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Posts posted by detomasso

  1. Recently every time I log on there are 2 - 4 'Buy Credits' mail from some random website and it's really quite annoying, is there anyway to combat this? or will I spend the rest of my days with 'buy 1000k credits for 8$' mail :confused:



    This problem takes more than 3 years and nobody did anything with that ...spammers still feel great. This is ridiculous and pathetic at the same time.

  2. What are you talking about? Do you think Pug leader checks every person before ops starting? Oh please ...

    I demand a just a little privacy, in the sense of the possibility of Blocking / Bnblocking the view of achievement ...thats all.

    In other MMO games are similar possibility, but in SWTOR ...unfortunately NO:(

    Such an example - sometimes when i'm on the Fleet i see a lot of people with their heads pointing at me, and i think ... they certainly check my achievements! And you know how i feel? I feel like strangers walked around my apartment. This is disgusting. I love my privacy! (and sorry for my english)

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