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Posts posted by redfield

  1. Lol @ all the PvErs who love objectives.


    If you all love objectives so much, you can guard the turret while I'll do the PvP I queued up for.


    Make more sense please...


    How is capturing a turret, aka...the only way to win the warzone, PvE? You're the kind of person I targeted with this post. You sound like you don't give a single f*** about winning the match and think warzones are TDM, hence the reason why we need more than a 4 v 4 version of arenas for the people who think just like you.

  2. Not sure whether your assessment is entirely correct, since I love objective play, and that is why do not like arenas that much.


    Objectives just make it more entertaining in the long run, since just killing red can be pretty boring after a while.


    Oh I'm with you...I love objectives too. It's all the other people who don't give two s**** about capturing or activating them (and have 0 common sense when to interact with them). Let those morons wallow in an 8 v 8 WZ where their sole objective is mindless and brain-numbing killing.


    Give THEM the option to not care about warzones with goals.

  3. Nobody pays attention to objectives. Turrets in Alderaan? Never heard of em! *** is a huttball? You mean to tell me the hangar of this weird ship isn't the only room? There's something in this bunker glowing blue but I guess it's not important...


    Just give us a straight up Team Deathmatch Warzone. No objectives, no spawn times on doors, nothing additional to stray from the fact that the sole purpose of the warzone is to kill people and ONLY to kill people. I have a hunch that the removal of objectives from a pvp match will make people pay attention to objectives that don't exist!

    It's not a difficult thing to ask for...you've already done it with arenas. Just add 4 more people to the queue and make the map slightly larger. Hell...you could even keep the arena size warzones but throw 8 people in them.


    Just do it...people only focus on killing players anyway. Why not just let them do it....

  4. I'd like to give a nautolan or a togruta a whirl. Both are fascinating.


    I agree 100% here. Togruta would be my main and I swear I'd never look back. However...the races you specifically mention seem to be more republic focused races, meaning, if these two were added BW would need to add two races that are more empire focused. This would be my only concern.


    Add 2 races more pub focused, 2 need to be more imp focused...aka, more time to wait while things get sorted.

  5. Seriously...we've only gotten 1...Cathar, and even that one was kind of a joke.

    You all know the list of popular races is long and completely achievable due to the NPC characters that already exist in game as said races. How difficult would it be to copy/paste class skill animations onto a new skin?


    Please. More. Races. Soon.


    BW. Sadly, you know we'll pay for them :sul_embarrassed:

  6. (Yes I know this idea is all over the place but we gotta really HAMMER IT IN!!)


    Recently the influx of "(Insert Important character)'s Outfit" on the market got me thinking....all the characters have been from, or mostly from, the KotOR games and we don't ever see them anywhere else (Jolee, Bastila, Mira, Malak, etc...).

    I say we get Satele's outfit/armor circling the cartel market because honestly, we don't really ever see her in game anyway aside from the few cutscenes she appears in throughout the story. It would fit the same general pattern the other outfits follow and it'd be a great addition to our wardrobes.


    Plus...I think my sent would look pretty good in it :D

  7. Mira's Headband has a major clipping issue. While moving, the headband disappears into the player's skull as if they're not wearing anything and while stationary it has a bit of a curve and doesn't really look like a headband. Also on the character screen 90% of the headband is invisible because it's inside the character's head.


    Just a heads up...

  8. So the space missions where grade 7 gear is suggested are missing...? I've only been getting 1 of these missions every now and then and it's never exactly at reset. Where did the other 5 or 6 missions go? Is it intended that I'm only allowed to do 1 of the "hard" missions per day with an actual reward for completion?


    Kinda wanna earn some rep but I guess I'm not allowed to...

  9. I also disagree that real money should ever come into play. I feel that way about all features of the game. If a subscription is paid for a service, I shouldn't have to pay more money for an in-game thing.


    I agree with you on this but if it's the only justification BW would be willing to offer to implement this I'd be OK with it. Having to compete with WoW or w/e other MMO you want to replace for that spot, they have a pay to change service for almost everything....server change, race change, faction change. It would be stupid not to add a minor $5 dollar cost to it from a business/money making perspective. But then look at SWG, it had in game credit costs to change class/profession and a simple 5 day waiting period for faction change. You were neutral for 5 days until you could change sides but it was still a price to pay (no pvp for 5 days).


    I'm willing to try anything BW would offer as long as we could have some way to even up the numbers on both sides without having to completely re-level a character

  10. I think you should be able to switch faction but not your ac. So you'll see gunslingers running around as imperials and agents who have flipped for the republic. It would not make sense if you actually changed your ac.

    That's what I'm saying though...I'm suggesting a SAME ADVANCED CLASS Faction change.

    Juggernauts would have to be Guardians

    Gunslingers would have to be Snipers

    Sorcerers would have to be Sages


  11. I know it's possible. No matter how you fight it or what your argument is we all know it's possible to implement but the rules would be simple.


