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Posts posted by TimeBeast

  1. Is this with bolsterizer buff active?

    Also post the proc difference between the two relics.


    It would be so much better if you post the whole screenshot (not cropped).




    Yes it's bolsterized, without augs in the relics, everything else is augmented.


    208 both procced - https://i.gyazo.com/1ff05bf466a7ef62c9aaf41e5a696384.jpg

    208 no proc - https://i.gyazo.com/159fd858a26e19aa3bd400fac393ffd9.jpg


    234 both procced - https://i.gyazo.com/30783255c3fb528df91401dbf5fb3119.jpg

    234 no proc - https://i.gyazo.com/2c440860a32c28c73c29228aa365708b.jpg


    I've also experienced a loss or side-grade in stats when replacing any more of the 208 pieces i have left in my gear or upgrading 228 enhancements to 230/240 so there might be some cap in the bolster.

  2. Are you sure you aren't comparing them with augs to no augs? That seems highly unlikely it would be that big a decrease. When I went from 208 -> 228 I gained some stats slightly and lost on other BUT the proc was a 40+ increase which completely is worth it. Unless something is completely different bolster wise from 228 to 234 it should ALWAYS be a slight increase from a lower armor rating


    234 relics without augs - https://i.gyazo.com/39b32a6a2e347b7243c4a219a6a35472.png


    208 relics without augs - https://i.gyazo.com/ee7b610118011269518a3d4269733d92.png


    This is with mostly 208 armorings+240mods+228enh in other gear except for mh/oh which is full 240 except enhancements

  3. I also want to add guys, any higher armor rating relic is going to be better then your 208s. The stats on it might be underwhelming but there is a large static increase in the amount of Mastery/Power that is proced (Focused Retribution, Serendipitous Assault). Every relic of the same type will be better than your 208s. Try to buy or craft the new purple relics, they will be an upgrade :).


    Are you sure? When equipping 234 relics i lose 42 bonus dmg and some crit/alactiry

  4. I feel sincerely bad for you... On Jung Ma and Ebon Hawk, I can seldom find a good or pre-4/pre-4 that leads to some wiiiild matches.


    Example, one veng jugg was having his healer jump into the air things. He would leap to her, and end up where she was destined to land. Then 2-3 sorcs did a pull chain, and the jugg finished with a graceful merc kickback into the goal.



    And if your team is just not gonna help you compete, sabotage is pretty fun. When I'm tank sinning, I'll set myself up for passes and force pull an enemy into the pass circle. Other times, I'll phasewalk away.


    It's fun to push/pull someone into their own teamline, too.


    It's kinda funny, because once your start helping the oother team, the other 7 deathmatchers on your team start to care.


    We're talking about ranked 8v8 here...

  5. Timing CC, timing knockback, controlling the center, popping the stealthy out who's trying to hide and grab it at the last second, perfect saps, flashbangs, intercepting passes with leaps...


    You're just about 1000% wrong my friend. Fast pings helps a lot, but if someone is able to just sit there and macro click with a slightly better ping, you're doing it wrong. FWIW, 3000 elo 8v8 ranked player, mained jugg and played some very competitive huttball matches against extremely organized guilds and even well-organized pug groups. Most fun PVP I've ever played in my life.


    Hunkerdown, shroud, unremitting doesn't give two ***** about your CCs. Controlling the center is not impossible but really *********** aids when every team on TOFN had 3 healers, 2 tanks and the rest were hiding/kiting cc's in huttball. Intercepting balls only happen against bad teams.


    What i'm saying is that huttball tactics on TOFN were aids and horribly boring and even if you had good CC's and everything it just ended up being who had better ping and a faster macro that won the match.


    And if you think they can monitor macros, how about physical equipment like binding click to your mouse wheel or something similar?


    FWIW, i have 2 chars over 2k rating and 2-3 more at 1600-2k. Many thousands of games at the top level. Unsure about my experience? Ask anyone who's played ranked on TOFN.

  6. 1st Tier: Head and Shoulder, Drama, Foxhound, MVP.

    2nd Tier: Herbs and Derps, SpÆceballs, Vis Fatalis, (and 2 French guild i forgot the name of) IRS, BOHICA. Outbreak, Ad victorium.

    3rd Tier: Stroke My wokie, Game-Over, Parasite, etc.


    Does are only in my opinion bracket in tier and does i seen much around in any of the pvp platform that i have noticed and are active.


    I think the guild Larsson has a pretty good record.

  7. With 3.0 they added bolster to augment slots too ....everything else was working fine before so I very much doubt they would have changed how mods armourings and enhancements are bolstered


    There are 2-3 threads complaining about this hp difference and in each thread it is a guy who has augmented power complaining that <insert player name here> is getting better bolster than him they all have screen shots and they are all comparing to someone who has augmented main stat


    If you cant see that there is obviously something wrong with the way bolster is working with power augments from all these comparisons then I suggest you never apply to be a detective <kappa>


    Stop acting like you know something.




    Yeah this is a really nice bug and i cant figure it out. I've tested it on my characters and it doesnt make sense. For example i get 3k more health on my vg than my pt with identical gear(full dark reaver, purple augments) even though my pt has more datacrons. Same with mara and sentinel but the mara gets the better bolster. Then i compare my jugg and mara and my mara has 60 more bonus damage and 4k more health.


    I've tested with all the augments, no bolster bug there from what i can see.


    Its not a gear thing, the results are the same if i take off all the gear.

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