the higher dps?

  13. Did you reach alignment Dark I or above with "Show Dark Side Corruption" turned on?

    No i am full lightside on all chars. also the weird light in the eyes of cyborg chars issue doesn't seem to have affected my non cyborg char they still have the same light in the eyes that they should have. I checked with another of my cyborg chars just now and it has the eyepatch cybernetic and one visible eye and that normal eye also lacked the light that the eyes usually have if you get what i mean.

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