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Posts posted by Seanhazz

  1. One of the most crucial abilities of the MM sniper, especially in HB, is making your opponent take notice as you burst down healers over and over, and help control the middle for the next HB spawn. This causes the healer to rage and request/demand that the dps handle you.


    While they are chasing you all over the map in a group of 2-3, They are definitely not in the pursuit of your HB carrier, and if played smartly, they never kill you because you ran them straight into your HB shield group and helped wipe them clean...over and over.


    I just described just one match of many played with my 43/43 sniper, which i now favor over my more squishy Assassin Battlemaster in PvP.


    I had to L2P, did, and I am having a blast with it. I'm sure post 50 will give me fits for a time, but i know the possibility and love the results so far.

  2. I can't speak for anyone else but myself, but: I did not powerlevel to 50. I experienced every single cutscene on my sin and sent. I hit 50 about two and a half weeks after early access (maybe three).


    Not everyone wants to level multiple alts which only really have about 15% unique leveling content anyway. What pvper in their right mind is going to level every class for the story? I'm sure as hell not and I shouldn't have to do that to "make-up" for the lack of polish and end-game. Nevermind the fact that if pvp is genuinely compelling and fluid, people would play it whether or not the content was there.


    If you primarily (or only) pvp, there's a grind to valor rank 60 (for nothing tbh). Then the game takes a nosedive.


    There is a massive difference between complaining and offering valid, constructive criticism. I suggest you read my original post if the difference still escapes you.


    This game is actually being hacked non-stop: speed hackers, bg over queue bugging are sabotaging the experience for a ton of people and the problems have still gone unchecked.


    I think clueless people like you, who attempt to silence discussion and ways games could be improved are far more detrimental to the state of the games than people like me. You've offered nothing but homer-ism to this discussion.


    I suggest you take off your rose colored glasses.


    Funny thing, I expressed an opinion, and your feelings got hurt because i don't agree.


    Delusion? perhaps in that i know and realize that the community won't help to strengthen the game and be constructive, yet i'm still a hopeful Star Wars fan that they will turn it around and be patient, and not act like self-entitled brats.


    Denial is what describes you and your playing habits. The fact remains you DID power level, just type "/played" and see how much time you've spent on your character since "early Access", because of course you had to have the head start in front of the masses.


    To suggest that you and those who believe the same as you do constitute the BASE of PVP subscribers is also delusion.


    -TOR launched during a holiday season, when the kiddies could play non-stop all day with their new gifts. Of course the servers were packed.


    -Your precious WOW launched with NO BGs, and when they introduced them, they stayed broken and hacked for a very long time. When they introduced Arena, they said FU to all those who had to grind to the top in Vanilla by giving the gear away to close the gap.


    Maybe Ranked WZs

    Maybe another tier of gear.

    Maybe a better gearing system.

    Maybe a less crappy Ilum


    THATS getting closer to being a productive community member than you intended, and it echos the sentiments of many across all servers.


    YOU described the PVPers as a niche crowd. If you are correct, then who in their right mind would build a game for a niche crowd when many more were drawn by the KOTOR game model which featured a deep storytelling.


    Your PvP changes will come, just not when you demand them to or just because you and your fellow niches ransom your subscriptions over it. they have already mapped out a plan for content releases and changes and your rant won't deter them.


    After LEGACY is introduced and debugged, you'll most likely see your changes to pvp. Again, only MY opinion and observation.

  3. I would say that the majority of the subscriber base is casual. The problems in the end-game are most complained about by the speed levelers, self proclaimed professional pvpers who came from other games that didn't make their pvp cut, and those who power leveled and didn't experience any other content other than that which made their character more powerful?


    There is plenty to do in this game, on multiple characters, unless you play non-stop. Yes the PvP could use a facelift, and perhaps BW could copy some successful "pvp" formulas from other MMO's. I think they underestimated the players who would focus solely on pvp at end game, and the skill of some of the better guilds and players coming from other MMO's.


    The players complaining here, complained in the other forums of those other games too, for sure.


    This design team seems genuinely interested in satisfying the subscriber base, and the "expert" input from the more experienced MMO veterans could go a long way in helping develop this game for the long run.


    i think this game has been successful at avoiding the hacks, addressing certain emergency fixes in game, addressing class balancing, fixing content and much more. The response has been faster than any MMO I can remember in recent years, and I've played since MMOs since the UO launch.


    Remember this is a community, and your efforts can help build or help destroy that community. I'd wager that those complaining most, helped destroy "other" online communities as well, instead of helping to build them.

  4. They do. They just have to cast their cleanse before they stealth, so they are using 2 cooldowns to escape vs 1.


    Actually its 3 most of the time because since stealth is broken, we have to cast another ability just to stay "extra" hidden for a few more seconds, because people can spot you from a good distance away, without a stealth detection ability.

  5. A crit that high sounds like a pocket sniper was about waiting on your concentration to focus on the melee, and then he/she zapped the crap out of you.


