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Posts posted by Tiddles

  1. /signed


    Also be sure to make it so players are actually betting. This will make it a lot more entertaining. "Oh but kids play this game, they can't put in gambling!" They have gambling in Pokemon, why not in swtor? ;)... Also in a game where you can more or less have sex with your companions, is it really that huge of a deal to have gambling? Sure, you don't see the sex, but its certainly implied!


    Also podracing and saabac (not sure I spelt that correctly ) would be great!

  2. Honestly, if you have ever played WoW and you enjoy SW:TOR.. there's an issue with standards and gaming in general. I can understand someone never playing WoW and thinking this game is a 5/10 because they don't know what a real MMO is with features and such, but to play WoW.. and then claim TOR is better.. well that person is in denial or lying for some reason. It just doesn't make sense.


    Honestly, if ToR wasn't star wars and was some other annonymous fatasy universe, I'm sure most wouldn't be so into it.

    Having said that, I enjoy swtor infinitly more than I ever enjoyed WoW. Espeically in the leveling department. Leveling in wow was just... such a grind, and the only motivation to keep playing was to get to level cap asap. (I'm speaking from a post BC perspective, maybe it was different before Lich king, idk.) And once you got to level cap, it was time to grind for gear. Just one big grind-fest. Honestly think the only thing that kept me playing after I completed all the raids was Recount... the competition that it offers is quite addictive. At least in ToR you're offered a story before the massive end-game gear grind.


    Sure the combat is a bit subpar and space combat gets real old real quick, but I'm ok with it. If its in the same state as it is now in a couple months however, we may have a problem. But for now, IMO swtor >> wow ;)

  3. Have to say recount is the ONLY thing I miss about WoW.


    Personal meters would be a good start, but down the track I'd like to see raid "scoreboards" (similar to the Warzone ones) displayed at the end of a Flashpoint/Operation. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone.


    Alternatively, BioWare could bring out a Recount-like system where players are given the choice as to whether their healing/damage done/damage taken infomation is displayed or not at the beggining of the flashpoint/operation.


    Obviously this opens a whole new window for people to discriminate against others "Oh u dnt want ur info displaied, their4 u mst be bad", but is this really any different from "Oh u r wareing a green item, their4 ur deeps mst be bad"? At least this way people can actually prove that they're damage/healing is on par, even if they're slightly undergeared.

  4. I like the idea of Force Adept/ Force Witch for Republic/ Empire respectively.


    The idea being that it is a force sensitive that never received jedi/sith training. They wouldn't use lightsabers, but rather force-imbued staves, or maybe even an AC that uses a combination of guns and force powers.


    Part of the witch storyline could be concealing your force sensitivity from the empire, as they're pretty strict about sending force sensitives to korriban.


    That's a pretty good idea actually...


    Who would have thought that the forums would offer sound ideas, rather than just b****ing and whining all the time. (<<<Directed to posts outside this thread)

  5. I'd have to agree with you on that one... except the dps/healing meters. I see where you're coming from. I respect it. And I reject it.


    DPS/Healing meters should be introduced into the PvE environment eventually. I mean, they have it in PvP - You know, the part at the end where it says how many kills/deaths/medals you achieved and your overall damage/healing/absorbs/objectives done - why not introduce a summary version like that into operation/flashpoints. I'm not sure about you guys, but for me, PvP wouldn't be the same if it didn't keep score of all that. It's the same deal with operation/flashpoints.



    I mean sure, doing a(n) operation/flashpoint the first couple times is fun; you get immersed into the story, its all new and shiney, new loot, new mechanics (sometimes), new challenges blah blah blah... But once you've done that same operation/flashpoint over and over again - which you're likely to do at end game - people start to see it as a chore and start to lose interest. What's a good way to keep players interested, you say? Give them a way to keep track of their progress, a way to monitor their performance with different gear sets/spell rotations/talent specialisations. And a little friendly competition between guildies never hurt anyone.



    Look at CoD or BF (Yes, I am aware they aren't MMORPG's, but their entertainment value relies almost entirely on the individuals performance relative to others... so I'm using it as an example) imagine if they took away the kill count that an individual scores. The only thing that would keep people playing would be completing the overall objective, which would get very old very quick for most people.



    I know that competition isn't a major part of the entertainment value, initally at least; but once you've run the same thing over and over, it becomes more prominant. For me - and many others, I'm sure - I would have stopped playing WoW (inc "gobak2WOWkid") a week or two after hitting level cap. Instead, because of dps/healing meters, I continued to play for 3 and a bit years (played since beginning of Lich King).



    If Bioware want to hold on to subs for an extended period of time, they should consider a dps meter system, maybe one that:


    1. Can only be viewed at the end of a run and/or boss (stops people from watching meters the entire fight) and shows overall damage/healing, + dps/hps done while alive +dps/hps done overall (IE doesn't stop the clock once you die)


    2. Can not be linked in any form of chat.


    3. Can be disabled at the beginning of a run for those who don't want to use it (INCLUDING their input, so others can't harrass them for "been 2 nub")



    This has been my 2 cents. Sorry for the wall of text, but I feel strongly about the matter. :)

  6. What's with this "the game needs a LFG tool" rubbish? SWTOR already has a system for it... And it WOULD be enough if people knew about it/how to use it.


    For those who don't know what I'm talking about:

    /who >>> Tick the "Looking For Group" in the bottom left hand corner >>> Type in what instance/heroic quest you want a group for..


    DONE! Was that so hard??


    Only change they need to make for this is maybe make it easier to read the LFG comments.

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