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Posts posted by acidxyrax

  1. Still I hate how you get a "better" model for "free", without even a story HOW you got him, where you got him, what you had to do to get him. It would atleast be something if you get his "corpse" and search for pieces to repair him, then he is yours.


    From the Subscriber Reward Page:

    "This reward will be released alongside Chapter 10. Players who unlock this reward will receive an Alliance Alert to recruit HK-55 once they complete Chapters 1-9."


    You will not see level 1 characters running around with a brand new HK unit or anyone level 64 and under for that matter. Additionally HK-55 unlock was planned for everyone continuing the KOTFE story line. Just those of us subscribers who have done the work to get to chapter 9 will get a little "Thank you for supporting SWTOR" and receive him a couple of chapters earlier.

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