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Posts posted by Frawressvictoly

  1. I don't get it. I play my op and switched to dps spec from heals yesterday for fun. I am not 50 yet so I cant speak for end game but im having a blast w/ my OP.


    I agree w/ the above post. It really is about what you like and have fun w/. I don't really like my merc just wasn't a fan of it. I do however, like my op. Different strokes I guess. Only wish I had tried this pre 1.1.1 could of been even more fun :)

  2. Hey glad to hear your enjoying a class. I mean thats what its all about what YOU enjoy not anyone else.


    No matter what other say for me pvp is fun and I never have an issue w/ other content. Raids or instances at all.


    Granted I like to heal so that prob plays alot into it but nobody has ever just up denied me a group because im an op (dps or heal). :p

  3. I read the replies from some of you guys and wow... Seriously wow...

    What the hell did you want to see in the video? Maybe it is just me, but I read it as "Guys here is a video I made post nerf, im an OP and Im still having fun and getting kills see."


    I am not sure what you guys thought you were going to see, maybe some shimmer of hope that someone cracked the code and beat the system and was going to face smash "solo", I might add, every class in the game again?


    I have to agree w/ the poster about maybe he is playing his class correctly. If I were that same spec OP I would do the same thing in the BG's go for the targets I knew I could chew up first, then be a pesky little fly to a healer. This is not an arena so if you have an advantage over something or someone USE IT. I am sure the good old fashion "your saying this because clearly your terrible at pvp and have no clue" If that is your argument then so be it.. I am not here to discuss pvp as a whole just the video.



    Anyways i enjoyed the video. Still looks like alot of fun to play that spec though I have never tried it.

  4. I agree though, it really is getting annoying to say the least. The known speed hacking, cheater, or whatever the correct term is on my server have learned that BW is not A. not able to catch them or B. does not care.


    They have gone as far as to start taunting people about it in chat challenging BW to "prove" and ban them.


    After putting in a solid 4 or 5 tickets myself and I know alot of friends and guildies also did (we even frapped it and sent to BW) The "cheaters" are still playing and speed hacking it up.

  5. They won't tell us because the bot developers would be able to workaround it.


    The game tracks everything every player does, so once they've been flagged, they can't make any excuses.


    This is not true. There is a group of VERY known people hacking the game on my server. They use speed hacks and pvp w/ this. Me, my brother in law, and 2 friends (along w/ other people in matches) have all reported these players. One has gone as far taunting other players about it and saying BW will do nothing because BW can not prove it. We even frapped this player and sent to BW. This was has been over a week, we get a responce to our ticket and yet we still see these players cheating away.


    Im starting to see it more and more now.


    So BW A. Really can not catch this or B. BW really does not care so long as they get their money at the end of the month.

  6. This is exactly why they added an increase in costs and why they should keep it as is. Respec isn't intended to be done after every grouping, it is made for when you made the wrong decision regarding your play style.


    Go look for an additional guild member who has either dps or healing and stick to one.


    I realize that a respec is not intended to be done after every group but from the time day the early access started to this day in time I have done prolly 6 or 7 respecs trying to figure which one I liked best on my PT. I got kind of frustrated and rolled another char to 50.


    I didnt touch my original char for over a week let alone respec. Going back to poke around on him last night and boom 55k respec.



    I would be nice if BW would atleast let the price drop over time if you don't respec.




    Honestly if BW doesn't want people to respec but to find one build and stick to it then they honestly CAN NOT change the class mechanics. If a developer changes a class spells around then hopes that its players will not want to respec to make up for this and dare they want to try out different builds around this change it becomes very alot of money really fast.



    Then thinking about it what does respecing really hurt? I mean in all honesty how could it destroy or hurt the game that much.

    It should A. Have a lower cap on the cost or B. Just not be allowed.


    I just kind of bent out of shape because I like to pvp in a more dps spec but for pve I love tanking. My guild or buddies may want to pvp one second and pve the next and back and forth


    At the moment its suck it up and pay huge prices or just not respec OR lastly roll 2 of the same toons. One for pvp one for pve.

  7. How do I get that PvP set? Or, what's it called so I can find out how to get it? :)




    The level 40 stuff is called dark demise, you can find it at the pvp vendor in imp fleet in the combat fleet section.


    I think the entire set cost about 3k now, they doubled the cost last patch.


    To get points just do Warzones, Spend the points (commendations) on gear. :D

  8. I agree w/ above poster.


    Also if your a pvper the level 40 set is amazing for pve also. It should last you to 50 (spend commendations on mod upgrades if avail)


    The full set at level 40 puts you just over 12k hp and lots of dmg reduction.


    Pre 40 I just grabbed what ever had absorb, def, and endurance.

  9. Can we at least know when the waves are going to come out so we know when to check our mail?


    This still tells us nothing, really.


    I still feel like BW should be able to give its customers (or future customers to the ones who want to get technical) a projection plan. Like today we hope to get all of aug or half of it or even part of sept. Something more then.. Lets see what happens kiddies just keep the f5 spamming fingers trigger ready.......

  10. Seems like a fair question to BW original post.


    Instead its like putting dog on a thread mill w/ a hotdog dangling in front it. Each hour (or wave) you move the hotdog closer....

    -Wait no thats not right at all. Atleast the dog can see the hotdog and knows how far away it is.. Its really the dogs choice at that point to keep running towards something that is just out of reach.. BLAST I thought I had it.. Fiddle sticks


    Ignore what I just said.. :(




    *p.s. Guys if this comment sets someone off please step back and relax it was a joke and bit of fun.

  11. Whats everyones problem who are cancelling ? tis early access , staggering people so they can adjust server and login loads ,


    Its a privilege to even be invited early , so you preordered (yawn) lots of people preordered

    other games but cant play till release date , get over it people and have a lollypop . :)


    Its a customer defense when they are angry. I deal w/ this all the time as my job. I deal w/ pissed off people every day. The first line of defense and threat from a customers mouth is I will cancel my service.....


    Really its an upset of frustrated customers way of saying, will you please take the time and listen to my rant and help me out. You will be amazed how much bad news you can dish out to someone if you just talk w/ them for a second.

  12. This hits it on the head. The people are pissed not because they arent in as much as they dont know WHEN THEY WILL GET IN.


    Tell them that and 90% of the QQing will go away.


    And save the smart-*** 12/20 comments. I paid $5. for early access also. Their standard rate of $15 a month is $.50 a day, so at 5 days I paid twice the standard fee. If I only get 1 day out of my 5 bucks, Im really going to be pissed. Esp if I have to check every few hours for the next 6 days to see if Im in yet.


    I couldnt agree more.

  13. The game was set to release on the 20th. This is an additional, unexpected, EXTRA day of early access.


    This wasn't part of what you paid for - this is *bonus.*


    And yet, people still complain.




    I gave a bum on the side of the street 2 dollars once. He said "seriously thats it"


    everyone complains :(

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