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Posts posted by Mizzry

  1. Hello. I haven't played in 4 years and I'm looking to getting back into the game. I have experience in mmos and would like to find a guild that accepts casuals who are active as well as potentially wanting to raid. I'd prefer a large guild that is active. Please let me know if you have room for me!
  2. Hello.

    I think I would be a good fit for the guild and vice versa.


    A bit about me:

    I was a raid guild officer in WoW up until Cataclysm. I know the basics of raids and dungeons. Willing to learn complex fights. Not frustrated easily. I would like to be in a guild that's active, helpful and runs dungeons (I forget the SWTOR name). I would be interested in raiding, but again, life comes first.


    If I seem like a fit, please let me know and good luck!

  3. I really enjoyed Bus Shock! and Tseric's mental explosion on the forums... THAT'S customer service!


    Killing a Tseric should aggro every Tserics in a 40 yd radius. It makes sense, you are actually killing their best friend.


    I was actually on the forums for that...

  4. I'm pretty impressed witht he serious responses in this thread.



    In reading the answers, you can see that there isn't much difference between the majority of posters.


    I'll add a different spin to it (sorry if this was said elsewhere in the thread)



    Community manager interaction: Average

    Customer service: Very good

    Patching speed: Excellent



    Community manager interaction: Average (They post at a decent rate, but their attitudes are horrible)

    Customer Service: Below average

    Patching speed: Below Average


    SWTOR (Please take with a grain of salt as SWTOR hasn't been out that long)

    Community manager interaction: Poor

    Customer Service: Average (but slow)

    Patching speed: TBD


    IMO, WoW couldn't care less if you are a customer or not and that attitude comes across in their CMs. Rift listens to what the community suggests on most things (some classes still get uneeded buffs or nerfs) and seem to do whatever they can to retain subscribers. SWTOR? To Be Determined.


    Hope I have contributed to some really good viewpoints on this topic.

  5. she's your slave!


    Did you expect her to love you for being evil and hurting others?


    That's not the OP's point... We were given a companion that limits you on how you choose your options. As others have stated there is a work around for it, but why would you give a person a companion who clearly doesn't like most dark side choices when you have the potential to be REALLY evil?


    Unlike (what I'm guessing) a real slave/master relationship would be, you have to depend on the NPC companions quite a bit. Maybe there's no penalty for low affection, but I can't take that chance when I have to use this companion to do things for me...


    From another perspective, how much more interesting would it be if we had a character who wanted to be pure evil all the time?

  6. Go ahead and cheer now...


    I'm spammng for groups and it still takes awhile.


    When people can't find groups, they are going to drop. No, maybe not the social butterflies who spend in game time in the cantina (lol), but people who want to get things done.


    I'm pretty sure a LFD will be introduced. If not and I still have to spam general like its 2001, I'm sure I can find something else to play and save the sub money.

  7. I think the OP is correct.


    I keep hearing the same ole people with the same ole arguements. This is a 2011 MMO. We waited for a healer in Vanilla WoW. Then Blizzard heard the complaints (I beleive from raids mostly) and allowed repecs and dual specs. Rift? Out the box with multiple spec choices and it's NOT as dead as some of the fanboys would have you believe.


    I say allow dual specs and allow lower cost spec changes. In a nod to the people who can't get out of EQ1 thinking, no AC respecs. (Even though I think they should be allowed as well).


    I play as a tank. If I ever find difficulty killing regular quest content, I'm going to try and improve, then try another tank class, then I'm quitting. I'm here to have fun, not to play an archiac system that limits me. When the population of tanks and healers dwindle, I hope the people who were against repecs and dual specs enjoy their overly limiting game. But who am I fooling? It's a matter of time before dual specs are in anyway...


    It still boggles me that

    A) People WANT the spartan options we had in the early days of MMOs. I think that every MMO from WotLK expansion on should have a ton of features and options for us players.

    B) Intelligent people in a computer forum can't sit down and compromise. My ideas might not be yours, but let's meet halfway on some of this... No one is giving you a cookiee for trying to be "hard core" in a MMO forum

  8. I hope this post put out this questionable idea that this game will somehow have a awesomely awesome server community everywhere and all the players know what they are doing.


    Thank you for posting this as some people want to stay blind to the fact that there is a need for a more robust LFG tool than what we have now.

  9. Preachy post.


    Regressive system ideas and some of you applaud? Really? This is a 2011 MMO. You should want more not less... Why do some of you still think in terms of EQ1 as it realtes to what we can expect from a MMO?


    What happened to having fun? What happen to playing the game the way you want? If you do not want to utilize some of these options, then have the willpower to not click that cross server LFG button or speeder or whatever non-sensical restriction you want to have in game.


    I think all of the preachy comments in this post are one sided and not at all representative of the people's want in game.

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