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Posts posted by Lurchy

  1. I am happy to be corrected if I am wrong.. Have any of the bugs that were identified on the PTS been addressed before going live with the game?


    I did not have the patience to sort out the false Trojan issue when 1.3 patched to the test server so I just gave up and figured it would be sorted for the Live launch.


    False trojan issue was still there when I patched the Live server this evening but as I was a bit more motivated to sort it I finally resolved that and got the game up.


    Been occupying myself idly browsing through General forum and it seems that every issue that was picked up in PTS is still an issue in the Live patch.


    It would just seem to me that they may as well not bother with PTS at all and just go live with the Patches after in house testing as the Live servers will identify all the issues very quickly and they don't seem to worry about bringing patches to Live with known issues.

  2. This has been reported before as a bug in multiple threads, among others:







    And I'm giving the floor back to you, Mr. Lurchy, as I really need some of that highly overrated and elusive state of mind called sleep!


    Ah thanks for that Sauska I was having trouble finding it and i also need mah beeed

  3. - The textures on shoe soles are a little blurry.


    - From some viewing angles I can sometimes look inside my chars empty head and I find that looking at eyes from inside a head is disturbing.


    I am fairly certain this will take but a short search.. but in the words of Arnie..'I'll be back!'

  4. My first instinct is to beam him into hyperspace, or ask him to share what he's on. However, I'll see if I can gather some worthy weapons to defeat him ;)


    Ah wait, you mean cowbell man, yeah the hyperspace option may be the way to go there

  5. If they have unsubbed and thier subscription has expired, they would not be able to answer your question on this forum. . Hope I am wrong.


    This bit of what he said.


    I am a 6m rolling subscription unsubber, I doubt this will convince me to reactivate my subscription before it expires in late August. I would be happy if they address my issues (won't bore you with what they are, you have read them from a thousand others repeatedly) enough for me to want to re sub in August.

  6. Hmph, this is indeed a challenge, and I doubt that my complaint hasn't been voiced before, but here goes!


    I want to make an official complaint about the lack of jewelry ingame. Even WoW had necklaces and rings with imba stats or just silly or sweet messages. I really need to deck myself out in shinyness! Eta on adding jewelry?


    Your doubts are indeed well founded! Took a bit of searching but your complaint is not valid




    Good try though Fraulein!:D

  7. This might be even more of a shocker, considering the fragile male ego: it's actually a "she" getting away with such a good one :D


    Fraps or it didn't happen! We all know that all "she's" on the internet are in fact fat German blokes with moustaches!

  8. Relics: I have no idea where you'd actually stick those relics... for all I know it's where the sun don't shine ;)

    Earpiece: up to now, I pictured those earpieces as something Seals or G-men wear, physical spyware so to speak. Sadly, that's just my impression, I have no proof of that.

    Implants: ohh, these are definitely subdermal!


    yep yep Liquidacid alrady had your back on this, I am just gonna have to scour the forum to try and prove your (bloody good) complaint as not original:( I may be some time!

  9. not really valid to the specific complaint since it was said s/he wanted to "deck myself out in shinyness" and those items are not visible on the player model


    True but I can't let him get away with such a good one so easily can I?

  10. The Foley-type sound effects are well done. I particularly enjoy the crunchy snow terrain footfalls and the splash of running on damp ground. Have never noticed sound syncing problems except when my own ISP causes major lag.


    That's about as obscure an item to praise that I can think of right now.


    Hmm I quite like those sound effects too although I really dislike Hoth so don't get to enjoy the crunchy snow sound that often.


    I am not convinced that somebody has not praised this before so I am off to search!

  11. Hmph, this is indeed a challenge, and I doubt that my complaint hasn't been voiced before, but here goes!


    I want to make an official complaint about the lack of jewelry ingame. Even WoW had necklaces and rings with imba stats or just silly or sweet messages. I really need to deck myself out in shinyness! Eta on adding jewelry?


    Hmm not bad, I will be back after extensive forum search tool utilisation!


    Whilst I am doing that my immediate challenge would be.. Surely the Relics, ear piece and implants could be considered jewellery?

  12. I hereby complain about the addictiveness of the game... I only have inklings of boredom after clocking hour 60 of any given week and I blame BW totally for my obsessive enjoyment of this game.


    My name is Podge and I'm a TOR-aholic


    Sorry your complaint is invalid as you cited BW that is not allowed. Checjk the rules:p

  13. Actually, I think you are misinterpreting here. BW clearly states that they won't spread an origin server's population accross multiple destination servers. So the way I read it is that when, after transfering yet another origin server onto a destination server, that destination server is nearing the cap BW is looking for, a new destination server for subsequent origin servers will be designated.


    Yeah I see what you are saying, I accept that my interpretation is incorrect but I do think that would be a more logical way to do it

  14. Actually its you misreading the text. He just quoted devs post, a server origin population will not be divided into multiple destinations nor now nor any time later in this transfer process.


    Ok, I stand corrected. I was just thinking that they were going to fill a server then when at the right level switch to the next one. to me that would have been more efficient than having 3 into 1 and hoping that a lot of guys inactive on each of the three's would all move to the one as well as the actives on the three's.

  15. well that is impossible... I've been here a few years and I'm sure every single aspect of the game down to what the Dev's ate for lunch has been complained about at some point


    Hey, if it was easy then everybody would complain saying they burned through it too quickly and there was no challenge!:)

  16. As a reasonably regular forum whore I am finding the forum to be less fun recently so I am proposing this thread as a bit of light entertainment for any that are of a similar disposition.




    You have to pick an aspect of SWTOR (the game only, nothing about EA or BW) to either complain about or praise.




    The aspect of SWTOR you pick to praise or complain about must not have been either praised or complained about in this forum before.


    You have to defend your praise or complaint against all comers, you are allowed to be ridiculous but not silly.


    Anybody challenging the praise or complaint for not being original has to put a link to the thread proving this to be the case.





    I would start this off but I am going to be away for the next week so I won't be around to defend my praise/complaint

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