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Posts posted by vortexdr

  1. Yup thats it pretty much. I pretty much already quit. Valor 59 now and meh i simply dont have much fun anymore. The WZ's suck. Huttball only decent one...Alderaan okay i suppose but voidstar just fail.


    For a matter of fact last time i logged in was like a week ago?


    And yeah a total lack of open world pvp. There are just no goals...Meh the game is going down they already started the 7 day free trials.

  2. all i get from reading this thread is that people are remarkably spoiled by WoW.



    as a healer, it's not difficult to figure out who has the huttball. There's a giant purple or yellow beam shooting out of their head, and if you have nameplates turned on, right in the center of that beam is a name. you select the proper name from your raidframe, and you push your heal hotkey.


    not particularly rocket surgery, if you ask me.


    those asking for mouseovers? aggro indicators? target of target? these are all nice things that we wish we had, sure, but DEMANDING them? come on. all of those are quality of life issues that are not truly NEEDED at all.


    LOL ****...yeah its so acceptable to have fail targeting, no /roll, no combat logs and a vast lack of such basic features.


    Hebrew huh? With a name like that it says it all... damm Zionist.

  3. Huh im imperial and Ilum is no fun...We even have big fights on our server at times but cmon its either one side zergs or the other. There are no tools given to the outnumbered faction to put up a fight.


    Not like you can use tactics or any kind of melee class in the ilum lag fest. So everything is pretty much a moot point. Fail design is fail and no fast band aid fix is going to make a difference.


    I mean the game simply cant handle big fights. PERIOD.

  4. I may have misread, but I thought the upcoming patch(es) stated they were taking the pvp daily quests out of the game.


    Maybe you just need a break from the game. It is what it is. If you're bored then you're bored. If you're upset b/c you can't grind gear better than anyone else may have then well...why exactly are you pvping? For gear or for fun? If it's for gear then you've fallen victim to habit of the MMO gear grind.


    I pvp for fun; I could care less about being the most decked out guy in the WZ.


    Thing is do you really have fun with the PVP in this game? Honest questions. WZ's are pretty much Huttball and alderaan. Void star is a joke. And alderaan meh its not much better due to design.


    And thats it for end game pvp. Ilum is certainly not part of any enjoyment.

  5. I agree with most of this, but the key to me is the "fail" part of failplanet.


    IF Illum had been executed properly, IF their game engine could've supported more than 50 players in open pvp at once, IF they had compelling and engaging mechanics in Illum then the amount of PvP may have been enough for release.


    But Illum is a wasteland of zergers and box-pickers. It's NOT PvP, not in any competative sense that is.


    If I were BW, I'd take a HARD look at Illum and try to salvage it ASAP, because until they have that working (it may be impossible BTW, based on their engine constraints, in which case sucks to be them because the game is probably never going to succeed)


    Oh and yeah...I've already started logging back into LotRO pretty regularly again. That was fast...heh


    I dunno how they could fix it....as much as i hate to say it I dont think this game will ever be able to deliver smooth FPS for the majority of users in big fights. I mean I got a far above average comp and Ilum literally kills it.


    If something is broken from the ground up...a fast band aid fix isnt going to make a difference. In my case im like valor 57 but honestly i dont go the grind anymore. Lost its appeal a long time ago. I did the same in Rift lol....quit when I was maybe 1/10 away from P8.


    Only game that kept my interest for a long time was Eve. And that cuz well I was in PL and we made the game fun. Sandbox mmo's rule. Never had as much fun in an MMo as in Eve when I had my nanophoon and mach. Being able to fight outnumbered say 20vs80 is something the wow type of games will never be able to achieve.

  6. TL;DR

    Was this post just a mindless rant about the state of the game? Probly, but it felt good posting it. I honestly don't know if it's the game or maybe I'm just getting too old to be playing. I can't even say that GW2 or really any game that's coming will be better or not but I am in game limbo right now just kinda aimlessly hopping from TOR, WoW, LoL and maybe Torchlight 2 if comes out anytime soon(D3 as well). I don't really know if there's anything they can do to make this game more appealing, I think it's because they cloned WoW TOO well...just feels like the same game I played 3 years ago 80% of the time.


    I think its partly us I feel pretty much the same way just a mindless grind with no goal. I do think its age lol...Turned 30 recently and I gotta say games dont hold nearly appeal they used to unless its a sandbox (Eve). I also tried Rift lasted until I hit P8 and quit cuz i got bored.


    I suppose the carrot on a stick that is gear really isnt doing it for me anymore. It used to 8+ years ago but now meh. The fact that gear ugly probably plays a major role. In my case...didnt log on for a couple days just due to the fact that its always the same thing. Also got juggernaut and yeah ilum... i stand in back spamming my buff....wow great pvp...

  7. Meh unless they fix the terrible performance in Ilum i wont be sticking around long term.


    Haven't heard anything about it other then them blaming it on our systems. Which is strange because if it were system related turning down settings should have an impact.


