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Posts posted by PuppetMastor

  1. Can you please add more purchasable PvP gear for Lowbies. I bought all 5 tiers of the PvP Exp Gain and I have been pvping since level 10. I am now level 27 the first set of purchasable pvp gear is for level 20 and the next is at 40. I had bought all of the level 20 gear by level 18 which wasn't terrible. I had to wait two levels to use it. However I have capped out warzone commendations twice since then and am only level 27. You know what I do with my warzone comms? I buy medpacs and sell them so i can buy orange gear and mods/augments. Could we get more tiers of pre 50 pvp gear or at least orange gear and pvp mods? I'm not even a hardcore pvper I just though it would be fun to experience leveling differently then doing the storyline this time. (I have 3 50's) So here's some ideas:


    Blue Sets of PvP gear at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45. Each with a small expertise bonus for 2 and 4 of the same set.




    Orange Custom Sets at 20, 30, and 40 with the chestpiece having an augment slot.


    Because otherwise the message I'm getting is that 10 warzone comms is worth about 1-1.5k. (10 wz comms = Warzone Medpac = 1-1.5k)

  2. I'm not. If you took the whole week to do one days worth of dailies. You could buy all all the tiers of one perk if you met the legacy requirements. I don't do dailies everyday. Heck I've been leveling most of the time the game has been out. I'm not trying to be a dick but it's kind of silly to complain about something that is really cheap and helps you level faster when there are already complaints that you level to fast and I apologize if I've offended you as that's not my intent. I disagree with the idea. I also disagree with the idea of dual spec, but Bioware has said they'll be implementing that at a later date. So maybe you'll get your wish and maybe I'll get mine.
  3. I disagree. They are under legacy so you will feel they are special, when in reality they are designed to be a credit sink to control the economy. Problem is the economy is broken, crafting doesn't deliver credits and the only way to make creds is to grind them out in useless repeating FPs, warzones and Ops (if you are on a server where that is even possible to get into).


    As to being able to buy all of them I also disagree it should scale appropriately in cost so that I could afford to buy them all without my main sending cash constantly. Again I point out this is a credit sink in effort to remove cash from the economy, problem is for most there is no cash...


    You can disagree with me but the fact is that the beginning tier requires level 5 legacy and the legacy requirement increases with each tier. For all 5 tiers of one of the exp bonus gain is like 250k credits which you can get from doing dailies in ONE day. They are not too expensive.

  4. They are under legacy because it requires a certain legacy level to purchase them. As for the comment that there is a lot of them to buy you aren't supposed to buy all of them it's meant to increase your xp received for the way you like to play. For example, flashpoints or warzones. You aren't meant to buy all of the experience gain perks on one character. As for they don't give much xp it says how much it increases your xp gain. The first tier is 2 percent I do believe. There are already tons of post about people over leveling and increasing xp makes that happen faster lol. Like I said before I was in this boat at first and I don't like spending my credits but it does make sense.
  5. I was in this boat at first, but have since changed my mine. All of the new perks are really really cheap. I mean the speeder piloting at level ten is 40k. Peanuts. They made them character based and cheap imo so that people who get a legacy for the first time can purchase things like the exp bonus for warzones or flashpoints. It would be a pointless system if it was legacy based at the price it is now. Unless you want to pay 2m for each one like rocket boost level 1 (4.5m for all 3 levels) which limits the amount of people who would use it. I have 3 50's and have a 3-4m between them and I don't even sell stuff on the gtn or do dailies that often. So 20-40k for the first tiers and even 100k per toon per perk is really cheap imo.
  6. What does the OP suggest should be in the CE Vendor then? Something you can get anywhere else? They are going to put stuff that you want in the CE Vendor's items because they want you to buy the CE. I know for a fact that thousands and thousands of people bought the CE (myself included) because origin.com was sold out within a couple of days. I personally bought mine from GameStop and had no issues (unlike some other unfortunate souls) I actually find it upsetting that you can STILL buy the CE. IMO a CE's value is that it is only sold for a limited time. It's not really collectible if you can always buy it. So although I sympathize with you that you want the trooper armor, which is awesome I have it on two of my characters in different combos, I have to say tough luck. Either suck it up and buy the CE like the rest of us or continue raging on while I /dance and /flap in my Trooper Armor.
  7. I think its way better on the imp side then the pub side. The social gear on the pub side I felt looked really stupid. Where as on the imp side you look like a trooper and its awesome, once again imo. I have my operative in full imperial trooper gear and my sorcerer just the chest with the rest of my gear matching it. So far I've only seen a few other people with it and it makes me like the CE Vendor. I do however think that they should update it and give us something awesome like perhaps an exclusive playable race or a beast mount before the other beast mounts come out to be purchased at a considerable amount of credits of course. btw does anyone else think that VIP vendor is a joke? I believe the only thing he sells atm is that one speeder? correct me if I'm wrong but he needs an update as well imo.
  8. This is a great idea. However, we all know that all swtor content has a story and it has to work into the star wars universe. So why do you have to fight in this arena? Where is it taking place? I think Tatooine, Nar Shaddaa, or Belsavis would make the most sense for this kind of an operation. Maybe captured by Tusken Raiders, Mandalorians, Hutts, Prisoners, Rakata, or Eshka and forced to fight for their entertainment? I don't know if they would want another Hutt operation so soon though. Just my 2 cents.
  9. I mean I don't think you will ever get to pick your animations but I will agree that the different lightsaber forms or stances should have different animations. I will also add that the bounty hunters and agents need better animations for sheathing/unsheathing their weapons. aka hitting the z button. We just pull it out. It's really really unsatisfactory. I don't play republic side much but I believe trooper is the same. Someone said that smugglers spin their guns but I have not personally verified that. I do believe though that the bounty hunter, agent, and trooper should get better/cooler animations. Maybe fire off a few shots or something? I'm just saying pull out a lightsaber and bzzzzzz the hum of the lightsaber. Pull out a blaster and you hear a click lol. Ok rant done.
  10. Hello all!


