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Posts posted by Dissentus

  1. I had some guardian a few weeks back insist on singling me out repeatedly on my sorc and he died every single time. In fact, I started to face tank him just to rub it in because he was so persistent and annoying. My favorite death blow on my sorc though, is using my basic saber attack, that really gets them worked up usually.
  2. Yeah, its needet!


    Im bored of trolling Mapcycle with with the same Map and the same 6 enemy premade team the last 7 rounds vs. randoms.

    Wondering how it is possible cause you can list only 4 people for premade but they always get in with 6...


    Because they queue at the same time over voice chat to increase all getting into the same match.

  3. I've played Oblivion and Skyrim, and if you think ESO is going to be anywhere near balanced, good luck with that. No MMO is flawless. In fact, I expect a ton of bugs/glitches in that game, having playing the others.
  4. Ranked queues are much longer or have to be scheduled with other groups, therein lies the true problem. Not to mention, they require more people and specific setups to compete. Most of the time, people just want to jump in and jump out with friends and not worry about all that.
  5. Yeah, 75% of your life in a burst rotation...


    You know our highest crits are ~ 6k and on both abilities we got 9 & 15 seconds CD ( Railshot can be triggered by a talent to finish CD immediately every 6 seconds ).


    What can a Merc / Assa / Marauder / Sniper burst rotation do to your life?


    Other classes can do the same, I'm not arguing that. I was just trying to point out that they aren't completely worthless.

  6. For you people complaining about going through fire without damage, I guess you have never seen a jugg or mara completely leap around and avoid them altogether, huh? In fact, you can avoid them completely with force speed too without taking damage if you speed from the top platform, as well as cut certain other gaps with proper jumping or using a bubble first. Stop acting like you are so sub par now, because you aren't.
  7. I'm only level 28 right now, but I found concealment to be FAR better for DPS and survivability for me. Plus I feel since concealment is a dedicated Operative tree that it's more in keeping with the intended theme of the advanced class...it's a lot of fun! Just be sure to try em both...which is far easier if you are a subscriber. And field re-spec is the best...especially for healing classes.


    At higher level, lethality is easily more survivable with improved shields and proc heal on roll. Not to mention that you can easily stay at range most of the time and only move in to unload your burst barrage, and then move back out. Also, at level 28, you do not even have Cull yet, which is what gives lethality it's oomph in the damage department.

  8. Level 55 warzones seem more competitive at the moment because lots of people are still leveling to 55, getting alts to 55, checking out makeb, digging in the dirt with seeker droids, crafting, earning comms and overall doing things that aren't PVP. Only the better, more dedicated PVPers are really queuing for 55, and many of them are still in the process of gearing up, working their way through partisan, etc.


    Come back in a month when all the PVE players are bored and stinking up warzones, and all the die-hards are fully min-maxed BiS.


    Hmmm, most of the people that are 55 already either did Makeb (pve, which goes against what you are trying to say), saved a bunch of quests to turn in right when the patch hit (cheated the leveling process), or queue 24/7 (time does not make them better, just more dedicated).


    I know many people who do nothing but pvp, that still haven't hit 55. Being level 55 at the moment isn't some special club of elite players, as much as you want it to be. Skill is based on the individual, not the fact that they are constantly in queue. I see plenty of awful people that have loads of time to constantly pvp and I see others that are really good, but play in short spurts.

  9. I love doing this on my operative. When they use their CC breaker, you immediately vanish and mez them again, cap, and laugh. This is also nothing new, and why you want at least 2 people guarding a node when stealth classes are around.
  10. I've finally been leveling mine some again, but my stance on this class still stands for the dps specs, it's boring, but to each their own. I've been playing mainly as a tank, which I find a little more interesting and viable now. Have they gone too far on the nerfs? It's hard to say until things settle down more in my opinion. Everything is so chaotic atm.
  11. People are just attacking you because they aren't used to the animation and skill yet. Eventually, it will be commonplace to just ignore you for the duration and then focus you after your defenses are down.
  12. This happened to me the other night, when someone tried to blame me from running away from south on coast and they capped it. ( I was kiting two sins on my commando alt, yes, a rare situation, when someone actually knows when to move to avoid dying instantly I guess) Apparently, I'm a ***** for doing this and me having the most damage and objectives and winning the warzone in the end didn't matter.


    This stuff always amuses me. Usually, I play with my guild on empire, so I don't see these morons that often, but it always amuses me when it happens and they are running their mouth and doing worse than almost everyone else in the game.

  13. That poor, poor sorcerer.



    That last hit made me really feel like I was back at launch.


    Watch out sages :w_evil:


    The funny thing is, operatives could hit harder then that with double adrenal opener back then and pretty much any burst class can do that nowadays, if not more.

  14. Depends who you are culling, but you should be getting 3 damage numbers. Cull hits surprisingly hard, but fools people because it's split damage numbers. You get a white hit, but you also get a yellow hit for each dot on the target, which it should if you are playing correctly. I've had Cull hit for over 7k plus when all tallied up, however it's damage can vary greatly depending on armor and resistances, if the target is below 30% health, you used wounding shots, etc.
  15. For those of you who have not seen this in huttball yet, yes they can roll with the ball. It's hilarious but seems very broken when you see it. I am surprised (ok, not really) that Bioware allows them to carry the ball while rolling, lol.


    Then I guess other classes should drop the ball too then, when they leap, speed, etc, right?

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