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Posts posted by Revanchis

  1. Really, most of these could have been fixed by not making the game an MMO to begin with. I'm willing to forgive Blizzard for doing so with Warcraft because it had such a magnificent payoff for them and was clearly within their business goals, but TOR hasn't had nearly that level of success, and given the nostalgia I see for KotOR, it probably could have done better were it just the third game in that series. Of course, Austin may well have screwed that up as well... I wish we could see their design processes.


    Ya, that's a problem that will never go away. It's best to just make peace with it, I've basically done that myself. KotOR 3 is a dead dream. T.T


    So, reading up on past pages it looks like not much has changed on this front while I've been gone. That's a shame.

  2. believe it or not, some of us actually buy video games for gameplay and a star wars story experience


    not for a waifu/husbando simulator


    If I imagined myself as my character I am roleplaying, I would never romance Dorne or Grell. I don't want that kind of personality in a relationship.


    I don't have a single romance playthrough on my characters, and I really enjoyed the platonic, friendship and sometimes rivalry, it allows them to stay in character more and remain consistent with my own character's personality. Not everything is about bad fanfic romance, go read a novel if you want that


    That's fine if you don't like it but some people do. Saying that they should just go read a novel instead is like telling the PvP people to **** off and go play Halo. It's not the same thing.

  3. Uhh... TOR has cutscenes/voiceovers and companions. Other than those two features, TOR has less features than MMO's had 15 years ago. Some of the features it does have are pale imitations of features that have been staples of MMO's forever. Crafting and customizing being the most notable.


    Ya, but it has shadows of things that are actually good, namely companions and a story. It may not be as good as a proper RPG, but it's still miles above anything any other MMO can offer.

  4. As someone above me said - this isn't the way the majority of MMO's go.

    I played UO for many years and I played a crafter for a lot of my time there. With the exception of some magical weapons, the best armour and weapons were player-crafted.

    The furniture in all homes was player crafted, the list is endless.


    Crafting appears to be a tiny mini-game in SWTOR, which was what really prompted my initial post. It could have been great with plenty of depth. But alas.


    It's just one of the trade-offs of this game being a hybrid. Trust me, there's a lot of stuff from the RPG standpoint that was lessened because of it's hybrid nature.

  5. Well, SWTOR does have more story emphasis than WoW, in that you can't escape from it (unless you try really hard) but the actual maintenance thereof? Ehh... :S


    Hopefully Makeb will herald a new era of story updates. It's highly unlikely, of course.


    For an MMO it might have quite a bit of story, but for a Bioware game it's pretty light.


    Ashley always died on me, since I could never get her past Virmire. :rolleyes:


    Yeah, that's another reason why the idea of seperating class from romance content would be working. The Captain and Corso, well, I dig them and really hope to see them bloom, but I could live with them re-inventing the concept for that cause. I know romance is not all this game is about, but for the female Consular for instance the romance is kind of pointless anyway, since she's bound to the Jedi Code. Unless they find a way around that, storywise, her romances are just really.... unfulfilled.


    You don't really have to follow the code. You can always go dark and just forget about it.

  6. I'm not stating anything is, or isn't, a majority/minority, I'm simply asking someone who is claiming something is 100% true to provide their evidence to back that up. Read through all these pages, I've never once voiced a preference one way or another.


    If I were to take a stance, its against people making stuff up.


    Then let's just agree that the size of the audience is unknown.

  7. Wow, could you completely ignore the progression of that particular conversation and then completely ignore where HE tried equating those to a basic right? So yes I made a non veiled statement about his assertion that they were. Wow, could you please try to keep up?


    Edit: I am however a bit surprised myself even; that with the obvious intervention of Bioware with the moving of the thread that that particular post was not removed and sanitized.


    It wouldn't be sanitizing. You flagrantly broke the ToS by discussing real world political issues. Don't say you're being censored when you go around breaking the rules you agreed to.


    And your telling someone that they are not allowed to voice their opinion if it does not fall in line with your own. Do you not see the hypocrisy in that? Now at which point Bioware decides they want to add the ability to do so then there is not much I can do about it but speak with my wallet if I so choose, but until that time being able to voice your support or voice my non support of said idea is not something that should be infringed upon. I don't wish to have your opinion squelched even though I disagree with it on this matter why would you wish to squelch mine? There in lies the hypocrisy I was speaking of.



    And this is why there's no point in arguing with people like this. They do all kinds of mental gymnastics to try and flip the situation around so that they come out ahead. There can be no rational discussion when both sides aren't coming at it from an even position. (Naturally of course this entire post will be flipped around by the persecution complex so that we're actually trying to silence their beliefs of silencing us.)

  8. I agree that this should be added. I can't see myself using it, but it'd be nice for the people that want it. I'd also like to see less revealing armour for females. It's annoying to have this awesome armour for dudes, but on a chick it's a midriff baring halter-top.
  9. Nothing in this game benefits everybody. The difference is that the vast majority of the player base is in a guild and would benefit from guild functionality. Whereas, only a small minority portion of the player base will benefit from SGRs.


    Man, you really need to stop stating that like it's an empirical fact.

  10. I also find that the ones calling the shots must be reminded of that. Many other more important features and functions far exceed than the need for SGR. Certainly not as much as Guild functions, or other stuff that everyone can participate in. It's simple logic. The extra resources should've went to more pressing matters.


    Everyone can participate in SGRs as well. You can choose not to, just like I choose not to use a guild. So don't go saying that guilds are for everyone, not everyone is in a guild.

  11. So you're a man, who pretends you're a women, but you're against SGR? I'm very confused.


    Roleplaying as the opposite sex isn't pretending to be the opposite sex. At no point are our characters us. It's just playing a female character. Just like playing as Samus doesn't mean you're pretending to be a women.

  12. I respectfully suggest that it's inaccurate to claim his comments mean that he thinks that what you call 'throw-away flirts' are equal to full-fledged companion romances. I likewise suggest that when he referred to SGRs he did so as it was the term being used in the Hickman Update and was referring directly back to that (swapping to a different acronym would have just confused the matter) but that both he and the Hickman Update are referring specifically to SGFPs going in with Makeb, and not that they're intended to be a replacement (or even particularly comparative to) SGRAs.


    The only one who can clarify what he meant for certain, of course, is JovethGonzales himself.


    I kind of expected him to immediately pop up, like you had said Beetlejuice three times.

  13. Then again I don't know a single polyamorous person who's not in some way or another a recovering monogamist living in a monogamy-centric society. Historical evidence suggests that people brought up in societies accepting of non-monogamy don't (surprise surprise) have hang-ups about it.


    Recovering monogamist sounds wrong, I mean we don't say recovering heterosexual when talking about gay people that have come out.


    On topic, it would be interesting to see something like that in a future game, although I don't see myself using that option.

  14. For me a good MMO should be about developing the world. So for me it´s more important to get the world story going. In that sense a faction quest could be a good thing. I liked some of the phasing blizz did in cata and it could be done in swtor too. Ex. after finishing a planet quest line the planet would phaseshift.


    It´s not that i dont like class story, but developing 8 class stories is alot of work. And we still want the factions and the worlds to go somewhere. It´s probably never going to happen. Maybe in a paid expansion, i just worry that too much fokus on class stories will hurt other aspects of the game.


    Personally I couldn't care less about the faction story. The factions are just there to give some backdrop to our personal dramas. Working for the empire and having it focus on hunting the Republic would be boring.

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