    NEVER seen 6k crit on anything buy a sniper, on stims, buffed to the max and using a super combo.


    You've been sniped!

  6. This is rather amusing, people complaining about the grind, etc., etc. I bet those are the same people with 5-8 85's in that OTHER game, grind out dailies and arena for gear, and do it all over again for each character.


    People who have no attention span, and feel self-entitled, hop from one game to the next, seeking to WIN, and once they have done that or they are no longer top of the barrel, they move on.


    People from that OTHER game must forget the launch, the constant disconnects, Blizz giving out free game time because the game was unplayable for days at a time, server queues, server lag, pvp imbalances, BG's broken, mailboxes devouring things, accounts being hacked, crafting sucked, bugged instances, AFKers, botters, resource node bugs, client crashes, login servers broken, the list goes on.


    The point is they took YEARS to fix their issues, and are still fixing some all the time and some never.


    Give it a chance


    GW2 will still be more instanced pvp, with a storyline that is not as engrossing as SW:TOR has been.


    I guess to each his/her own, but don't bash the game for failing then try to place hope is something else following the same formula.


    You can have the soap box back.

  7. I wish poeple wouldn't use the daily as an excuse to leave/quit to get a win. The system rewards those who put in the effort, and is not forgiving to those that don't. Its the same in every MMO, its a grind like every other achievement.


    The self-entitled, "I deserve it" attitude will not get you what you want.


    Constructive feedback and arguments go a long way.


    Take your wins/losses, collect your Comms, and move on. They even made it easier to get your gear, and yet people still complain.


    By quittting mid-match, YOU are robbing someone who is putting in the effort to get medals and comms, but forcing them into a match where they collect a handful because they did nothing to help the cause, maybe THEy have a select number of matches and they are actually a good team player and earn their worthy share each time out.


    I agree with AFK sanctions and quitter sanctions, but only after the disconnect issues are addressed.


    (writing this while DC'd ironically)

  8. Khem Val rules them all!.


    Try this, give each companion (no Talos) a green same lvl weapon, and find another Inquisitor friend to do the same, strip them of their gear, and see who wins.


    My order was....







    We frequently "Duel" them when we are bored just to see who is the "People's Champion". Who knows, maybe we could have a weekly event, and get companions their titles, lol....j/k

  9. Lets say by chance you are in Huttball as DPS, and the Ball magically lands in your hands after you take out the carrier solo on the platforms, now you just throw it away?


    No, you change stances and try to carry for that game score if there is no one to pass to. I have done it many times. Now after the changes, you'll have to wait that last leg until the fire is down because you can't use your skills., which will allow the zerg to catch you and chain stun you.


    ...or, non-tanking builds treat it as a hot potato.



    Its just a bad idea, especially since we are the squishiest class.

  10. I personally like the idea of sniping from the shadows, face unseen, and mysterious hood. I also like the to visit the WZ's with different gear (all same mods) so i don't look the same and get FF'd for taking out that precious healer a few times...until they put a symbol on your butt, lol


    This is my outfit early 30's.



  11. I personally don't want the addons. They breed Elitist attitudes and standards among raiders and create cookie cutter builds just to try to keep up. Where is the fun in everyone playing the same build?


    We have the tools in-game to do what is being asked here. Find Elite mob A with 30k health, and time how long your rotation takes to down him. Switch up gear and build if necessary, and repeat. Don't you think some of the features were left out for a reason? To create a different type of community from the standard MMO clones. If they don't like it or it is unbearable they can go back to their former MMO. Ultimately it is Bioware/EA's decision.


    The same goes for macros. They create inattentive button mashers, who are destined to fall asleep pressing their one button.

  12. To the OP, you should really spend a lot of time looking at your abilities and what they do; I WZ with an RL friend who is a Marauder, I'm a Sorc (Heals), and we dominate Huttball in particular, but do very well (win % wise) in all WZs...


    When I play with my Merc friend we're not even close to as effective when trying to play objectively.




    This guy has the right idea. Any class with a good TEAMMATE in tow can be un-killable. Ever run into a champion geared/Tank spec Juggernaut with a pocket healer? 2 assassins working together and controlling the top tiers of Huttball?? 2 troopers cross-healing and holding down a node against 4-5 people? letting that BH or other range class sit up high and just nuke is not a reason to call nerf or say pvp is broken.


    Most of the issues are PUG related. Good teams will steamroll a PUG most of the time.


    I hate the expression but it serves a purpose. "L2P" with others, and enjoy the game more. They even reward you for playing with others (social points). All of the "heroes" in Star Wars had companions/friends to aid in their success.

  13. I missed a window to jump into combat because i was getting items from the vendor, and got "booted" out of the warfront. When i tried to re-que, i got booted to character select. I thought it was some kind of "deserters" debuff that prevents you from re-entering for X number of minutes, to prevent AFKers in warfronts.


    It has happened a couple times when running for a quick bio or something.

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