    Faction Change Only possible if:

    - Character reaches level 50

    - Character has completed chapter 3 of the class story

    - Payment of in-game credits (or small real money payment, w/e floats your boat BW)

    **You could even make it a high level Legacy option given that the highest "reward" is Legacy 25 currently (say...45 or 50?)**



    - Either 1 time only change, make the cost to change progressively higher (if cost is in-game credits), put a time restriction on it (like a 90 day wait before faction change is allowed again), or simply make it cost real money to do.

    - Player must keep the Advanced Class that was chosen at level 10

    - Player's companion reputation is reset to 0 as if just acquiring the companion (because really...you are)

    - Player must obtain new armor/weapons if they were restricted to a specific class (changing from knight to warrior and having knight only gear would have to be changed by the player)


    Everything else would remain the same. Crew Skill progress, Alignment, Ship parts, legacy purchases, etc...

    Personally, I'm tired of leveling up through the Republic side (which is my main faction), so I'm working on a Warrior. Getting to learn the story, the lives of my companions, the will of the Empire is cool and all...but my guild is Repub and won't change which is fine. So why not allow me (and I'm sure so many others like me) to simply switch factions keeping my role the same, my abilities the same and just change the flag I fly.


    I'm sure I missed something but it's just after 1am so I'll leave it at this.

  12. Concerning the "rare" orange sets of armor: The Knights have the "Jedi Battlelord" set and the Smugglers have the "Viper" set.....

    so uuhhh


    What the heck is ours called? Does one even exist? My guildmates and I have been trying to figure this out but those of us discussing it can't find anything anywhere.

    Any ideas?


    1. Hammer crits have a X% chance to restore 1 ammo


    2. Hammer shot crits grant you ammo regen as if you have a full ammo bar for X seconds


    3. When hammer shot crits, you gain a charge stacking up to 3 times. Each stack reduces the cost of your AMP or MP by 1 ammo.


    Any thoughts?


    I love all these....we get slapped in the face, kicked in the nads and thrown to the curb. These would make me feel a bit better.


    The big beam that says "Hey Im a healer, come kill me" still sucks (I'll take the annoying Merc sound from their attack to eliminate the beam)

  14. Threw this up here because I consider it "Heroic!"

    So where's this stim or crystal you're supposed to have to be protected from the Pilgrim's mental attack? I'm hearing you need X daily comms to get it or X daily comms to get the schem to make it but where is it? I've looked almost everywhere I can think of to find this thing and am stumped.


    For clarification....I don't want to know how to kill it, I don't want to know any mechanics of the fight or possible rewards, all I'm curious about is how to procure the item necessary to not get roflstomped by this fool.

    Any /help would be awesome (and you don't even need to give me an exact location, just drop some hints!)

  15. Good job with this stuff...it's terrible.

    I realize it's ideal for fresh 50s who want to pvp but even then I wouldn't want it. I took my sorc and put all recruit gear on it. It had centurion gear on already so stats wise for pvp, this stuff is supposed to be an upgrade and allow for "easier warzone play."


    Ooooooh boy is that wrong. The complete opposite in fact. The sorc came out in the end (all recruit gear) with just over 13k health and maybe 800 expertise. 3 shots was all it took from anyone to kill it (even with a bubble up). This isn't good guys. All this does is deter anyone from ever queuing up again. It's just an alt and really, I have no intention on ever going back to it to try to get BM gear or even WH because let's face it...all that's waiting down that road is death from 5 shots rather than 3.


    /fix Expertise

  16. New tip:


    It's been mentioned but I really want to stress the importance of this.

    Dump Trauma Probe NOW. Use that point to increase endurance or something...anything is better than that ability now. The cost now, even at 2 ammo, is simply too much for the crappy heals it gives and makes it useless and an ammo waster mid fights both PvP and PvE.

  17. 2 major ones are slapping me in the face and frankly they're pissing me off. Now these are for Combat Medic so please be aware of that.


    Issue #1

    Being interrupted while Reactive Shield is up.

    I understand that some attacks like knockbacks (overload, w/e the consular one is, and even force push) will move me from my spot and therefore interrupt my cast, I get that. But EVERYTHING else that can interrupt me does so even while my shield is up. I can't get off any heals, cant move, can't assist in any fashion. I'm useless. Is this just me? Is anyone else experiencing something similar?

    This existed pre 1.2 as well so...what gives?


    Issue #2

    Agent DoTs (Corrosive Dart/Grenade) being re-applied immediately after successfully cleansing them.

    Is this some stupid new trick they get now for 1.2? This has never happened pre patch or for that matter even 2 days ago. So if this is something they get, that's incredibly stupid and on the verge of being considered OP. And I'm not saying they're being applied again one after another in a way that would mean the player is actively doing it, both DoTs are going right up on the target at the same time immediately after being removed.

    Someone explain this please....broken or not?

  18. Please?


    This WZ is actually kinda fun. Whatever happened to us getting to pick which WZs we wanna do more/less of?



    Somehow make Novare appear more often? I mean, getting 6 extra medals for a 3 minute win is satisfying especially with new scenery and with semi-new objectives.

    But again, like the title states, more Novare Coast please!

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