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Posts posted by CalvinDu

  1. Quoted from someone's long "review" of TOR in another thread...




    (referring to the voice and animated scenes you get with the quest givers)


    And that's the problem with many players. They do not want to experience the quest and the story and the adventure, they just want to "get it done" and move on to the next one. Click, go, click, go, click, go, etc


    They may as well just be playing "Generic MMORG" where all you do is get quest, do quest, turn in quest, and move on. Not caring whether it is SciFi, fantasy, or Cowboys and Indians.

    They just see it as a mechanical process, not as an adventure in a specific setting (Star Wars, in this case).


    It's hard to care.. when the objectives given and the process to complete said objectives seem mechanical in every way.

  2. If you are noticing and staring at a pixelated backside, you have bigger concerns than sexual orientation.


    I only play male characters. My character is an extension of me. I am male. It is my avatar in the game world. It makes sense. I always find it weird when guys play female characters, and my best friend does it constantly. And the excuse of "staring at the butt" is horrible and shows the social-awkward nature of the person that says it.



    This person speaks the truth.

  3. Actually mine was the other way around. Initially I hated the game.... then I loved it. Still have a great time playing it. :)


    I'm starting to feel this way honestly.


    I believe the game is slowly growing on me. I think for the most part, it has to do with my current guild.

  4. No.


    As a rational human (that means I have to ability to gather information and make decisions based on that data) I temper my expectations against the hype.


    This game is pretty much what I was expecting. It does have more niggling bugs than I expected, but none of them are game breaking.


    Thank you for insulting about half the people in this thread.

  5. Pythoris:Couldn't agree more.



    OP: don't complain about graphics. Instead, get a comp that doesn't suck. I run SWTOR at max graphics on an 18 month old comp and it looks *exactly* like the gameplay trailers.


    You must have some magic glasses, because the game doesn't look *exactly* like the gameplay trailers.


    And I run this game absolutely maxed out by the way, it's not a bad looking game in my opinion.


    Just not what I expected

  6. This is always the case, IT SUCKS I'D DO IT DIFFERENTLY but no insight is ever given, admit it you're just jumping on the bandwagon of disliking certain aspects of the game for no reason.


    I gave a couple reasons in this thread already.


    Go find em, if you really want to know some.


    I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to admit there were and are faults with this game:confused:

  7. You don't have to be a director, a screenwriter, or editor to criticize a film. By your logic, only musicians can criticize music, or only authors can criticize novels. Or maybe only Uwe Boll has the right to call his movies worthless wastes of money, yet anyone who has ever watched a good movie in their life could tell you that.


    It just so happens that some of us, myself included, may have actually gone to university to study film. If you want some form of credentials, I have a Bachelor's in Radio-Television-Film with emphasis on screenwriting, narrative film studies, and post-production editing...and I can tell you straight up that Episode I, II, & III are horrid.


    People have pointed out the bad acting, the bad writing, and the complete reliance on special effects with no actual substance to the films. The only things I enjoyed about these movies were the lightsaber battles and the political intrigue, but that alone does not make them good movies.


    In my personal opinion, George Lucas' problem was two-fold:


    1. He threw too much at you at once. In Episode IV, V, & VI you could definitively pick out races and vehicles (with a few exceptions such as the complete sensory overload that was Mos Eisley or Jabba the Hutt's palace). In the prequels...not so much. I found myself trying to place some emphasis on the bestiary...the ships and vehicles...the people and places...but I couldn't. Why? Because there was too much going on without any real reason for it. I could completely overlook this if I even had time to digest what I had just seen, but Lucas cannot pace a movie to save his life anymore.


    2. Special effects should never be a crutch and yet he used it as such. I think many Star Wars fans might agree that Lucas could have used the exact same technology he used for Episodes IV-VI and it would have been better than the crap he churned out for the new movies. Yes, Star Wars has always had flashy effects for its time...but at the expense of a good story and memorable characters? No. Just no.


    I'm not saying my assessment isn't debatable (and I welcome intelligent conversation on these movies...or any movies, for that matter), but just think before you call someone out for not being a director, and therefore not having the authority to criticize a movie. If you wanted a play by play of why Ep. I-III are bad movies, I could give you one.


    Great post.


    I'd agree, there was so much going on with little to no backstory.


    Anakin and Obi-Wan's friendship? There was virtually none of that. The political background? Who were the Trade Federation?


    So many things would be hard to follow as an uninformed Star Wars viewer. People say the films were meant for a younger generation, but I find it hard to believe a child would understand 75% of the things going on in The Phantom Menace.

  8. No lie, this game's release felt like...


    Ordering a renown piece of pie from a restaurant, but they forgot the whipped cream, cherry on top, and a fork. Disappointed it didn't come out perfect, but once they go back and get the rest, it will be awesome.


    Haha agreed.


    Really do hope they improve quite a few things.

  9. No. I wasn't. I paid attention to what the devs were saying pre-release, and I was in beta. I got exactly what I was expecting.


    By the way, I like The Phantom Menace. Sue me.


    Explains everything ;)




    I kid, I expected many of you to disagree. I can see how many people didn't hype it as much as I did. You know.. expecting something more than what we have now.


    You're entitled to your opinion, no need to sue you. :)

  10. I was in my early twenties and I loved it. Let me guess, the pod racing and Jar Jar were too "kiddie" for your mature adult mind?


    I don't know.. there were so many things that were just wrong. A lot of it has to do with comparing it to the older films.


    Compare the opening scene of The Phantom Menace as opposed to the first scene in the A New Hope film. Compare the protaganist in A New Hope to the protagnist in The Phantom Menace(Hint: There was no protaganist, Anakin was the closest thing and he was pretty much introduced almost half way through the film), compare the personalities of every character in The Phantom Menace compared to A New Hope, was there any characters in The Phantom Menace that had any kind of depth compared to the older film?



    Not to mention all the script deficiencies etc.



    All these little faults is what makes me relate that kind of experience to the release of this game.

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