    I had an interesting idea for a new type of warzone that fits well with the kotor 1 and 2 games. What if we had a puzzle type warzone. One where you raced the other team to complete the puzzle and get to the objective before the other team. If the teams were close in time to each other through out the puzzle there would be places they would run into each other and a battle would ensue. If one team was way ahead little pvp action would take place. Now as for the objective, in my mind I was thinking like a hedge maze with different buttons needing to be pushed to open doors and such. Kind of like in colicoid war games. Now whoever made it to the objective first would push a button and the maze would fill with fire killing whoever was left inside? Any ideas/comments to help improve the idea are most welcome!

  11. Just curious if anyone has went from Dark V to Light V and if you did, did you receive anything? I am Dark V and am thinking about grinding to Light III for the vanity pet. It would be cool if there was something for the effort. Like in Burning Crusade (sorry for WoW reference) you could join the aldors or the scryers. You could buy items that required a certain rep with one and grind to be able to join the other and have items from both. Thoughts?
  12. This is a great idea!


    How about a Huttball league, with Multiple teams, that we can bet on in the cantinas while we watch on big screens.


    Sorry, getting ahead of myself.


    That was a great idea OP!






    This would be cool too. I'm all for any interactive pets that players can "play" with together outside of ops, warfronts, etc.


    That is a great idea! I'm not sure if its functional or not but that would give people a reason to hang out in the cantinas at least! If they did do a ranked Huttball League it would add some excitement to pvp in my opinion! They would need a good prize for the champions. Something that is purely social status like superbowl rings and maybe some credits lol.

  13. I'm liking all these ideas. I was thinking we could add Coruscant to the list and maybe Dromund Kaas? Maybe a craftable huttball for friendly fire pick up games in open world pvp areas? I mean eventually with ranked warzones maybe you could make your own team? I mean that would be a ways off. I love the idea of gusts of air, kind of like the launchers currently in the pit only horizontal? Also I was thinking maybe a tunnel with the force fields in episode I where obi-wan is trapped and forced to watch qui gon jinn get cut down while he is helplessly trapped? Also eventually down the road if they let you make your own huttball team for ranked warzones, I'd like to see a system to be able to bet on teams! Gambling is a huge part of the star wars universe! Whether it's huttball, swoop racing, pod racing, pazzaak, etc etc.
  14. Yeah I think this would be a lot easier to implement then some of the other changes I've seen suggested here. I should've titled it something more dramatic like BIOWARE WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! Those seem to get a lot more views and bumps lmao.
  15. Hello! First off I know that some people are sick of huttball and that there is a new warzone coming out and that void star will be available same faction. However, I love huttball! It's fun and goofy. It reminds me of monday night combat and team fortress 2. I would love to see new arenas. Maybe one on Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, and Tatooine. Each with a different layout and different traps. Possibly different team names? Different comedic commercials? I have talked to a few people and they seemed to really like this idea. Thank you for your consideration. Bump if you like this idea!
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