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Posts posted by -Jue-

  1. This game is an theme park MMO. Nearly all the theme park MMO are considered the worst PVP MMOs. Because basically, the battlegrounds focus. Battlegrounds are fair and balanced, but people just seek to win on pvp, they don't try to kill another player to die miserably. And that's why battlegronds are so stressfull. When picking up 10 mates and **** 1 single target and preventing him play for hours is just funny.


    Normally the best pvp games are korean games, and they need a' lot of grind, extremely focused on teamplay all the time. Basically you can't level up solo, and you need to spend 5-8 hours per day to reach max level in about 6 months.


    And when you're top level you can start to pvp decently. That's why most people rush to theme parks mmo to play pvp. They find the pvp inmediatly, easy and normally fair.


    If you want a fullfilling pvp experience try some asian games alternatives. Like lineage 2, Aion, Tera and that stuff. Guild wars is one of the few theme parks games with a strong teamplay pvp.


    I think Aion will hit the bottom of the barrel when Tera comes out.

  2. The biggest crutch for open world pvp is the restrictions BW has put on us. We cant travel to many of the opposing players areas. And places we can get to are guarded by "god" NPCs that will blast you back to SWG if you come in range.


    I rolled a toon on a PVE server to just see the difference in pvp. To me I didnt see any. For those of us who rolled a pvp server, we should be able to go to the other factions areas and lock it down or do whatever the hell we want. It is up to the other faction to kick us out.


    The WZ kill open pvp, everyone is too busy running wz to bother going out in the rest of the "world" to kill other players. SWG didnt have wz to begin with and that is why the world pvp was so good. We had to go out there are beat on each other. "Not set up a playdate (wz) and arrange it so everyone has fun and make sure everyone doesnt get their wittle feelwings hurt cause they got ganked." (sarcasim off)


    Dont get me wrong I still like the game and expect they will make changes as we progress. Hell it is only been a little over a month. SWG in the beginning was 100x worse that this game.


    Give me guildwars and I'll be happy.


    There are a few bases that can actually be locked down. You just need to know how to get inside them. For example the Shuttle bays on Hoth used to cause alot of fighting but now since 1.1 the shuttle room is not a contested zone any more. Only reason people are doing Warzones is to get their gear mainly since the valor farm on Ilum is much faster now. IMO they some remove this PvP armour junk. You PvP to have fun and to be competitive, not to grind gear. This game threw that out of the window when the PvP gear came.

  3. They're finally turning Ilum into what I figured it was going to be all along: a warzone planet. Soon, when an enemy player enters your main base, they die. I expect this is going to become the norm for any future PVP content. I don't plan on resubbing. I may give it one more month, but if it just continues down this path, I'm gone.


    No you can't have my stuff... not that you can trade anything in this game anyway, since everything is bound....


    It's only one month in. Still time to change and really It's not like there are any other amazing MMO's out right now. I'll be sticking around until the release of Guild Wars 2 - Hopefully that one doesn't flop. Other than that there is Planetside 2 but I think anyone in the right mindset wouldn't touch that game with a barge pole since smedly has his hands on it.


    I believe the next "major" patch is in March. 1.1 however was pretty much a let down. But to be honest what do you expect from a game that caters more for PvE. Especially when you get people who do this:



    The amount of endgame content is slightly worrying as well. I'm not one to PvE but I'm sick of warzones, when we go out to World PvP there is hardly any opposition anymore because either:


    A) People stay on the fleets

    B) They are on Ilum


    And pretty much Ilum gets old real fast. Even LOTRO has better PvP lol.

  4. Ilum is a sausage fest. Not too sure what It's currently like on other servers but on ours the main republic base has been camped from server uptime yesterday till now.


    With that said though the valor is nice, Battlemasters are crying because it only takes afew hours now to get it. el oh el.

  5. The Repopulation may be exactly what StarWars Galaxies refugees are looking for. It has everything SWG (pre combat upgrade) had plus interesting new sandbox features like nation based warfare and optional tab based, or fpsed based combat. From the screenshots and videos you can tell this game has sharp graphics and an interesting world to explore. The Repopulation could be the next big thing in MMO gaming.




    Looks like junk.

  6. I have to say I sure miss locking down towns of opposing guilds. Heck guildwars at all would be nice, hopefully BW will impliment that in the near future. Once thing I enjoyed about Bria was the open world pvp. It was rich and engaging. BW has a way to go with their game.


    Not many places you can lock down. We kept the Hoth shuttle base locked down for a few hours last weekend. Was fun and had some great fights but it's one of few places in the game that you can do it. Unfortunately though when patch 1.1 hits they are making the shuttle bay an uncontested area.

  7. Long story short, was doing a mission and had a full inventory so the mission flagged as pending. I made room in m inventory and went to bring up the Mission reward menu on the top right and now instead of opening up the page to let me finish the quest and select my rewards I am greeted by " You must selected one of your reward items". I have tried resetting the mission aswell and the same thing happens.


    I can however complete that mission and also others but It's just annoying as everytime my screen loads that message pops up in the middle of the screen. Is there a fix for this or have I got to go through the ingame support ticket?

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