    Seems strange though I mean why stick with the engine during development if performance so terrible when say 50+ people on screen.

  8. Can we please get an Ilum that isn't constantly a 5v40? Not only do imps control central the majority of the day, but if anyone tries to go and get the armaments, or get kills, they instantly get bombarded by a million imperials.


    If you (Bioware) are not interested in fixing this mess of a daily, remove it, because it's a hell of a headache inducing annoyance we have to deal with for those Champion/Battlemaster bags.


    No compromise, either even numbers in each instance, or give republic a buff so we can deal with the horde of imps constantly at center or floating outside of our base.



    Should give the outnumbered side mobile at-at's or something...just arm them with that partice cannon and you guys good to smash some zergs lol

  9. /stuck had nothing to do with the weird "no valor gained". Only thing that fixes that is either dieing or some people say relogging. So yeah ****


    And yeah Bioware patch notes fail...Some adjustment huh? Way to not tel the playerbase what has changed...All this change did is to encourage trading kills even more.

  10. It took me about 3 weeks of quite casual play, im valor 51 now and have 10 champ pieces rest is centurion.... Stop whining about being killed in 3 seconds. Put in some effort and you will be on par with everyone else in a few weeks.


    Wrong you hit 50 before they changed champ bags. I also have a 50 that hit 50 before the so called 'buff'. But I also have a jugg that hit 50 the tuesday the change went live.


    On my jugg im now valor 57. And still missing champ ear, implant, off hand and the pants. I also got lucky twice and with the 5% chance got champ belt and relic...


    my operative who hit 50 a week or two before the change is missing 1 champ item and is valor 40...


    Everytime i inspect a toon that hit 50 before the change i know simply because they will have a lot more champ gear and lower valor.

  11. See its not just no guild banks. This game somehow lacks a ton of features that are norm for any mmo. No /roll system...like really??? LOL how embarrassing to forget that BW huh? How about a global channel to at least look for a group? No Combat log? No this...no that.. I mean ***


    I mean there are so many BASIC features missing that I honestly don't what what they were thinking... Who does the planning around there? Didn't you have a checklist to implement basic mmo features?


    Its quite clear your staff needs a list to remind them of basic features that 15+ year old games had at launch

  12. Bioware thinks they did a great job with Dragon Age 2, also.


    Something is fundamentally wrong at the company at this point.


    Haha they did think DA2 was a smashing success...LOL thanks for bringing that memory back. Ahhh how i miss the bioware of old that released such classics as Baldurs Gate....RIP :((

  13. Bioware's standards have been in decline since EA took over. Yeah, it's a commonly heard whine and it used to annoy me, but the degradation is plain to see. Dragon Age Origins was the last real Bioware game imo, everything since (ME2, DA2, TOR) is EA-Bioware, and in more ways than just corporate branding.



    This pretty much hits the nail on the head.... No need to say more. The true downfall was quite clear when they released dragon age 2...which was just pathetic.


    You have gone a long way from baldurs gate and a very far way from being my favorite dev. Rest in Peace

  14. Yeah, it was in beta.


    I remember my Juggernaut wearing his Foundry mask with the Foundry hood. Looked so much more ****** with the thing on.


    EDIT: Here's a screen i took from the good ol' days of the "Revan" PVP server in beta;




    I cry every time...


    LOL nice!! SO they decided to remove it because of twileks...Why not remove twileks rather then screwign everyone else... or disable hoods etc for them...

  15. Still waiting for THE BLOODY COMBAT LOG. The devs here need to go track down the guys from Verant to unlock the magical secret of the combat log as it must have been lost in the past 10 years... Oh wait... Warcraft had it...


    This and no /roll feature lacking is just massive in my eyes. I mean really...games 10+ years ago managed to implement this. If its an oversight its pathetic and if they choose to leave it out its even worse. I really dunno how you can release a game without those two basic functions.

  16. The only real healer I have trouble killing are mercs. With Vigilance you can interrupt and chain CC's while they are getting eaten alive by all your DoTs.


    Its possible but rough on my jugg killing a good healer. A great healer is next to impossible though. This is as rage so I guess focus for you guys. You wont manage to kill them unless they are really bad via just using your normal interupt. Only reliable way I have found is to use force push to cancel one heal. Then Saber throw. Wait until they try to cast next heal and charge which will interupt again. Follow that my smash and your normal interupt and use force choke as he is real low hp so you can burst him down after.


    Works quite often is seems.

  17. Doubt it...gamers these day are too carebear and used to not losing stuff when dieing. Just imagine the QQ if their +40 EPIC drops after getting killed. Or they have to spend 3 hours gettign back the exp they lost due to death penalty.


    Nope honestly dont ever see harsh penalties happening again. Say like back in Shadowbane. Your entire town could get destroyed if someone sieges and killes your tree...Some cities took years to build. I honestly don't think the instant gratification console crowd has the mindset to deal with that.


    Might only happen in niche market F2P MMO's and those leave a lot to be desired. I dunno would liek to see it but dont see it happening these days.

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