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Posts posted by Shadow_Assasin

  1. Now i know, this seems like a strange topic to suddenly open up, i was talking with a friend and we both thought it would be cool to own your own ship (somewhat like the guild flagship but instead a terminus destroyer or the pub equivalent who name eludes me at this time) and we got to talk about how with your alliance in KoTFE the gravestone could instead become a personal stronghold/ship allowing travel to other planets via this instead of your standard ship.


    The gravestone becoming a stronghold would mean that the old now completely empty ship will become full of life once again, and ideas such as putting guards and soldiers around your ship and maybe at some point it would be boarded by waves of zakkul forces and having these defenses and companions aboard your ship allows them to par-take in the combat and help save the ship from a (hell if i know but maybe zakkul sends saboteurs to cause a engine meltdown to destroy the ship or something) not only would this mean that all players can select how they think their alliances flagship should be maned, but give it a use outside of standard missions for travel and cinematics


    this is just a thought and i was wondering what everyone else thinks about this (since the entire gravestone is basically open you wouldn't really need to pay and bioware could even add a whole new list of purchaseables using crystals for imp/pub soldiers, droids, medics, sith and jedi, hell why not voss mystics as well) ??????

  2. i think that a new race or new classes or somthing are in need of addition in the upcoming dlcs like droid races and ithorians and stuff i mean there are all these really cool rraces but we can only place like 8 of them, im not saying i would want to be able to play as a hutt because that would be strange but you know biths and stuff i wouldnt mind playing as a whole bunch of new ones like nemodians (dont remember how to spell it) can be working with the empire and have a robot companion as their first one (like a battle droid >.>) what do you think
  3. well i would hope that i wouldnt have to do this and that bioware or EA might negotiate a deal with steam to put it on so u could buy the subscriptions and cartels coins and all that from it, they would also be able to reach more ppl who dont trust websites but trust steam and might have more subs and such alot easier


    could be worth the risk

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