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Posts posted by retrospekt

  1. Adhere...? Have you played a Sith Warrior or Jedi Knight? Playing war zones is a joke... You have 1 gap closer and 1 cleanse which is a 2.5min CD. So after a force jump is on CD a knock back and slow is sufficient CC to lock down a warrior.. never mind the stuns and snares.


    You know the knockback is coming. Plan accordingly...

  2. I'm not saying everything about the game is completely balanced but it's technically been out for five days. So come on guys.... I can understand the op's point, especially since I've played other mmos and had success in pvp. WoW included.


    I'm playing a Sentinel and I can definitely tell the difference when I'm facing a player of lower caliber, higher caliber, or pretty damn close to me in skill level.


    First off, be realistic about your skill level. If you're constantly getting mobbed you probably need a little more practice or your mouse is unplugged. If it's the first and you've been playing your toon like that this whole time you should probably focus on other parts of your life... If it's the second reason feel free to blame it on the first, just don't post another thread complaining to us please.

  3. It seems as if a lot of threads/posts that have the biggest complaints about imbalance and issues come mainly from people who activated their forum accounts December 2011. Why is this? Do most people who make accounts in December hate games or is it because they knew they couldn't complain about the game until it went live. I'm not establishing cause and effect, I leave that to you :)


    I'm not saying there are no problems with this game, in fact here's a couple that I believe should be looked at.


    (Currently my highest toon is only level 30 so I will not comment on class balance in pvp at this moment. Especially since you can see that in every other thread)





    1. Dots shouldn't interrupt flag captures in Warzones. It's a cheap mechanic that I request my team take advantage of at every possible moment. In the same regard, Dots shouldn't interrupt out of combat regens like Introspection.


    2. Targeting of players in pvp seems a little lackluster... Possibly because the hitbox of toons is a little small? Could be just me.


    Personally, I think BW has released a very polished game and it's only natural that it be compared to WoW in all ways, especially pvp.


    But let me remind you that Blizz has been at this a lot longer and WoW didn't ship with the pvp that it has today (I'm not implying the current state is good or bad). The PTR is up so it obviously means that BW is committed to fixing bugs/issues and they're not just going to run off with your $60 and give you a crappy game. Which I'm guessing is the reason people are scared and possibly crying irl. I assure you that BW cares about you /hug.


    If you are a WoW fanboy and nothing you've read is to your liking, at least realize this game will keep Blizz on their toes. They won't be able to throw some recycled content at you because they don't want you in a galaxy far far away........

  4. Macros do give people an advantage but everyone has access to them so it's not really unfair. The main thing I used them for was targeting in arenas and that definitely gave me an edge I liked. They aren't hard to set up and my guess is BW will implement them eventually. It makes healing a lot easier too, mouse-overs are very nice.
  5. BioWare made the game and designed one of two factions to be far more attractive to the bulk of their playerbase then the other. Explain to me how they are not at fault here?


    No, if anything it would be the fault of Lucas and the playerbase. My guess is most people want to bad*** in game. Sith are a little more likely to fill that role I think.

  6. I think people really are unaware of the fact that this game was technically released 5 days ago. Think back to your favorite games pvp content/mechanics/whatever and what it was like at launch. I agree there's a bit of an issue with the targeting but I've yet to see BW say they weren't going to fix anything.


    P.S. PTR is up which generally means you can expect changes to the game.

  7. My sentinel is currently level 30.. I've wrecked level 44 backpedaling sorcs and been owned by sorcs lower than me that really knew what they were doing. I don't think there is anything that glaringly op about sorcs at this moment, but they do have a slight edge in utility. If you're having that many issues.... I suggest you practice more instead of tabbing out during a warzone that your team is playing poorly and it's only because of the one sorc on the other team that's op.
  8. As a sentinel I have a snare. Taking that and making an auto-snare is too faceroll IMO. If you don't realize using a gcd to slow your opponent is a very good choice then you certainly shouldn't be killing them. Sentinels also have a couple different gap closing options, expect the knockback and play accordingly.
  9. You're using an example that can be totally flawed and doesnt take into account several possibilities.


    1. Maybe the Scoundrel was eating pizza while playing and did't want to get his kb dirty.


    2. Maybe there is a big difference in the skill of the player behind the toons.


    I'm sure I can come with others...


    Also, I'm guessing you're referring to WoW's pvp. Technically speaking WoW didn't ship with any bgs, which puts TOR ahead by 3 on launch day.


    On a personal note, the people I know and myself included hate AV. I'm sure this isn't representative of the entire population but I would hope that BW doesn't go that route. I liked Wintergrasp but it died with Cata, if BW decides to do a WG type bg I hope they go about designing in a more permanent fashion.

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