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Posts posted by mikeyisback

  1. I'm not really angry at the waves thing or the first come first serve thing... but the lack of information is a bit disheartening; they could atleast Officially estimate when waves for which blocks would be going out.... I mean if they are already broken into waves.... I don't really think its that big a deal to tell you when your wave will go live.
  2. I have really enjoyed every Bioware game I have played. That being said I was skeptical of trying a MMO supported by EA. EA games has the absolute worst customer service and moderation of any gaming company I have seen. All they seem to care about is Money and Digital rights management. I was without internet and in Iraq in 2007 when i purchased Red Alert 3, and when I called them to ask if i could register it offline; they told me their products could not be activated offline or outside the United States, and that I was breaking the law by taking their software to Iraq on military orders...... That is pretty win customer service if you ask me. So to see some shenanigans like this is no surprise to me. I just hope they don't lock servers so I can play with my freinds when they get in and already are in.
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